Freitag, 8. April 2022

my mother restored carpets for 50 euros an hour salary 10 hours a day and 6 days. that's how it was : ya emam evolution has no intellect, they plunder us, murder us, steal from us to reach our standards

when ali aleyhesalam met us persians as an old tribe "shaowbie" and genetic relatives, he beheaded the aryan race and made their children pedarsukhte and slaves and their wives kaniz, the shiite leader and his son ali khamenei, do everything the other way around, wrong . because they themselves are Aryan relatives and not a seyed bloodline

that's how it was : ya emam evolution has no intellect, they plunder us, murder us, steal from us to reach our standards

this anti-semitic society has no morals and humanity when it comes to other races, and needs a nasser farahani, with a million euros stasi capital, a psychopath that i had blocked any contact from 2002 onwards. shaman smoke

the comradeship is the pension, the wagons the old poetry: what have i lost in life, what have i done wrong

I just need to write a book about a basket and a showcase, and a Gerti and the feeling of power. it reminds me of brecht and the comrade next to the tracks

hey evolution: smoking makes your skin age faster, stop smoking

Donnerstag, 7. April 2022

when dogs are traditionally raised, as on the artifact: we have the right to plunder and kill native breeds, stealing keys and murder is a right

cia nsa europe israel america had dogs and deer sheep goats ritual in iran for 40 years, actually the differentiation between ahrimanism and fascism is explained by it, it is an old ritual with a concentration camp. iran holocaust

the root of the ukraine war is in vienna networks fascism, the root of worldwide anti-semitism and racial persecution too. because fascism wants to say with violence and murder in vienna and UNO city: I am human, you are a victim and inferior. this is genetic disease and abnormality. persian artifact, deer and dog ritual


politics in iran europe and america and elsewhere: you are human i am monkey. UNO says: ONLY EVOLUTION IS HUMAN AND DESERVES HUMAN RIGHTS

the viennese police want to publicly carry out the death sentence from iran before the eyes of austria, and america israel and iran, for stasi pot resolution 100 million euros stasi camera action

the same: from 1998 austria ruined three shops, two carpet shops and one antique shop and music career, and austria says we are the right, because of plundering of race, we are austrian and master race

it's called democracy: in 2015, many refugees slept in the most impossible situation on streets and train stations, the supply was difficult, sometimes there was a shortage of food, i was there live for 6 months with 14 hours a day, voluntarily. look at europe's refugees today, it's not criticism, i see racism

charlie has grown with a stone, he has more than 10,000 words in memory

that the fear of lucifer states, austria and nato countries: whistle-blowers, not orthodox state political scientists, but intinct and the foreseeing of what will happen.

this is international national socialism financial projects, vmat shamans to spy on, rob, exploit and secretly kill targets, through the networks.

in eu countries and america shamanic tribes, religious minorities which means genetic minorities are in danger. 1%, has foot soldiers in all strata of society with solid networks and communication. austria and germany networks are sick, the genetic sadism disease, and in gene politics and international intrigue

these are stolen vma2 projects, also the reason for non-stop monitoring of my sister

as a schizophrenic, i get more information than anyone else. only the vocabulary is more than 50. in the forest the trees are more talkative than mushrooms, they listen, save the conversations of walkers and say: your life is in danger, these are not humans

Mittwoch, 6. April 2022

دست به ما نزن جیزه، جیزه جیزه جیزه

the state says: i suffer from schizophrenia, paranoia and hallucinations, an eagle and his friend the buzzard dance javad with me every saturday night, with jalal hemati, specially for me. everything that europe and america, israel doesn't understand is inferior and to kill, an eagle and javad dancer

the problem of french foreign legion in north africa and middle east and orient: why are you an ocean full of love. what's going to happen with baba karam

I have evidence: Racial theory, anti-Semitism, fascism, xenophobia, mass murder, wars, torture, humiliation, psychological war, stasi system and other atrocities have only one reason: racial difference: evolution and creation

i have 38 projects 16 jobs and new ideas and inventions, evolution race in vienna says you are not human we have to stalk you with secret cameras and spy and earn money


in eu and nato states, vmat (whatever model) does not get the right to live and exist as full citizens

international authorities including the un and amnesty international: we don't take anything seriously, you are all jews and vmat2 from iran

austrian state and society is mentally ill as far as race vmat2 and people are concerned, vienna has proven that with ayatullahs, these ill people should not interfere in ukraine war and world politics

diese huren wie veronika douda farahani weiss haben nur vmat2 juden getötet, aber taktisch und strategisch andere juden (nicht vmat2) versteckt oder gerettet, die guten, linke und grüne und sozialdemokraten