Freitag, 8. April 2022

i have the problem with the children of iranian leftists in vienna, 1969 intelligenzia, 2nd and 3rd generation. they believe that we have iran in the early 80s situation: these are iranian bohème, elam and luristan aristocracy we have everything to confiscate. these are iranian/viennese police officers in vienna with their parents and ali khamenei servants

we have this history in iran, and cia nsa and vienna are establishing with ayatullahs how to make money in networks with native races through cyberterror

suhrawardi caused deep psychopathy in israel, europe and america, which is called: the light over the vmat declaration. atheists are angry, and christians and jews and many muslims have embraced the knowledge. but the psychopathy and delusion and antisemitism is: suhrawardi claimed that the persian kings had the light before abraham, moses and jesus. he claimed that as a sunit

this is my late uncle davoodi, poet, antique dealer and journalist, we were born shiite, only austrian state UNO, and amnesty say we are iranian jews, because of secret blood test in labs

pedophiles and rapists have privacy, civil rights and human rights, my person and my family do not, because of elam's vmat

austrians, israelis, american find in labs with clandestine lab test jews victims, vmat2 and bloodline for clandestine network torture and murder and 1932 repeat

80 percent of austrians are involved in torture because science says: kurds luris and elamis, the native iranians are jews, israel is also involved in attempted murder and torture

this current denial against my mother and sister and my person is because of 20 years concentration camp sentence by viennese judge, the scum nazis 21st century, supported by cia nsa and white house and EU parliament, it is a worse crime than holocaust denial

this is my late uncle davoodi, poet, antique dealer and journalist, we were born shiite, only austrian state UNO, and amnesty say we are iranian jews, because of secret blood test in labs

80 percent of austrians are involved in torture because science says: kurds luris and elamis, the native iranians are jews, israel is also involved in attempted murder and torture

this current denial against my mother and sister and my person is because of 20 years concentration camp sentence by viennese judge, the scum nazis 21st century, supported by cia nsa and white house and EU parliament, it is a worse crime than holocaust denial

why nobody dies in UNO? the numbers are low, or at zero. employees who ambitiously say we have to get rich through racial torture? because they are all the proud of europe?

The history of Great Persia has been analyzed for centuries, you asshole, you bastard enemie, the hate is against our race not jews race.

oh, my dear buzzard, a lifelong friendship

this depth is pleasant, unfortunately i don't have a digital camera, but a tablet is enough for editing

the difference between me and rich bimbos, the stalker is: i can come up with new ideas every second and entertain myself, even with a grall glass ball and silver ball: zimbala, rambala, shambala, zimbala drink or not drink!? that's a killer spirit, better not drink

all continents were contaminated by vienna with a hate campaign with one goal: these vmat2 siblings should never do any special new work so that they say we are human

look what gift vienna had for iran: we have barbad farahani and his family, they are native iranians and inferior jewish blood, you can buy houses through minorities torture, persecution and genocide. network contracts with UNO are your security

in its foreign policy, vienna always raises anti-semitism, mass murder and fascism, where the money comes from you can see today, shame on cia and nsa vienna's partners. this family is jewish and fair game hunt, money for everyone

ohoum houhum

austrian state is proud:everything that should file a criminal complaint against us is no longer there, the ruining of 3 shops by the jew does not exist in europe

vienna and the UN: we need ali gharib hussen and amiris and dozens of iranian perpetrators and terrorists for anti-semitic murder, mother and daughter

Apparently in Austria it's supposed to be quartz, gold is also copper or brass, candlesticks from the 16th century are a duplicate from the 1960s. the networks are running hot with stasi crimes. thieves and شارلاتان

to torture me, me, native race from great persia: master race and vmat2, and to suppress my potential is worth 500 million euros in europe and america/israel. with secret cameras

since 1998 until today there are nato states with austrians in race trade and vmat2 trade, why is israel still talking about 6 million? It has been affecting hundreds of millions of native breeds for 80 years

my mother restored carpets for 50 euros an hour salary 10 hours a day and 6 days. that's how it was : ya emam evolution has no intellect, they plunder us, murder us, steal from us to reach our standards

eueope is race business with nato and UNO