Freitag, 22. April 2022

sieg heil huren kollektive du wirst brennen

the case of my family is a traditional sieg heil satan business, business of black sun society, also in case of jesus christ. a black sun society where kurt waldheim, adolf and himmler and many others were members, before christ until today. hail ahriman hail satan

internationale antisemitism sagt: östrreich mit diese familie: sieg heil sieg heil, sieg heil. evolution parole in america EU, israel iran, türkei

that is in iran genetic and anti-semitic murders with present international anti-semitism and dirty shit austria says: we have to kill everyone in america and the eu too, all sons and daughters iran

ich übersetze: huankind wir sind alt, 50.000 euro monatsgehalt, wer bist du in gerichtssaal, du 4000 euro gehalt abschaum. du bastard in wien und tehran

خلاصه، ما قدیمی هستیم، تو کونی در دادگاه چه کاره هستی؟

we live in neoliberalism where everyone is allowed to speak in their salary class. what have you blocked and manipulated in my life? you 1200-4000 euros bastard

آقا امروز داشتم برای هزارمین بار دادگاه گلسرخی رو نگاه میکردم، دیدم شدیم چوب دوسر طلا، هم کوس کلک بازی اون رو در میاریم هم کوس کلک بازی اینرو. کوسکش ها مارو هم اعدامی کردن، راه دگری هم نیست. حاج آقا بلدی دست به آب بشی!؟ بیدادگاه، دود بلدی بلند کنی کونی!؟

this is an old ahrimanic culture, the ayatollahs thought: if we do it with israel, america and europe, people will accept it as modernism, everything that comes from the west is good

this is not an iranian culture to stand next to our ass to see when we shit so that the shit is licked, this is your culture., today with secret cameras

Do you understand: this business was a tradition, with a potential salary of 50,000 euros, the slogan "austrians fight back and don't buy from jews" was also a tradition. civil servants, doctors, nurses, judge, police, politician and secret service gestapo tradition

Donnerstag, 21. April 2022

saujud rirual and 40 years holocaust for native iranian has to do with armenian jewish bloodline and dna/gene crosses from ancient times

"SAUJUDE" ritual with scum race, the repetition in the 21st century, austrian state, elite networks and doctors, judges with ayatullahs. elami artifacts and ahrimanic bastard race, bastard meat and blood

1998-2022: austrian government viennese society says next to ayatollahs and hezbollah to us "JUDENSAU". UNO and international repeat "JUDENSAU" because of our origin

have you seen international courts of justice for 20 years!? no, i see every judge, civil servant and public prosecutor as in vienna, a global intrigue, a fight on both sides, secretly and silently: evolution versus humane. evolution declaration of war against human. european animals in uno and all international authorities and humanrights charts

when i talk about count dracula and talk about internal politics in iran, then many say you have "tavahom" paranioa and delusion. that was also the case in paltalk from 2002, baby i even see here what you don't see when i walk past it. i see drakula's spirit in iran

plato and the lower stone: Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity.

nice one, big smoke

iranian government and austria government wants to kill me because i am not a stasi slave and i will get the vmat2 business money evidence by force. I'm not a secret camera slave, neither is my family and a dictatorship will burn, will burn

I haven't done the ritual for 3 months, I'll start again: shaking the water 26 times in the name of 26 generations before Moses, well, you'll be 26 again

these assholes have killed more with vaccination than is necessary, 200,000 refugees are supposed to make sure that the streets are not empty

کونی خوار مادر کوسده، جزامی پیر سگ، این مادر جنده همیشه در قتل دست جمعی با زن عنت نقش داشته، این اتریش خارکوسده، امروز هم میخواد با آخوند مادر سگ 60.000 نفر در اروپا بکشه 20.000 نفر هم در آمریکا، چی میگی جنده ننه صبح تا شب چوس مخ دیوس، مگه فقط من و رعنا زری هستیم کوسکش

Iranian can only take out the evidence with hostage bombs and armed struggle, with whores as hostages and the daughters as objects of torture

hunt collect investigate torture murder is an action of austria ayatollah since 1969, for 1988 genocide was started in 1969 with hunting, with vienna spö övp and three secret services. Iranian can only take out the evidence with hostage bombs and armed struggle, with whores as hostages and the daughters as objects of torture

in 2002 the ayatollahs said to azadeh: in vienna we made a ripe fruit and pear into liquor, these genes are very old he can do so much that nobody can, we even made a pascuale out of him in italy, keep him and provoke him he should show what he can. we get sick of how old his genes and dna are

In any case, the woman looked 10 minutes deep into a glass of water, every day 3 times a day, for 24 years. she had heard many stories from austrians. how do i get the drinking water moving, how do i open a gate. which molecules and atoms must man influence, how do I achieve the miracle!? lol

120,000 have been murdered under torture and both states and politicians say next to israeli whores: you are of rags origin rags origin. LOL, bastard evolution monkeys

iranian ambassador: we live in a democracy where we have more rights as decent citizens than in iran

With ayatollah, austria made me and my family (old race and vmat2) to stasi camera slaves, for 5 years people have been torturing us with stasi theater and street theater. UN protects this system, austro2 with gypsies iranians and families

did you know? mazdak shia sect also existed in latin america, older version of islam. do research in cuba., you will also find babak khoramdin's cousin

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