Sonntag, 8. Mai 2022

vienna: we are afraid of the victims because we looted 3 shops, the victims are terrorists. Viennese scum whores and animals, the dirtiest evolutionary origin with 1.5 million killed children, my bloodline

خلاصه شیراشیراشیراشیرا، هرچی شیر است به ......

خلاصه شیراشیراشیراشیرا، هرچی شیر است به ....... 

it's not a fantasy or sci fi hollywood thought. against ahrimanism you only have one chance, 5 million army with telekinesis abilities, also to stop wars, to stop capital cannibalism to ensure peace, that's science. this is how pyramids were built

hey EU, bosnian pyramid stone B. B. C.! fuck BBC, because of iranian revolution, because of B. B. C.

amnesty uno human rights watch, dozens of other organizations: this family has not been able to build a house or apartment since 2002 due to a lack of money, human rights are for beautiful apartments and investment, owners

belief in god and the connection to god is metaphysics, the white canal, the white hole is science, ask the church how many shaft temples and chambers have they concreted over!? under vienna earth, prophets and jesus tomb chambers!?

rahim and azadeh and ali, roman and romano race black magic and satanic ritual. in a city where the church, mosques and synagogues collect money for god's faith. tens of millions annually. 20 years of the stasi system against mother daughter and son

Samstag, 7. Mai 2022

diese tiere, diese wiener sind keine vmat2, kein mensch und jesus tribe, was soll das!? verbrecher, folterer, tiere in wiener kirchen, und faschisten schweine mit geheim kameras

it's a hundred human rights violations in vienna, amnesty refuses to report anything, Because all employees like church and Carla were bought, also strategically for other criminal cases against humanity or theft and looting

you understand, it's collected for the police, like 20 years stasi attempted murder with my mother and sister, the police collected 100 million euros, for months the church has been collecting donations for the police

vienna church austrian church organizations are led by ahrimanism and satanism, bring pastors and bishops from south america and africa to austria. Austrians are Austrians no matter what uniform

if i could go there with frankincense and myrrh, you would see 26 generations before moses, and jesus tribe spirits. fuck the police, austrian state, austrian parties and secret services

the mechanism and meaning of carla was metaphysics for 20 years, just because of the ground and depth where it is erected. satanism, police, ahrimanism drag everything into the dirt and shit mud because of my person. because everywhere our metaphysics of life should be destroyed

the anti-semitism is so deep and dirty among the police, parties and secret services, and vienna networks that even the church is obliged and urged to stop correct distribution of goods from donations. the church is more corrupt than the state itself, vienna austrian church. because of my person

Viennese police children, the elite, police hierarchy, politicians, secret service agents to the international court of justice: we are human, this family is monkey, human rights are for human!1932 to 1945 1.5 million children were killed by humans, the children were monkey children. bastard animal police vienna, bastard animal origin

300,000 years ago, vienna's forests and mountains were phenomenally chilled, but that's also fucking good, it can get better than it was back then. halaaaakhim shalaaaakhim

Human rights are not negotiable, but apparently anti-Semitic Israel wants to talk a lot, I have the scientific knowledge, you are anti-Semites and murderers, torturers and race hunters

1.5 million people live in vienna, from a single one, a crossing, 12 horns "were" all chances, goals, dreams taken away, charisma should be laughed at internationally because: we don't have anything in life either, but money, a lot of money

what all that means. sometimes i believe that some art has the same meaning and ambition as taking these plates to the grave. alexander's grave. longing, desire, envy, impatience, the search, the hunt

nato states including the austrian military have gene databases. the dna and gene analyzes are from the depths of the earth, gene archeological finds. each is checked, tested and compared. are you old!? are you a pig are you the master race are you something special!? this is also the psychopathy that i saw in my military uniform in 1998. i urged the officers to throw me out of the barracks after 6 weeks, otherwise i would have killed lieutenant beck. really, I thought: I didn't want to chew his evolution animal neck,

this barbarism is the aryan branch: race vienna tehran, austria iran. michael häupl ghalibaf race, viennese iranian race, viennese race, austrian race, romano iranian race

cutting the head and neck in islamic law had an early historical meaning, against barbarism, evolution does not understand other language

this race, this type of iranian has been living with his finger in his ass for 25 years and a salary: why can't we earn money like aristocracy!? for 40 years they have been living through corruption and theft in iran, and abroad with breed sales, because that is not brain but cow dung

Freitag, 6. Mai 2022

these are today's iranians with secret cameras, with austrian state support globally: we the native race are "jewish armenian"

anti-semitism fascism xenophobia is just a monkey show, with taboo subject pre-history. weakness, lower beings

gene archeology says: the oldest "jewish" "armenian" bone find in iran is 12,000 years old, i say 5 million years old. evolution and monkey want to save themselves with anti-Semitism/fascism and minority persecution show, also in iran against azeris, luris, ahwaz khuzistan gilan and kurdistan, balochistan. also in vienna

all perpetrators are protected with hide evidence and the police monitors, spies and stalks the victims as terrorists, including cobra and wega, three secret services with hizbullah and ayatullahs. Vienna should not be an alien stronghold with 1.5 million killes children our race!?

2003.elami magical potential and ability, alien eyes in my business, secret camera action state austria, america, israel iran, eu, turkey. bad alien eye, the sign from interstelar

4000 euro bastard, du trotz studium und richterstuhl nichts, du nichts du scheiß abschaum nazi, blockiere das, blockiere es, du 4000 euro nichts, du abschaum seit 20 jahren, blonde affe du scheiß tier, du abschaum nichts du tier du hundesohn du bastard herkunft richter, blockiere, blockiere du 4000 euro bastard nazi

Do you understand, European judges including international blonde blue eyed judges are genocides, mass murderers collectives with hide evidence politics, murderers you bastard evolution, apes origin, scum murderers European bastards, scum flesh and blood

judges in vienna have prepared iranians, arabs and turks and many other nationalities with the mind control program: there is money, lots of money, for the murder of innocents and hide evidence