Samstag, 16. April 2022

cock suckers and ahrimanic capital

Since 1920, with the 3rd position, this collective in America and the EU has been thinking: how do we destroy secularism in Europe!?America/EU and Israel it is now a clear case. but that there is so much genetic satanism, sadism and fascism in iran, turkey, arab countries nobody thought of it, anti democratic and secular movement

نشسته خارج از کشور، دسته دسته سازماندهی شده، طراحی شده، قسمت بندی شده که چی!؟ "، نه به حجاب اجباری، نه به اعدام" از اون طرف: ما به آزاده جون های زیادی احتیاج داریم، مرد قوی لایق هیچی نیست، ما بلدیم، با دزدی و غارت! اسمش هم گذاشته فمینیسم با حمایت شیر کونیست

nobody understood the dimension in which germany and austria meant: we are human and master race. still today: no one punishes us, we are humane. that was also in rome, bavarians and other tribes with jews

hey vatican were these 2000 soldiers witnesses and your spies!?

myrtos beach is a job of mine, an old friend is locked in a sarcophagus, protected by mermaids he can't free himself, they take care of him with new messages and conversations so he doesn't go crazy until someone frees him. what the hell were himmler and adolf looking for on kefalonia!? Why were so many Italian soldiers murdered

the convinced israeli anti-semite and races and jerobams hunter and businessman sits in the UN as a staff member since 1998

persian jeroboams race, hunted by israelis/EU/america for vmat2 business.... hunted and murdered in gonbad abad, for cia, nsa, mossad and mi6

Viennese security police, three secret services, police elite and satanic hierarchy in the police searched and hunted Jeroboam's race, together with Jews, also from the middle of the 20th century to the present 21st century. art early 20th century and 1997 vienna

آقا ما 18 سال تو این پالتالک هرنو لهجه سر سرمایه داری شنیدیم، گیلکی، سیاهکلی، کردی، بلوچی، آذری، تهرونی، کاشی، اصفهونی. آخرسر یاد کودکی و زن کاشی که در قصاب خانه بود افتادم: اوسطا یه پاچه بزار تو کوسوم برم بدم بچه هام بخورن. والا آخره بحث این جانوران چپ هم همین بود، به این معنا

bought today, horizontally. vertical in 1997 the artist announced: the suckers will rule the world from 1998 onwards. if you add up 666 then you get 1998. in any case the end result is death, with cock sucker

antisemitismus ist naneh ghahbe heyvan, iranische terrorismus madarajendeh

Freitag, 15. April 2022

since 2002 i have broken off all contacts, ahrimanic anti-semitism, anti vmat2 campaign, and murderer race pay a million euros from stasi pot for influencing tehran and the networks, an apolitical psychopath and scum that calls himself father. no contact since 2002

our longevity is peace and progress, your short life is war, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, fascism, torture, mass murder and ahrimanic nationalism, ahrimanic nationalism as in ukraine

in vienna and austria there were several mineral water springs, it is thanks to these springs that noah's race and his sons became over 800 years old, parallel to evolution. tabelt photo.....

there are hundreds of thousands of stones in vienna as a model of noah's ship, did you know!? some are to be edited, and there you can see all animal species

noah and the dragon formation, jezebel and the....

the gay lion: if austria wants, then austria can kill the whole family! I say it doesn't change anyway, you evolution animal origin we human. That's why the UN, amnesty and zara say: humans don't deserve human rights

this old scene melchior balthasar caspar is potential, 7 years of work

the spirit: I'm just thinking: should I throw the stone in holy water and take pictures with 4 flashlights!?

the gay lion: if austria wants, then austria can kill the whole family! I say it doesn't change anyway, you evolution animal origin we human. That's why the UN, amnesty and zara say: humans don't deserve human rights

بینم شیرکونی، ملی گرائی به چه معناست کیرم تو شاشدون ننت، آخه مادر جنده

Joint findings by researchers at the World Center for Population Genetics show that the genetic structure of the Kurds is more than 11,000 years old north of the Fertile Crescent and several thousand years before Indo-Europeans existed in the region.

Do you understand: 5 million animal origin eagerly awaits for 5 years how will the zarathustra children and genes die. after 20 years of the stasi torture system, everyone had the duty as a citizen to report crimes against humanity

the society shuts up and is silent because NS repeats and ruins and blocks 3 shops and a music career costs half a billion in damages. because of concentration camps and isolation policy and forced sterilization

20 years you filmed me for an international audience for what!? that you are a human!?

the iranian/israeli jinn installs secret cameras: mikhche dare, khikhim shishim mikhche dare hawar hawar mikhche dare, shikhim dukhim halakhim pakhim: rare HB vase

iran has 8000, shows 5 in vienna and israel. poison killer

20 years you filmed me for an international audience for what!? that you are a human!?

there are mineral water springs in austria with healing stones for persian bodies, what use is the water to you!? persians should drink