Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

all, police animals iran, europe and america, vienna are on vmat2 search with state order. vmat2 cyberterror murder. viennese police is dirtier than all., the case: vmat2 is j32s

many should understand, it's uninteresting to kill evolutionary animals, 60 or 120, or even 5000, you saw 9/11? the animal corpses? uninteresting! they still hunt humans and vmat2, the animals in america and europe. prove prehistory, and then give a shit about their dirty existence, dirty existence: killing for money, kill for cars and houses, animals existence

the animals are killing children in iran, and european animals, viennese animals, americans and israelis shout: kill rana and the mother for stasi pot, with viennese iranians

hurenkind europa hurenkind amerika hurenkind israel töten unsere kinder seit 40 jahren, und heute gehen die hurenkinder vor mit cyberterror und zwangs pornographie mit iranische terroristen

we have count drakula formation in iran, these tribe and dragon migrated from india to romania, to europe, iran, emirates, irak, syria and saudi arabia, highly gifted in languages like azadeh: i can speak 8 languages with native dialect

i think that iran should do dna test of all citizens, and only iranians with iranian dna passport should be active in economy government apparatus and all other branches, also what qum and other religions are concerned

خلاصه، نامرد

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

ترانسیلوانیا میموندی بهتر نبود یزید، آخه قابلمه کاسه مگه ما لازم داشتیم، با این علی و رحیم اومدی ایران

there are killer animals, killer monkeys, vmat2 mass murderers in all national and international authorities, that's why the bunny's are here: it's just a matrix, don't believe in friendliness, don't believe them these are animals and sometimes killers with baby faces, killer monkeys with baby faces

these are genetic fans who also listen to bux bunny all the time

uno kills me but i have 30,000 secret fans who kill you

I believe and I suspect Europe and America and others will be content that these buildings collapse like 9/11. a building that says we have jews to loot, the vmat2 humans

bastard american make money with potential, don't you have any!? then kill yourself not me

there has actually been a salary of 3000 euros since 2004 as a civil servant. who ruined this business who believed and believe we are worth more, today the animal origin says: he gets a pension of 900 euros what more does he want

this whole system is: vmat2 children will never become successful people, elite, managers, bosses or capitalists, but our 0815 children will become house owners. by stasi torture system with secret cameras

آقا حاصل 40 سال جمهوری اسلامی باحال شده: کیسه کش و ماله کش بابلی، کره خر لر و گوساله تفرش میگه: روحانیت لازم نیست، دوربین مخفی داریم، والا ما بهتر بلدیم و رد صلاحیت میکنیم

حاج آقا خدا مردگان شما رو هم یک جوری خلاصه بیامرزد، ولی این سکینه خاتون های شما راه مارو بستن، این مردگان ما یک لیوان آبخوری ناچیز برای ما یک جا باقی گذاشتن، از دست این سکینه آدولف هیتلری های شما که با جنده خاتون های اتریشی کار میکنن نمیدونیم چکارکنیم، نمیدونیم چکار کنیم، راه بیفتیم، گیر میفتیم

nur vmat2 ist mensch, sein langes leben ist sinnvoll, sinnvoll, sinnvoll, menschlich

ein schluck wasser bringt di um, mich moachts jung LOL

das ist österreich gewesen mit seine richtern, staatsanwälte, polizei, politiker reiche huankinder, beamte. heute auch noch du bastard land, mit uns, mit vmat2 familie, bastard land, fanatische nazie tiere., dreck8ge drecksau anti vmat2 fanatiker, scheiß richter

holy mineralwater austria

whoever tries to become hollywood with god genes, turbo from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds, he shouldn't come to austria. these are not normal contemporaries

all that austrian government does with tens of thousands austrian whores is this: what your vaginas and uterus are worth, why so many artifacts because of native uterus. also as far as zari and rana are concerned

آخه چجور باید حرف زد؟ از هر در و پنجره و دروازه و سوراخ مار اومدن تو مملکت، بعد نشستن فکر کردن: این خارکوسده چرا آنقدر به کوسش مینازه، چیه این مجسمه ها و حلبی ها، بگید کثیف، نجس، اه. اه. اه. بو بدی میده. تا به امروز داره ادامه میده

in iranian history kosliss, vagina blowing was a positive sex behavior in that it affects the creation vagina and uterus

one thing that is really the truth: in the 21st century blowing the vagina is haram, blowing the cock is halal. blowing a vagina isn't male, it's zalil. not revolutionary. elam was unbelievable god gene. muaa match match kos. madar ghahbeha.

cheaper than the islamic republic of iran has never existed in iranian history: hormoz passage was supposed to be blocked for movie 300 . what the fuck is the american looking for there!?

آقا یک سری بچه پولدار بی کفایت هستن، هم وین زندگی میکنن هم شهرها وکشورهای دیگه، پولدار به این معنا: تورم و قیمت موز و هندوانه، مرغ یخی 12 ماه مونده هم روش. حالا این اشکالی نداره، اشکال اینجاست: ما نژاد آریایی درجه دو هستیم و جنایتکارانه بیرحمانه خایه مال نژاد برتر را میپرستیم.

hey rich austrian monkey boy, i am vmat elaaaaaaaaam, Xerxes elam, i am vmat elaaaaaam. fucking herodotus, liar and شارلاتان

this is a secret basement fascism, since 1946: we don't kill jews, we are clean. but we will find secret jews in laboratories, vmat2 from all countries

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...