Montag, 25. April 2022

20,000 iranians were supposed to emigrate to cuba, nicaragua and venezuella for the continued existence of our race. I was just laughing at cuba: if one of you comes here for el amire el amore fuck then we'll kill you, we don't have nerves for cia nsa and fbi shit and don't want a war because of ernsto hunt!!!

ancient melchior balthaser and casper art. mother and child. found today, but i don't buy

gefunden in wollen haben. at vor tsuai minuten, tzabe heas der haji mit seine terror affen haben angst wegen tzabe, jezebel hat angst wegen tzabe, alles geht um tzabe, jude hat angst wegen tzabe, wiener huren angst vor tzabe, bundeskanzleramt hat angst vor tzabe, präsident tzabe, esterhazys haben angst vor tzabe. ich bin kir royal alle haben angst wegen kind in tzabe

like the human earn money is our business. yours too!?

Buying something needs 6 testicles, but secret camera installation for selling privat life only needs shit flesh and shit blood

kiwara rana wants to set up a business, she has 6 months by law to register and build up capital. like the human earn money is our business. yours too!?

citizen trade in democracy and the rule of law is paranormal activity, ahrimanic primeval activity. never talk about terrorism when counterattack arrives

in austria race trade fascism and NS repetition is protected, iranians and austrians: the vmat2 is our business and the vmat2 trade money is our money. 9/11 wasn't enough

evidence, alien energy stone set. anunnaki rebels against ahriman. talk never without evidence. tablet photo raw

Do you understand.... black sun melted into the EU when it was founded melted as an alien political society, or let's say in nato states

The beginning of black sun activism and world network constellation from 1998 compelled me to talk about geopolitics, politics, and economy from 2000, with prophecy and theory

آقا این تاکسی رون های ایرانی وین میدونید چرا خودشون رو در حد ما میدونن که زر بزنن؟ ور بزنن، گوه مارو بخورن!؟ ما هر قدممون صد یورو ارزش داره، پول جیبمون نیست ازمون دزدیدن. خالی کیلومتر میزنیم، بعد میگن: مگه ما خالی کیلومتر نمیزنیم در این بحران، تو از ما بیشتری!؟

آره خلاصه، سال 2000

حاج آقا، د بده

they built underground bunkers and cities, with billions in illegal finance business, so they survive, like last time: we survived, look at the 21st century

ranas and barbads are waiting for emam zaman with anton the cat, 5 million on this earth are affected. tablet camera raw

i'm a talented writer, but for now that's enough for scum. who are millions of books written for, what was the use?

man opens 3 shops and wants to live normally, monkey pushes aside all human rights and civil rights and says: i have to live illegally through you high in the tree house, high up, at your expense

state science offends us: everyone, people on this earth are apes development and evolution, that is racism, fascism, anti-Semitism and satanism. we were never apes europe, it's you

million-year-old stones and crystal, attested: million-year-old bones, genes and dna

After 20 years of consumption and 100 million viewers, the alien system UNO and amnesty benefit from my website. I have 15 million readers because of my work

Sonntag, 24. April 2022

champagne socialist is actually a racist. convinced of shit in the blood and shit in the flesh with alien leadership and government., sasanid artifact before emam ali

leftists scum don't have a problem or fight with anyone, imperialism zionism class society is just a slogan, the dogs of capitalism the lackeys of ahrimanism have only been set up because of the fight against champagne socialism, VMAT2, bohème

ostbahn kurti was a bunch of shit together with vienna: racial madness, with the money from rana farahani's existence looting in his throat he'll be buried. a mafia, vmat2 trade gang with nasser ali zadeh ali gharib and other gypsies. photo 1987

Balthaser inside. holy grail has a crack, i saw that when i bought it, i said: it doesn't matter i have to gild the edge anyway. no fun without gold

linke rechte grüne ist egal, dieses land ist fleisch und blut krank, und bestialisch gegen vmat2

linke grüne sozialdemokraten, övp und fpö sind mobilisiert gegen vmat2, auch mit impfung

die bastard race, die, you mother fucker country die, after 2 worldwars, die fucking austria die. cyberterror, die mother fucker dirty meat, cyberterror against vmat2. die you bastard origin

the world has suffered enough from bastard meat austria, enough. and today ukraine, bastard country scum origin

austrian government society and networks has ruined 3 shops and existences with the police because of vmat2 race, old race, don't you want to answer!?then please die, after 2 world wars and mass murders, the world has suffered enough from bastard meat austria, enough. and today ukraine, bastard country scum origin