Freitag, 15. April 2022

Do you understand bastard country has turned iran into crazy scum: money is the matter of friendship, love, being together, being happy and being brothers and sisters. money from stasi murder system. bastard country also had this policy in ukraine, with vmat2 bloodline without religious affiliation

lumpenproletariat is a sacrifice, from bohemian to poverty. it has its own language, rags language after 20 years of the stasi system

آقا سه ماه پیش داشتم قدم میزدم، دیدم یکی پا تلفن میگه: عزیزم فقط به پول فکر کن، پول یعنی معرفت، دوستی محبت، و زندگی، فقط به پول فکر کن، گفتم حتمن جفتتون هم مثل آدمیزاد پول در می آورید مادر قحبه ها.خلاصه خودم رفتم چند روز پیش خرید، گفتم پس پول یعنی این. این چهار تا چیز رو انتخاب کردم و بیسیم عقابی زدم: مادرجنده خواهر مادرت روگائیدم بگو 20 یورو، پول ندارم، از عقاب سبز به مادر جنده، بگو: 20 یورو، آقا به خودم امید پیدا کردم، بلدم. از مادرجنده خریدم 20 یورو

hey 0815, alfred kubin, spiritual rollercoaster. my "tablet" editings early 2019, can you do that?

all members of cyberterror are murderers.what monkey state does: you don't get citizenship rights kill iranians and others you are a murderer. we know you're a killer

Donnerstag, 14. April 2022

monkey origin can you do that, you 0815!? tablet photo raw

we don't give any evidence, vmat2 is crazy! this is vienna 80 years after national socialism and the murder of 6 million religious vmat2 people

the state says we present vmat2 victims for cyber terror and national socialist money distribution system, the terrorist sees society as animals, a society without empathy and remorse, killer machinery because of money, who is terror? evolution or human!?

journalism writes about dead UN soldiers, about 9/11 and paris. that's the reason: attempted murder by the states against innocent people with the UN elite. because of race and vmat2 global

metaphysics photos cost up to 15,000-25,000 euros. as art. I have 40,000 photos. irrelevant, insignificant. this is austrian luziefer nazi state

belanglos, weil du affe ich mensch, du atheist ich vmat2

this world is a fraud and charlatanism, evolution and human problem also affects 500,000 corpses in syria. or 120,000 in iran, or 3 million iraq, or 12 million corpses in the middle east

this is the reason why cia and fbi have been silent for 20 years, manipulating, lying and protecting terrorism anti-semitism, the national socialist system is being monitored and controlled in america

Therefore jinn and pari tablet photo are irrelevant. with crystals and stones. 20 years viennese satanisnus ritual with iranians doesn't matter. that's nonsense, attempted murder too. a joint action with doctors and journalists

this fraud and charlatanry must be solved: for 20 years stasi system vienna with all parties is this: evolution has hate and psychopathic problem with HUMAN. even SPÖ workers districts

du baal, du arschloch luzifer in wien

0815 country since 1998: if he acquires equipment with a lot of money, then we become stone age people again. we have to loot and ruin 3 shops like in 1932

for 20 years all state and private secret cameras have been focused on us like in 1938: what does the human do privately at home that we (the monkey origin) can't do

austrian gene technicians the students of the old nazi doctors have always wanted to know who we are dealing with. in iran middle east and africa,, latin america. well, with people that know you, and always had pity on you evolution you monkey

this is attempted mass murder with armin wolf, peter pilz, alev korun viennese journalists, israelisxand ayatulahs. you charlie hebdo.

heas, heas heas, du ötzi: islam is hier do a dohoam, imam ali und karbala team woarn aaa do

game over israel in vienna, someone will dig up zarathustra and jesus in vienna, even the cemented temples, cemented by the church, as a sign of god's faith and goodness

0815 austria never gave up murdering vmat2 even from 1945, that's why the nazi doctors and heinrich gross as party members continued the research: how do we stay incredibly secret in mass murder

Not a single journalist writes because Viennese journalism wants to kill us with Vienna, because of racial plunder, I write to save us

Also sprach zarathustra:, was kocht barbad farahani da, joghurt und soja in ein gericht!? ich verlange einen bericht, meine dämonen schauen sich das an, ob zahaak das auch nachmachen kann. for editing

israel for 4000 years you have been trying to erase the traces of zarathustra, we have everything in vienna

خلاصه گفته

به گفته آقای حصوری، «در سال ٥١ پادشاهی اشکانیان که مصادف است با سال ١٩٦ قبل از میلاد، پیامبری در شب یلدا زاده می‌شود. او را دو دولفین از آب بیرون می‌آورند، چه آنکه براساس آئین مهر، آب از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار بوده است.»

آقای حصوری می‌گوید به هر دو روایت، شب یلدا شب تولد مهر است و این بازمانده از آداب مهری است که در شرق مدیترانه به طور وسیعی رایج بوده و آثارش از جمله در معابد مهری باقیمانده در پالمیرا دیده می‌شود.

dolphins save humans and kill sharks you lobbyist you charlatan you darkforce in vienna

i brought a dolphin in walls for my happiness, he comes and goes and laughs friendly, i laugh back. that's all, the laughter is a thousand words

in the 21st century we have to fight with neanderthals and 0815, stealing projects, stealing ideas, looting and destroying existence, putting together dozens of teams with hundreds of people for an idea of vmat2, observing, humiliating, stealing equipment copying and killing, and that's called in europe and america master race