Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2022

scheiß österreicher fragt wer bist du, houm? wer bist du? ich sog des einfacher: 18 jahre arbeit iran, 15 jahre wien. die erbe: teppich und antiquitätenhändler, du 1200 bis 4000 euro bastard und nichts, du nichts trotz studium, abschaum drecksau

these societies were always anti vmat man, actually also the church, more after the death of christ, for 1500 years europe. renaissance barbarism: worse than before

this society wants victory for acting outside the law, the unique: they have poor suicidal dogs that they want to send forward because of violence, murder and other things, actually insignificant dead as usual daily

designers and science. primitive man

the greeks and romans always had this problem with the great empire of persia: double-lined and sharp knives on both sides. is this a common water ritual scandinavian and persian!? or shit barrel intrique ritual? or both!? 2 rituals on an artifact, negative and positive

Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2022

vatican: jesus wanted to dry out the shit in the barrel so he healed the blind, healed diabetes and diseases. the police, judges, secret services made the shit liquid again through public official torture, looting, prison, theft, the consequences were the persecution of christians and arenas. tens of thousands were brutally murdered. there was only laughter, even when the small children were torn to pieces

the networks, chatrooms, scoial media associated with finance, money, luxury means dopamine, it activates garbage genes, garbage character, writing is rummaging around in barrels of shit. the criminal charges let it explode. lol

nationalsozialismus oder das heutige verhalten ist "Urgeschichte", genetisch, sociobiology.

this stone was placed in water, photographed with 4 different lamps, the colors are real and not edited, the photo was taken with a tablet, it is raw., red nazi dragon, red fascists, the viennese atheists

perfection has a meaning: old

you ruined rana? use your international networks: nobody should buy. bastard primitive apes evolution austrians, monkey envy beings. bastard charlatans, racial madness monkey, racial madness monkey. blonde blue eye bastard evolution austrian. kill with hide evidence you scharaltan, thief, bastard, looter, filthy beings, you secret service, judges, police, public prosecutor, filthy origins and beings, filthy racial madness

iranian vmt2 and other vmat models in politics, political activists and politicians are observed, spied on, stalked, manipulated, the families are bought with stasi money. it's about one thing: the economy. unfortunately we don't have a salahedin against fake christians jews and muslims, the ahrimanic capital canibalism in the name of god

iranian secret service is israel, iranian secret service is israeli gene politics, the iranian leftists iranian know that, they say jude to us and earn money, everyone. the money is being laundered in vienna by the austrian government. anti-semitic bastard government

آقا مثل ما میگفتی جنده خارکوسده بهتر بود

Austria is a crazy racial madness bastard with 1.5 million killed children on its shoulder. today austria believes that he has a glorification alongside wehrmacht israel and ayatullahs

the same shit and fuck in europe and amerika, but with stasi secret cameras, KZ murder business plans

Israel has admitted for the first time that it has been giving Ethiopian Jewish immigrants birth-control injections, often without their knowledge or consent.The government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynaecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.

will you hang yourself if I stay like this until 85!? as a "natural wonder"? noah race is the master race

my grandfather bagher

these monkeys keep pricking with a needle until someone proves: we are not balloons, we don't burst, but rather deform into something else

scheiß huankinder wos ist die arische rasse seit 80 jahren für des wölt? ausser ukraine krieg heute

fucking wehrmacht israel, fucking gestapo austria/germany/europe, vmat2 secret camera control and elam. melchior race. my grandfather bagher and my mother

Israel has admitted for the first time that it has been giving Ethiopian Jewish immigrants birth-control injections, often without their knowledge or consent.

The government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynaecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.

these son of the bitches have been child murderers since 1932, today these child murderers are active with secret cameras and the stasi murder system, forced sterilization with secret cameras is child murder. and thousands of inferior monkeys running around in the 16th district

If the police threaten my sister for looting and theft, I'll kill your children in the 16th district. if threats cause her to have panic attacks

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022

ocean of love, endless love

vatican would want to bomb hollywood, but vatican would flambé me: gabriel and dr. who are an inseparable duo. without technology god can do little, hey universe is big, control is only possible with ahura mazda's technology and helpers

the miracle of race and genes in iran is the reason., messiah DNA and race

viele kommen nach wien, weil wien etwas ist, niemand kann das so wie in wien, wien ist etwas besonders dass keiner ist

it is a pleasure for me when abuzar visits me with his falcon, emam has a lot to do

since 1998 doctors in vienna have been saying genetic iranian miracles to us, in an anti-semitic envious society with, nazi israelis

i live in a european country where the daily writing against dictatorship is of no use, i am in a gdr dictatorship that means: the stronghold of ayatullah in vienna is profitable, but the ayatullah have been killing and plundering the country for 40 years, who wants criminal charges a european country because of iranian mother and daughter and son!? we can not kill!? that's ‌only three jews