Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

I was politically active from 2002 and am a terror victim of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but actually I am a concentration camp victim because of genes dna and vmat2 god genes

nasser farahani got a million euros from the shitty state of austria so he could confirm fake material: clips and photos for hate and murder, lynching

heas mein tont tara woar a nuklear medizinerin, kernspaltung hot die frau a onders gemocht, na anscheinend. die depperte amis sand no depperter als eich gesindel

merk da des:, i hob wos onders von gabun, kernspaltung woar der neger. ja, ja, arisches wort "neger". ober des funktion, die Tabell'n oida, des wissenschaft buch voin damals hob i, du arisch du, aus damalig'n zait oida, du arisch du

na ehrli jetzt da, bis du net deppert kiwara!? du oarsch vmat nazi, oarschi drecksau

The interesting thing is: all perpetrators networks, leftists, greens, communists, social democrats, and right-wingers, including the church, are proponents of vaccination

uno city is not thirsty and hungry with salaries from 3000 to 25,000 euros, it is only the protector of austro and german fascism, in vmat2 torture, stasi system and mass murder

Dienstag, 19. April 2022

the viennese police elite control the police hierarchy like dr. lenz, fischer and heinrich gross and mengerle, as far as the worldwide vmat torture and murder is concerned. Government contract EU, America, UNO, for social control and lucrative offers to networks because of race trafficking. like family amiri gharib and thousands of other iranians at home and abroad

do you understand art theft and looting of adolf hitler!? , human body is an ancient world database, the information transfers from the left hand or the third eye to paintings, water, wood, metal, and everything else. elami artifacts

gene and bone crystals database

Der 1972 in einer Uranmine in Gabun entdeckte historische Nuklear-Reaktor bleibt nach wie vor rätselhaft. Vorschläge nachdem es sich um einen sogenannten natürlich Reaktor gehandelt haben müsse, können sogar aus Sicht von etablierten Wissenschaftlern nicht stimmen. Wer aber sollte eine solche technische Einrichtung vor 2 Milliarden Jahren erschaffen haben?

I was politically active from 2002 and am a terror victim of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but actually I am a concentration camp victim because of genes dna and vmat2 god genes

for centuries there were vmat minds with deep insight into science, philosophy, and theory, only because of animal progress had all remained silent. in holocaust the animals exploited the vmat2 doctor and professor titles with torture. without studying vmat professors

no one writes about holocaust 19th century and early 20th century because of africa with germans and austrians, because israel is more charlatan than both. it was about vmat and not religion

today skin color doesn't matter, they're looking for genes and dna for hunting. like: Viennese judge police, secret services stole from me around 280,000, euro antiques, with UN support. 2008

elami artifact, myron was elami god gene, the original and creation, not a jew, eylami semite, far from israel. chosen tribe elam, chosen ones

the perpetrators are given millions of euros by american ayatollahs and austria and the whores in vienna say that's not vmat2 family murder and fascism. myron was crazy

UNO is a fool, to save austrofascism and eternal stasi financial system with vmat2 UNO works with azadeh amiri: we had a poor girl, she must be glorified.

ich werde son of the bitch uno bastarde finden.. son of the bitch animals

by Shihab al-Din Yahya Suhrawardi

Don't lose the trail
of wisdom's scent.

While on this hunt,
don't go astray,
worrying if every little thing
is good or bad.

You are the traveler,
you are the path,
and you are the destination.

Be careful
to lose
the way to yourself.

myron was also stasi romeo venus victim!? at university?

austro fascism is to be punished.

myron may brought out the evidence with a pistol, the police were silent until the evidence date, when he got the evidence he was shot, which the viennese police are too: we don't go to jail or become unemployed because of vmat2

du esteehazy arschloch, der grandiose barbad farahani in wien wollte ghaemmagham werden und unsere Interessen wie amir kabir ruinieren manipulieren und uns erniedrigen mit affen geschichten. sterben soll er wie amir kabir, wir haben 1918 noch nicht erreicht. hunger und krankheiten werden sich verschlimmern. drecksau östrreicher, anti vmat trottel

in any case, the perfection and the opinion the compilation lasts 6 months. what did plato say?

the problem is still there: our children have to become servants and butlers and employees and workers of vmat2, at 26 they become owners bosses and self-employed

do you understand the group suicides!?: if someone prevents us from killing vmat2 uterus then we kill ourselves, just like today for 20 years with secret camera nazi action

russian i know what you knew about vienna in 1945, but have remained silent then until now.

do you understand the group suicides!?: if someone prevents us from killing vmat2 uterus then we kill ourselves, just like today for 20 years with secret camera nazi action


you know, my only option is: put 100 viennese russians next to the wall, shoot them all, and get evidence from russian 101, from 1998 onwards. it will be moderately reported as a crime and i get 10 years and after 2 years i get out of prison

tierisch arische feminismus in wien und europa bedeutet: vmat uterus ist nicht von uns, keine frau und keine frauenrechte

seit 40 jahren was österreichische scheißdreck hure und drecksau frau in iran verursacht hat: feminismus bedeutet das zari und rana nicht von uns sind, vmat2 uterus, vmat2 uterus ist nicht von uns, wir sind arisch

races and tribes mafia formation and dragon formation networks in iran are american. cia and nsa american

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...