Freitag, 1. April 2022

mother fucker UNO I'm not myron may, I have historical documents of your scum origins and persecution race hunt with rich monkey children., iran elami artifact and god gene

amnesty international and uno city employees in vienna are in real estate business and stasi finance with attempted racial murder. in iran people are murdered every day, but in vienna hezbollah and ayatullahs are saints because of racial and bloodline annihilation, because of my family

these aryan gypsy creatures, these aryan scum were always worthless in iran, worthless like today for 40 years, koskesh and ghoromsagh until emam ali came and beheaded 800 koskesh and ghorosagh. bastard aryan race judges vienna, i am cambyses race

vmat2 genocide iran for 40 years with vienna, 40 years with austrian animals, whores and bastards austrians

police hide evidence because of silent murder, as in ghassemloo case, with hussein and ali gharib and rahim amiri.Tens of millions of euros Stasi money with hundreds of millions of consumers should remain hidden. terror and stasi money with yatullahs

vmat2 faschismus betrifft auch kunst in östrreich, ab 1932 hat sich was kunst und malerei betrifft nichts verändert.

in Dorotheergasse first district of Vienna this painting would be valued at 20 euros, no auction worth, for me an adventure journey like 2000 miles under the earth

the austrian parties are anti god genes and race fanatics, with a kebab seller and a german trainer? torture and humiliation with gipsy iranians!? you cheap piece of shit, thief charlatan and bastard nazi austria!?

until 2006, 89% of iranians including amiris and gharibs were under our pubic hair as far as standard is concerned, today all nobodys are sombodied with the help of millitant atheists and fascists

this scum new iranian wants in vienna to kill us, only for 200 euros, they want to kill us because of internet business, 200 euros a month, above is human rights activist gypsy parastoo fatemi, regime whore. vienna makes this possible, 200 euro internet business

millitante atheismus, eigentlich spö övp grüne linke vmat2 faschismus und vmat2 hass. es ging immer um vmat2 und evolution

Donnerstag, 31. März 2022

spö, millitante atelheisten, mit geheimkameras gegen vmat2, lynchmord.......

michael häupl tötet auch in iran mit ali und rahim stämme, mit 2000 wiener iraner. gesucht wird elami gott gene

in iran there are no historical documents because of zarathustra, but in vienna and switzerland and germany, prehistory, 70,000 B. C

ya ahura mazda, fuck yourself evolution

80% of all mosques, churches and synagogues are occupied by ahrimanic darkforce, vmat2 hunters and killers, with no genetic prerequisites for religious leaders or scholars

All because of a blood test and thoroughly precise laboratory report SPÖ. he is higher and the origin with his sister....... ya ahura mazda fuck ahirman, in 3 world religions, in church synagogues and mosque.....

in 2004, six iranian jews bought antique carpets from me, from america, all blocked the ebay account with negative feedback, although the transaction was completed without any problems. This courageous and lousy behavior was Vienna with the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2 have died so far

otto-porbst-straße linie 61. das einsame haus und darkforce, die hexe und die weiber

UN should be dissolved

UNO city is dangerous for the world and race, this is collective madness and psychopathy, money is just a pretext, these people are race and mass murderers. "we don't know anything because of rana and zari"

heas, der sogt bleib zuhause und kumm net asse, depperte sau, was du träumast du gehörst eingesperrt. die hure kummt trotzdem asse und tötet 6 millionen

ho ho ho Nietzsche hahaha hure

Oh Mensch! Gieb Acht!
Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?
„Ich schlief, ich schlief —,
„Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht: —
„Die Welt ist tief,
„Und tiefer als der Tag gedacht.
„Tief ist ihr Weh —,
„Lust — tiefer noch als Herzeleid:
„Weh spricht: Vergeh!
„Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit —,
„— will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit

50 years after hitler's fall, the furies were taboo in the international media, today nobody knows these women after 20 years of crimes with judges and Wehrmacht Jews. fucking zionism media mafia, dirty ducking israeli bastards

ahrimans div world dimension, next to annunakis dimension and gate

was machen wir mit diese frau und ihre dämonen, tiefschlaf dämonen, die kommandozentrale

bought yesterday. ultimately i love the painting art of unknown painters from 1920 to 1930, the quality lies in the depth, not the facade. the anger showed itself from 1932, ahrimanic alien revenge.

evolution müllköpfe, bastarde, abschaum killerrasse europa und amerika mit nato und pentagon. evolution müllköpfe