Sonntag, 10. April 2022

this tribe means 2 world wars intrique vienna and 6 million genocides, collaboration beings. and today ukraine

my work is not editing paintings, assembling stone sets or doing water therapy, but that is what evolution in stasi system demands: prove our monkeys origin, darkforce creation

austrians and iranians have mental problems because of being nobody, my first 3 months stay in america would be a 500,000 dollar deal and business, even with miserable english. therefore worldwide camera action by the Viennese officials

at some point i wanted to emigrate with this face to america, only i heard the violin: only a handful of the old ones are left

gambling, whores and whiskey as crimes!? in a lucifer state!? fuck your mother austrian lucifer state with secret cameras

LOL evolution

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance, you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway, I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway, I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

wien ist nicht atheismus, wien ist satanismus in messiah wahn, herrenrasse kind aus dem iran

Viennese judges took my sexual life away from my young years 2017 to 2022 with coercion and violence with dictatorship secret cameras and stalking

from 2002 to 2017 azadeh was the ayatullahs and austrian state whore, only with one goal: messiah child delusion international, elam vmat2

Viennese judges took my sexual life away from my young years 2017 to 2022 with coercion and violence with dictatorship secret cameras and stalking

transylvania is bloodthirsty when it comes to innocent mothers and daughters, for 40 years the spirits have had free play in iran and in europe. Vienna today

transylvania is bloodthirsty when it comes to innocent mothers and daughters, for 40 years the spirits have had free play in iran and in europe. Vienna today

Iran has never had a racist or anti-Semitic position against roma from transelvania or balkan countries, but apparently the old roma families and new ones have. see vienna and iranian roma: killer machinery against native iranians, with american israeli and vienna networks. since 40 years

transylvania is bloodthirsty when it comes to innocent mothers and daughters, for 40 years the spirits have had free play in iran and in europe. Vienna today

vienna police: nobody was here for these people since 2017 and reporting human rights violations because of mother and daughter, we kill the son and vienna population mother and daughter

Nasser alizadeh

there are good people and christians in transelvania, very good people, only count drakula's cellar fascists came to iran and became politicians like the toudeh party and aksariat and members of the government. the good ones never wanted to leave the country. nasser ali zadeh: the leftists and vmat2 businessman

it is an ingenious piece for someone who can play ingeniously with light and lamp, and who understands positions and poses


Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

that's an old story, the apples

i have bad tablet camera, but i love the magic. for editing

I went to a second-hand hall for 4 days, I put this bowl in 7 different places for 4 days, and thought: why is nobody buying it!? what the hell, 5 euros!? I saw an old woman she was looking for an old vase, I took it from another place and put it in front of her eyes, do you want forbidden apples!? I bought it myself on the 5th day

mauthausen and auschwitz were built because of vmat models and human experiments, only because of old race and experiments, that was not because of jude. hundreds of human experiments!? because of religion!? or old vmat breed

natural formation

grau gelb ist mazdaks pracht, khavarem dieses 'gelb' ist ein pracht, schau genau hin auf mein tracht, grün ist deins, deins deins, und meins ist in betracht. deutsche nixe gut nur gedanken hehehe

this landscape is green racial killing machine, vmat2 killer and pursuer. several human rights violations were prevented with green politicians in the EU parliament for iranian natives murders in europe and america

fascism kills children in iran and people in vienna say we kill this family because of nazi stasi ayatullah millions. for fair social blood money distribution

they are cannibals and man eaters: we need money to live in luxury and abundance, we need lots of flesh and blood and dna for american life

madajendeh we have so many chupun children in iran, so many madarjende, so many chupun children,

Tabelt photo. A Shepherd and Muses by a Waterfall, who knows Christoph Heinrich Kniep!?

israelis showed a race a money financial model system and taught cyber terror,a race that hasn't had any epathy or humanity for 40 years, and something like that is called democracy in israel europe america

read this article, next to austria, israel is pure anti-semitism and racism, as far as my grandfather bagher is concerned, race trade and private life espionage and stasi finanz is an israeli idea in europe and america