Montag, 11. April 2022

1932 the vmat2 murders and torture was because of sausages, today austria and germany causes human hate because of real estate business plan., anaconda intrique

after 18 years of work in the iranian ministry of culture, bastard lucifer country austria with its whores and bastards creates envy among iranians: why does this VMAT2 woman earn 500 euros a day and you don't own any houses, 500 euros with craft carpet restoration

Austria was vmat2 killer from 1932, is the killer and will always be the killer, vmat2 killer

1932, people were led into trains egg with the help and intrigue of the anaconda: collaboration wehrmacht jude, with the suffering: the Aryan race is 0, nothing. there is no other method left than mass destruction of vmat. Nazi pigs

1938 in addition to austrian judges, the viennese doctors were the real vmat2 murderers and responsible for hundreds of thousands of murders under torture. executions are still being signed in vienna's networks and chat rooms after tens of millions of euros in business with vmat2

Why are you opening a business at the age of 26, and I'm 46 and have only one salary, that only affects race and god genes race. because the state allows

cia nsa mossad and secret society are scared in 21 centuries that hundreds of thousands of elami vmat2 hands will go deeper into the water than is necessary, because then being human has 0 meaning, not on our side, but on their side

after 7000 thousand years it will be time to say: evolution is not a law. Aryan plundering and extermination program is not a right. you are not a right, not a law on this earth

international database cannot be touched, if so, then global national socialism is on the way, evlution against human

after 7000 thousand years it will be time to say: evolution is not a law. Aryan plundering and extermination program is not a right. you are not a right, not a law on this earth

ich soll nicht aufgeben, die macht ist mit mir

I opened the box today for a new prediction

آقا این آمار 500.000 تای ما تا کی پنهان میمونه، ما که اهل فش فشه نیستیم. خار کوسده ها

i am a victim of terror and the police in vienna and the austrian state don't want to take responsibility for anything, which is why the swear word made in austria was used: jew. with laboratory report, so that 80 percent of sadism and anti-Semitism act as a fan community

i am a victim of terror and the police in vienna and the austrian state don't want to take responsibility for anything, which is why the swear word made in austria was used: jew. with laboratory report, so that 80 percent of sadism and anti-Semitism act as a fan community

eure platz ist dort unten anunnaki bastarde

my flesh and blood is also the rescue, i have 38 projects, i have 16 jobs, i develop 26 systems, i have inventions, i can earn a lot of money, who are you? also a human? with vmat2 and flesh and blood trade?

jesus was more scientist and society expert than all works of marx engels and hegel and feuerbach, he just said my flesh and blood is your salvation

the problem is when it comes to money, luxury and food, house and furniture, bad and good genes become solidarity. the wehrmacht colborateur jews anaconda and the scorpion know that

mithraism was populist visual language, for good gene evolution against bad gene evolution, but both evolution: darkfroce wants to destroy masses, diamonds that can help you when you have a toothache

iran artifact, before emam ali........ iran is ruled by european count dracula psychopathy in all strata of society and with collaboration anaconda

there are good people and christians in transelvania, very good people, only count drakula's cellar fascists came to iran and became politicians like the toudeh party and aksariat and members of the government. the good ones never wanted to leave the country. the leftists and vmat2 businessman

as a political scientist and admin, as an activist, i had hundreds of political users and regime opponents in my thousands of rooms from 2002 onwards, vienna and ayatullah brought nasser farahani and his brothers into the stasi system and claim: he is psychologically ill, criticizing 120,000 dead activists is one Imaginary numbers idea

barracuda ist ahrimanismus, satanismus, und diese scheiß gesellschaft ist in mordversuch wegen illegalität und schwarzgeld

archeology should be researched by populists and not by neanderthals with academic language. is it your story or ours!?

the romans had crucified and killed tens of thousands of christians in vienna, there are thousands of mass graves in vienna, the romans occupied their place as actors, and until now they pretend to be christians, there is no statement from vienna archeology about underground passages and streets, Bavarian and Roman race.

Do you understand jesus healed the blind and the sick, but building houses and capital was more important

i don't think anyone can read elamic or recognize the writing, only i can guess: el ritmo de amor is dangerous, be careful about barracuda

ahrimanic barracuda you are an asshole, khim khim khim hehehe