Montag, 9. Mai 2022

what is religion? this absurdity, fucking whores is forbidden, but maria magdalen and jezebels with 7 demons are holy, islam says: say, hapalu shapalu, wapalu spit on your cock and fuck the whore, but for jezebels there is stoning. all manipulated dirt by evution's hand

christianity, tribe of jesus christ means spirituality and talent, fucking spö vienna. unsigned means: I am being stalked, I am a target

art history is: the connection between robert campin and jerusalem. underground organizations of the knights and the characters in the depths of the painting. unsigned paintings

i guess 14th century, renoir quality, vienna says: step on it with your feet

it's all genetic, and the left hand. we are all left-handed, in art, business, life. from elam. austria is anti persian

I've been writing for 5 years, Vienna/Austria, UNO/ AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL WIEN wants to use psychological warfare to drive everything to: suicide, lynching, revenge, retaliation

mel gibson is in vienna and vienna jews are still making money through my bloodline what is antisemitism? you know the movie!?, bagher my grandfather saw the movie and thought to himself: do you know emam zaman? Where are you searching? marakesh? نکش به پررویی، نرو مراکش

there are mineral water fountains in austria with crypts, temples and tombs. the bones of saints and prophets give energy to the water. the bones and fossilized bone crystals. holy grail is a fossil, bone fossil

since 2009 this papyrus has been a souvenir from mexico in vienna. museums and dorotheum and everyone else are sure: no shamanism and forced sterilization of old bloodline signs, with maria magdalena, souvenir 1920

austrofascism is a lying filth and scum, with israel and zion nazis, the persians have been the target for 2000 years, the persian

i have 10 teeth to fix, i have no money despite 16 jobs and 38 projects, the state and the UN give 3 gypsy families 15 million euros, 1200 to 1800 salary people. the money earned by ruining my existence. I can prove that these people have bought 15 properties

Religious language is often employed by mathematicians, even among those who aren’t particularly pious. Paul Erdős, a famously prolific mathematician who was fond of referring to God as the Supreme Fascist, also liked to speak of “The Book” that God keeps in which all of the most beautiful proofs are recorded. He once quipped, “You don’t have to believe in God, but you should believe in the Book.” This unseen Book was an apparent nod to the timelessness of mathematical ideas, whose existence and persistence parallels the eternal nature that some expect of divine truths.

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2022

I haven't been to a club or disco since 1998, because: that's not Persian. that is western and european oriented. ayatullah and hizbullah culture in EU and amerika

politically aktive, 2001

der kiwara woas nur des Ane, A oapf'l ist ka banane. deshalb hide evidence

Einstein described mathematics as “the poetry of logical ideas... In this effort toward logical beauty, spiritual formulae are discovered necessary for the deeper penetration into the laws of nature.”The article in which this quote appears unfortunately confuses religion with spirituality.

i was about to buy it, but then i laughed: gabriel says just look inside the stone! but i don't have any equipment

It's a NS repeat once more: this painting would have value in other hands, someone owns it that has no value, vmat2 citizen, rana farahani

Austrian security police, three secret services, police and military have ruined this business with corrupt politicians, without police files, criminal records or judges' judgments, this is racial madness and NS repetition with attempted murder to this day

we are 3 citizens since 1992, we have been living in vienna since 1986, where is a police criminal record, criminal record or court record, where? you racial madness austrians in synagogues and church and state

the church has been raising money for 1500 years: the church must be strong to protect european christians, we do not allow barbad farahani and iranians to say we are human. left hand elam, closed demons gate. 2018 tablet editing

the church has been collecting money for 1500 years to this day, some have capital of up to 4 billion, just one church, and the church in vienna says: we cannot do without innocent torture and murder. stasi and fascism cameras are a lot of money

there are no aryan rituals, only monkey rituals led and taught by the ahrimanic black magician israel, zion nazis like 1920 to 1945

خلاصه, شیراشیراشیراشیرا، هرچی شیر است به ..........

Max Ernst. LOL

huankind wiener stirb, du nichts du elend du abschaumrasse, du nichts, du scheiß herkunft du wiener

Vienna after millions of euros in revenue from the Stasi: we have to die to understand why we shouldn't behave like this. it's all because of envy: why you human i monkey, why are you still alive