Donnerstag, 21. April 2022

when i talk about count dracula and talk about internal politics in iran, then many say you have "tavahom" paranioa and delusion. that was also the case in paltalk from 2002, baby i even see here what you don't see when i walk past it. i see drakula's spirit in iran

plato and the lower stone: Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity.

nice one, big smoke

iranian government and austria government wants to kill me because i am not a stasi slave and i will get the vmat2 business money evidence by force. I'm not a secret camera slave, neither is my family and a dictatorship will burn, will burn

I haven't done the ritual for 3 months, I'll start again: shaking the water 26 times in the name of 26 generations before Moses, well, you'll be 26 again

these assholes have killed more with vaccination than is necessary, 200,000 refugees are supposed to make sure that the streets are not empty

کونی خوار مادر کوسده، جزامی پیر سگ، این مادر جنده همیشه در قتل دست جمعی با زن عنت نقش داشته، این اتریش خارکوسده، امروز هم میخواد با آخوند مادر سگ 60.000 نفر در اروپا بکشه 20.000 نفر هم در آمریکا، چی میگی جنده ننه صبح تا شب چوس مخ دیوس، مگه فقط من و رعنا زری هستیم کوسکش

Iranian can only take out the evidence with hostage bombs and armed struggle, with whores as hostages and the daughters as objects of torture

hunt collect investigate torture murder is an action of austria ayatollah since 1969, for 1988 genocide was started in 1969 with hunting, with vienna spö övp and three secret services. Iranian can only take out the evidence with hostage bombs and armed struggle, with whores as hostages and the daughters as objects of torture

in 2002 the ayatollahs said to azadeh: in vienna we made a ripe fruit and pear into liquor, these genes are very old he can do so much that nobody can, we even made a pascuale out of him in italy, keep him and provoke him he should show what he can. we get sick of how old his genes and dna are

In any case, the woman looked 10 minutes deep into a glass of water, every day 3 times a day, for 24 years. she had heard many stories from austrians. how do i get the drinking water moving, how do i open a gate. which molecules and atoms must man influence, how do I achieve the miracle!? lol

120,000 have been murdered under torture and both states and politicians say next to israeli whores: you are of rags origin rags origin. LOL, bastard evolution monkeys

iranian ambassador: we live in a democracy where we have more rights as decent citizens than in iran

With ayatollah, austria made me and my family (old race and vmat2) to stasi camera slaves, for 5 years people have been torturing us with stasi theater and street theater. UN protects this system, austro2 with gypsies iranians and families

did you know? mazdak shia sect also existed in latin america, older version of islam. do research in cuba., you will also find babak khoramdin's cousin

یادم نبود بکشم او ور

آقا حالا کوس لیسی یک طرف، خارکوسده از سوراخ اژده ها راه باز کرده به ایران میگه: دود از کجا بلند میشه؟ از کجا؟ از در کون کونده. آی خواهر مادرتون رو من گائیدم

wiener vmat2 geschwister schlächterei, und wiener baschaum huren

my work

kurt waldheim UNO, anti vmat black sun society: (8.–7. Jh. v. Chr., Archäologisches Stadtmuseum von Verucchio), bijan jazanis black sun

so bijan jazani showed: we have count dracula in iran, from transelvania, before he died in a cell

Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

ya emam ali mother fucker animals, EU and america with ayatullahs from transelvenia , ya emam ali you scum with dragon formation transelvenia

wiener richter sind scheißdreck herkunft, und stammes ritual mit iranische romano rasse in wien und tehran. römisch österreichische swastika

wiener tiere befolgen nur alte ahrimanische anweisungen, sprich: wiener richter, abschaum rasse und herkunft, ahrimanische herkunft, affen produktion ahriman

vienna public prosecutor and judge: the police can behave like ahrimanic animals in iran as far as the vmat2 siblings from iran are concerned, our dirty ahrimanic animals with gypsy ali and hussein

bastard meat, iranian ahrimanic meat is sick was sick and we always decapitated these animals with swords, today is also the time, because of vmat2 extermination program with europe and america. I've been chanting armed defense and combat since 2002

bijan jazani painting, great elam god gene instinct

being intellectual in iran means instinct, prehistory, and anti ahrimanic mazdak nationalism.,since 1981, 120,000 have been murdered

bastard meat, iranian ahrimanic meat is sick was sick and we always decapitated these animals with swords, today is also the time, because of vmat2 extermination program with europe and america. I've been chanting armed defense and combat since 2002

where is a police file and court file or crime since 1986!? we are innocent, there is only vmat2 extermination program and a political file

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...