Mittwoch, 6. April 2022

دست به ما نزن جیزه، جیزه جیزه جیزه

the state says: i suffer from schizophrenia, paranoia and hallucinations, an eagle and his friend the buzzard dance javad with me every saturday night, with jalal hemati, specially for me. everything that europe and america, israel doesn't understand is inferior and to kill, an eagle and javad dancer

the problem of french foreign legion in north africa and middle east and orient: why are you an ocean full of love. what's going to happen with baba karam

I have evidence: Racial theory, anti-Semitism, fascism, xenophobia, mass murder, wars, torture, humiliation, psychological war, stasi system and other atrocities have only one reason: racial difference: evolution and creation

i have 38 projects 16 jobs and new ideas and inventions, evolution race in vienna says you are not human we have to stalk you with secret cameras and spy and earn money


in eu and nato states, vmat (whatever model) does not get the right to live and exist as full citizens

international authorities including the un and amnesty international: we don't take anything seriously, you are all jews and vmat2 from iran

austrian state and society is mentally ill as far as race vmat2 and people are concerned, vienna has proven that with ayatullahs, these ill people should not interfere in ukraine war and world politics

diese huren wie veronika douda farahani weiss haben nur vmat2 juden getötet, aber taktisch und strategisch andere juden (nicht vmat2) versteckt oder gerettet, die guten, linke und grüne und sozialdemokraten

Dienstag, 5. April 2022

killing shitty nazis is a duty, 80 years after national socialism and the behavior against innocent vmat2 mother and daughter

biiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzz, oing oing oing europe and america and israel, biiiiiiiizzzzz oing oing oing evolution

assimilated viennese gypsy iranians, anti persians: mehran keshe is a charlatan and unnecessary., ali gharibs and amiri/shams family gang sasan darvishzadeh

i always say gypsies and aryan romano race out of iran, anti persians and anti progress out, aryan gypsy race out. gypsies like ali gharib and sasan darvishzadeh would even kill mehran keshe for europe and america. cia nsa and austrian secret service agents

österreich: schneidet unsere köpfe weg dann zeigen wir judengold und NS wiederholung

viennese want to kill me first with police and judges, and then mother and rochter because of vmat2, with the promise of UN amnesty, israel america and ayatullah: we know nothing there is no evidence

it reminds me of old sufi tribes great persia, asian and african living together and mixed race., 19th century

old man cat dog and mouse!? the story is good

Then today I thought: I have to buy this piece of wood and lick it, 17th or 18th century I don't know, but cat Anton rubs himself all the time and licks it, I stroke the wood and smell it, it looks Asian the wood but rather African, which vmat2 area!?

then today i bought this plastic box for one euro, with a stone and writing on it. I call both thoughts transference. from the same house?

Yesterday I bought an insignificant work of art for 4 euros, I think they kept talking to the artist as long as you are insignificant until he gave his art away for free. a blessing and a gate for me

Viennese secret services and police, Viennese judges don't have erased memories, they only have a nasser farahani, and I haven't had any contact with him since 2002, nasser farahani with a million euros of stasi torture money. nazi whore douda weiss., nazi whore and vmat2 killer in first district

Amnesty International and the UN force societies to denial so that they kill with denial in kz. with the help of the police and judges

یا حضرت دول، کیر خجسته مال نقی بود، آخه سیزده کجا بود؟ کیر خجسته در این دنیا شکسته، برای کدوم مال این کیر در سلول انفرادی نشسته،

ʿAlī al-Hādī lebte fast sein gesamtes Leben unter Arrest in seinem Haus in Samarra

islamic republic of iran is terrorism, but the world should see until where the austrian woman is a whore: in all layers of society, vmat2 destruction program 3rd generation

40 jahrelang waren politische österreicher, lobbyisten, nur huankinder, nur huankinder was iran betrifft, nur huankinder, heute zeigt es sich mit persische vmat2 und staatsbürger handel: wir sind tiere, die tiere hure babylon

zuchttiere von heinrich gross SPÖ, gezüchtete tiere von national sozialismus SPÖ:

in austria we are in the same position as ali, khamenei and rafsanjanis as far as iranian vmat2 is concerned, we the heinrich gross mocking animals torture innocent people like the islamic government of iran