Dienstag, 19. April 2022

america social media tracks vmat2 NS repetition business will not be deleted, you are vmat2 mass murder mafia with austria, it costs you much more than 9/11. much more, syria iraq afghanistan lybia and other countries are not enough, in europe and america the show must go on

فمینیسم یعنی زری از ما نیست

ترانه علیدوستی2016:، فمینیسم یعنی زری از ما نیست، افکار و یک هدف که کامل آریایست، هندو آریای، این بته پستان ها آریایی نیست، چرا که نژادش تمام ایار وحشیانه آزادی خواهیست. والا بخدا، فروغ: معشوق من: تولدی دیگر.
 جون تو، فمینیست تو یعنی زری از مانیست. تاتو ماتو زیر پتو آزادیست، تاتو های امیر تتلو آزادیست

the only thing i can do at the moment, whitout money:

salam alaykom haji
salam alaykom va rahmate allah motevali
haji god gene lar namana?
shut up motevali, take the Dimond 

most of the stones are encoded, it doesn't help that I buy a camera for a thousand euros, I need 70,000 euros perfection lens for perfect angle and light system setup and programs for deep penetration.

the question is: is area 51 a concentration camp!? AFTER 1945

bastard race, forced labor was physics, mathematics, chemistry and metaphysics, bastard fpö, spö, övp, green scum, women murderers, mother and daughter murderers in the 21st century, your science is stolen, plundered from forced labor

persian magic needs hollywood equipment, 500,000 euros. as a person with 16 jobs it wouldn't be a problem for me. my money my effort my work my research. nice Antelope

آقا رژیم اومد 12 سال پیش مارو بکشه، وایسادیم ببینیم اتریش چی میگه، دیدیم گفتند بگید 14 تا 16 سانت کیر برای انقلاب کمه. منم گفتم پس اینطور، پس از پهنا تو کوس ننتون، مادر جنده ها، من دیوانه تو خارکوسده

خلاصه حاجی عجب سنگی، عجب مرامی، معرفتی، عشقی، صفایی. سنگ رو واسه ما گذاشتن، که تو آدمی، تو عشقی. کیرم تو چربی پاسداران و عباس آباد که میگه تو آدم نیستی، 500.000 تومن نداری؟ مادر قحبه ایرانی؟ غذای ماست نه تو

These scum had been stealing for 10 years, and from 1946 the mass murderer Gene presented himself as a scientist, we are democratic scientists. until today you are the pubic hair of our eggs and vaginas genetically. these children were our children and were cheated with religion

tablet photo raw, the UFO ist holy tree kings and the great persian falcon. great persian vmat, great. great. valuable master race gene and dna

nice ufo

the foundation of the BSA in 1946: we have plundered for 10 years, now we must begin to understand. to this day still the genetic...... LOL

0815 nazi country has only inferior academics, i will prove it, in 25 branches of science i will achieve more through practical work than these monkeys in 30 years

wir sind akademiker wir werden alles erforschen, vmat2 ist minderwertig, virus, nichts wert. nur wir als mensch (evolution) sollten wissenschaftlich arbeiten. KZ vmat2 existenz, intellekt, intelligenz ausbeutung 1932 bis 1945. affen plünderung system

1948 bestand der BSA Steiermark zu 70 % aus registrierungspflichtigen Mitgliedern nationalsozialistischer Organisationen, in Oberösterreich waren 58 % der BSAler Ex-Nazis, in Salzburg 26 % und selbst in Wien waren 15 % der Mitglieder ehemalige Nazis[3], wobei etwa der Wiener Fachverband der Ärzte allein 126 registrierte ehemalige Nationalsozialisten bei einem Mitgliederstand von 365 Personen aufwies.[4]

Montag, 18. April 2022

the genetic remains of crossing 12 strains in vienna can still be found in iran today. hence the iran hostility, dictatorship support and "hospital" facilities. only in iran they say yahoo ali, the sword for animals was sharp, yahoo ali

i am the truest socialist, i am mazdak!? well i'm also manitu, manituuuu. 100 million genocide on the American continent. emigrated from Vienna

What mahsa writes here is aimed at social democracy, left-wing mafia and green mafia in the EU parliament, also vaccination mafia

an austrian laboratory is enough to find hundreds of thousands of vmat2 in azerbaijan and to destroy them with pharmaceutical, industrial design drugs

heinrich gross hurenkind spö, vmat2 massenmörder, abschaum rasse und herkunft, killer rasse scheißdreck spö

Guten Morgen. ich bin jung und behindert und in pension, symbolisch!

Bereits 1977 hat der Journalist Peter Michael Lingens einen Artikel über die Morde des Doktors vom Spiegelgrund Heinrich Gross mit der Überschrift versehen: "Gut, dass ich kein Terrorist sein will". Seit Jahrzehnten beherrscht die Debatte über den NS-Arzt die österreichische Öffentlichkeit. Alle, die an Gerechtigkeit glauben wollen, müssen die Ohnmacht empfinden. Dass das Verfahren gegen Dr. Gross bisher nicht wieder aufgenommen wurde, ist jedoch kein Zufall: Er hatte gute Freunde auf der richtigen Seite (beim BSA und in der SPÖ), und seine Taten betrafen vor allem Behinderte

hurenkind wiener ist vmat2 killer neben ajnabi und zigeuner ayatullahs und hizbullah, diese huankind satanist und nazi wiener, massenmörder gene wie heinrich gross

austria is in NS repetition because of vmat2, repetition and torture, it blocks dozens of human rights violations in vienna because of vmat2 and builds a hospital in vmat2 azerbaijan iran. espionage!? private life espionage and murder!?

Several international violations of human rights should be reported in Vienna, terrorism and Nazi financial repetition. vienna is vmat2 psychoapath, vienna is vmat2 killer: we want family murder or eternal stasi system

the church in vienna says who doesn't get vaccinated (vmat) is psychologically ill. because 3 world religions don't want to lose their billions in capital? a collective that wants to live in luxury without work?

Several international violations of human rights should be reported in Vienna, terrorism and Nazi financial repetition. vienna is vmat2 psychoapath, vienna is vmat2 killer: we want family murder or eternal stasi system

fuck international judges, these animals have brain damage in vienna and austria. they want to kill an innocent girl who is sitting at home, with police, secret services, parties and judges

scheißdreck wien und die bastardkinder: michi ist der vater und wir werden wieder juden töten, iraner sind juden

wiener richter ich werde die beweise und mordversuch an rasse holen und euch mit beweise und akten lynchen, ich werde euch lynchen wegen mordversuch, faschisten schweine. mörder tiere

michael häupl is an old nazi and fascist bastard and scum that ali gharib teaches: how to manipulate society with neurolinguistics: we have to kill rana, we are someone no matter what, we have to show the world that we are human

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...