Sonntag, 17. April 2022

those who had amputated legs and sewed them up again also had solar energy

alexander stole our scientific gold plate, so today it is said: stand under the sun because of vitamin D. only vitamin D!?

In 1932, supermarket workers were also behind the state because of vmat2, what has changed?

60 percent of the wehrmacht soldiers on kefalonia and the greek islands were austrians, like today, they were looking for our cock and testicles and uterus, 0815 origin

In Egypt a kind of curriculum of occult sciences was created during the Hellenistic period. To the Greeks living there, many religious ceremonies must have appeared to be magical operations. Then too, the Greeks probably considered to be magic certain manufacturing processes that the Egyptians kept secret

In Egypt a kind of curriculum of occult sciences was created during the Hellenistic period. To the Greeks living there, many religious ceremonies must have appeared to be magical operations. Then too, the Greeks probably considered to be magic certain manufacturing processes that the Egyptians kept secret

nobody is on my side because austrian luciefer state and the ayatullahs introduced all networks in iran europe israel and america turkey in stasi murder financial system. everyone thinks about blood money, murder and career, luxury life through flesh and blood vmat2. like 1932 to 1945

Theurgie, aus dem Griechischen theourgia , bedeutet wörtlich so viel wie „das Göttliche betätigen“ und bezieht sich auf Handlungen, die die Anwesenheit eines göttlichen oder übernatürlichen Wesens herbeiführen oder herbeiführen, sei es in einem Artefakt oder einer Person.

scum fasho race and supernatural race. old civilization the creation you dirty fuck UNO

Magic has always tried to locate the secret forces in nature (physis), their sympathies and antipathies. In a sense, the magi were scientists (physikoi), the magi were interested in manipulating the powers (dynameis) of nature. At the same time, they explored the human soul, its conscious and unconscious states and expressions..... 

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Perhaps the three most famous Greek magoi, between Homer and the Hellenistic period, when magic became an applied science, were Orpheus, Pythagoras, and Empedocles. All three are strikingly similar, but each clearly has an identity of his own. Pythagoras and Empedocles lived in fifth century BCE Orpheus was a more mythical figure, but Orphism, the religious movement named after him was very real and influential.

Samstag, 16. April 2022

cosmas and damian assassination by roman mercenaries, anaconda and bajuwaren and others: why can you!?

When Balthasar and Melchior brought gold myrrh and Franklin Incense as gifts for Jesus, it was the old smoke tradition: I know you, your origin, you don't know me. the same torture as in concentration camps: you are nobody, we don't know you. what heinrich gross the SPÖ nazi doctor and neurologist did: where is the vmat virus in you, it's just a virus, you are nobody

این آقا شیر سر این 120.000 نفر هم حساب کتاب داشته ها، توده ای، ساواکی، فلانی، بلانی، یارو

after 120,000 murdered political activists, vienna says with ayatullahs: we have a regime opponent with a lot of imagination and paranoia who believes that we ruined him with 100 million spectators and robbed him his existence

the painting reminds me of the torn book of ahriman, i hope i can find the bronze piece

history was only written by charlatans and liars by Herodot and also what concerns first and second world war, there are ritualists, and they are suckers

cock suckers and ahrimanic capital

Since 1920, with the 3rd position, this collective in America and the EU has been thinking: how do we destroy secularism in Europe!?America/EU and Israel it is now a clear case. but that there is so much genetic satanism, sadism and fascism in iran, turkey, arab countries nobody thought of it, anti democratic and secular movement

نشسته خارج از کشور، دسته دسته سازماندهی شده، طراحی شده، قسمت بندی شده که چی!؟ "، نه به حجاب اجباری، نه به اعدام" از اون طرف: ما به آزاده جون های زیادی احتیاج داریم، مرد قوی لایق هیچی نیست، ما بلدیم، با دزدی و غارت! اسمش هم گذاشته فمینیسم با حمایت شیر کونیست

nobody understood the dimension in which germany and austria meant: we are human and master race. still today: no one punishes us, we are humane. that was also in rome, bavarians and other tribes with jews

hey vatican were these 2000 soldiers witnesses and your spies!?

myrtos beach is a job of mine, an old friend is locked in a sarcophagus, protected by mermaids he can't free himself, they take care of him with new messages and conversations so he doesn't go crazy until someone frees him. what the hell were himmler and adolf looking for on kefalonia!? Why were so many Italian soldiers murdered

the convinced israeli anti-semite and races and jerobams hunter and businessman sits in the UN as a staff member since 1998

persian jeroboams race, hunted by israelis/EU/america for vmat2 business.... hunted and murdered in gonbad abad, for cia, nsa, mossad and mi6

Viennese security police, three secret services, police elite and satanic hierarchy in the police searched and hunted Jeroboam's race, together with Jews, also from the middle of the 20th century to the present 21st century. art early 20th century and 1997 vienna

آقا ما 18 سال تو این پالتالک هرنو لهجه سر سرمایه داری شنیدیم، گیلکی، سیاهکلی، کردی، بلوچی، آذری، تهرونی، کاشی، اصفهونی. آخرسر یاد کودکی و زن کاشی که در قصاب خانه بود افتادم: اوسطا یه پاچه بزار تو کوسوم برم بدم بچه هام بخورن. والا آخره بحث این جانوران چپ هم همین بود، به این معنا

bought today, horizontally. vertical in 1997 the artist announced: the suckers will rule the world from 1998 onwards. if you add up 666 then you get 1998. in any case the end result is death, with cock sucker

antisemitismus ist naneh ghahbe heyvan, iranische terrorismus madarajendeh