Samstag, 14. Mai 2022

"We used the database of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study (beginning in 1998)."

There was never a problem with Jews or a problem with skin color and hair color, for 5000 years it has been said: who are you!? why not us!? . 3 million years of elamite history in vienna and europe

son of the bitch country israel, 1.5 million children were killed by germans and austrians with the help of wehrmacht jews because they were jews? son of the bitch mossad and israel. charlatans, liars and animals

huren kind affe israel EU amerika mit vmat2 folter vertrräge, abschaum evolution herkunft, abschaum evolution

kannst du das du affe? jerboam ist herrenrasse du affe, du affe du abschaum, jerobam ist herrenrasse, jesus, christus vmat rasse

bastard charlatan monkey israel, bastard charlatan animal mossad has international vmat2 torture treaties and financial plan, with ayatullahs and hezbollah, with iranian government

du huansau abschaum rasse wiener, du hure du wienerin, du scheißdereck du drecksau blut und fleisch die kinder waren vmat rasse, was hat religion und judetum damit zutun, du scharlatan bastard drecksau ISRAEL, DU ABSCHAUM ISRAEL

BASTARD SCHARLATAN SPÖ/ÖVP,....... VMAT2 KILLER...... kindermörder, bastardrasse.... abschaum rasse und herkunft.... MIT drei GEHEIMDIENSTE UND WIEnER RICHTERN. VMAT2 Vernichtungsprogram Verträge, mit AMERIKA, EU, TÜRKEI, ISRAEL, AYATULLAHS

Freitag, 13. Mai 2022

nationalsozialismus huankind richter und kiwara, nationalsozialismus

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی یادتون نره ها، هر مادر قحبه جاکشی خواست حالتون و حال زندگی شما رو بگیره برید بستنی 200 یورویی بخورید، سه تا سه تا جلو چشمش، والا.

war es opium und meth? du nazi du dieb du plünderer du geheimkamera faschist arschloch

when something like that happens in the 21st century, then the jew just goes to fuck whores and sits next to opium and meth. fuck you, you oing oing oing

i live in a europe where mental powers are not power but the capital of evolution apes kids and their networks and collectives. shit slave shit journalism europe

آره خلاصه اینجوری ها، آقا یارو رفت پشتش رو نگاه کردیم و گفتیم: اه، دهن گائیده کوسخلی با مردم پشه مشه داگوبرت پشه میکنی که مردم رم کنن، ده آخه. ه. ه. ه.

two hours ago i told my mother to take some photos, suddenly someone walked by and whispered: damn jew, i whispered back you monkey you scum, you inferior being

it's impossible that di3 austrians won't kill us after this international action, even dentists are paid hundreds of thousands of euros for torture and ruining jaws

arik bauer. we take revenge on you, is a passion, romance, desire, ecstasy, magic, spell, art. 40 years in iran and for 24 years in vienna with my family


آقا داشتم اینرو میخریدم یک افغان اومد گفت: آقا این چیا تو میخری؟ گفتم پشه، گفت چی؟ گفتم پشه. گفت تو از پشم خریدن بدجور افتادی به پشه. گفتم حالا ببین چه بشه با پشه. گفت تهرانی پشه مشه یعنی چه!؟ گفتم چه بشه چه نشه به تو چه که شپشه یا پشه!؟ آقا دستم رفت رو چاقو، یه نگاه کرد رفت. حالا اگر ایرانی بود: چند خریدی کلاه بردار!؟ 

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022

Yes? i have to destroy the life and existence of vmat and buy 5 houses, 5 in vienna and 10 hidden invisible ones in iran turkey and other countries

Arik Brauer – Frauenschicksale. Werke 1946 – 2018

vienna: capitalism and the upper ten thousand have children, shoemakers also have children

Arik Bauer artificial society

Arik bauer was the son of a jewish shoemaker, in the nazi era he was persecuted and put in a concentration camp and he was forced to do forced labour. the painting: the artificial society is a craze from 1946 until today. a scream that can still be heard today. i scream too, my scream and the artificial society

i have art knowledge and i make it available for free, for stasi nazi victims viennese artist rana farahani, viennese artist and victim of vmat2 fascism, she will never end up like any of you: criminals on vmat hunt and finance business, due to inferior existence and that lack of potential. she herself has knowledge, with money savings, in her apartment. she will open a company soon

4 generations later are no better than the first generation: we destroyed with secret cameras, he is a murderer, he will kill us, let's kill him, he will destroy us for plundering his existence

many say: lady wanga sprinkled sugar on the stones and slept with it, for future visions. the visions were and are still a topic today. i remembered this photo, december 2020

there are few chances of healing for schizophrenia, i will play poker again, something gets angry and flees for a few hours, and returns smiling with the warm love message: you sinner! right vatican?

i have art knowledge and i make it available for free, for stasi nazi victims viennese artist rana farahani, viennese artist and victim of vmat2 fascism, she will never end up like any of you: criminals on vmat hunt and finance business, due to inferior existence and that lack of potential. she herself has knowledge, with money savings, in her apartment. she will open a company soon

austrian government is child murderer with its voters, sterilization with secret camera actions

this star plucks and takes the persian uterus, persian native uterus. children murderer, you messiah delusion

wiener ernst fuchs