Sonntag, 22. Mai 2022


Die hawaiianische Vulkangöttin Pele wohnt im Krater Halema`uma`u des Vulkans Kilauea. Sie hat die Gestalt einer alten Frau, die von einem weißen Hund begleitet wird. In der Nähe des Kraters nimmt sie die Gestalt eines jungen Mädchens an. Vor jedem Ausbruch erscheint sie am Krater. Die Göttin Pele ist sehr jähzornig. Wenn ihr Missfallen erregt wird, öffnet sie mit einem Fußtritt den Krater und der Lavastrom ergießt sich über ihre Gegner.


at the beginning of the 20th century, the vigilantes probably looked at the chimney pipes on the roofs: vmat or not vmat. art object early 20th century

no human being or vmat can be recognized by appearance or face from where the origin is, laboratory test make the networks, states, police, secret services, UNO, for hate and lynching financial project. together with amnesty international

RANA vmat2 farahani: from the year 1998 no official or state official has responded to this crime. no state obligation for vmat2 attempted murder or lynching.

this is not a conspiracy theory, this movie shows it: SAVAK, SEPAH HIZBULLAH, work together in native murder

viennese stone, balthaser, melchior, casper, who has it in their blood!?

SAVAK has been working with Hizbullah and Ayatollahs since 1981, 4 Freemasonry Lodges, French, English, German and Austrian. today the second and third generation is stationed in america london paris. amir ahmadi luristan type: native iranian mass murder. Freemasonry loyal to 4 generations to come. "alireza"

stored in genetic database human: ahrimanic intrigue system. it is called: conspiracy theory delusion and paranoia

old vmat and spirituality means science and not just religion

austrofascism is vmat killer according to stasi finanz

why do civil servants need 10 houses and a man with 16 jobs and 38 projects should live in poverty without teeth

international judges and prosecutors are not from us, otherwise they would have talked long ago and the journalists would have written

vienna has symbolically made us ethiopia so that soroor shams and rahim amiri buy 10 properties next to gharib clan, shams and others

10 million hungry children stand like ethiopia on the iranian streets because of melchior gene, an achievement austria romano with romano race iran

the whole state apparatus of iran should be cleaned up, all non-genetic iranians out of the profession, otherwise none of us will be left, ali gharib tribes rahim tribes shams tribes and dozens of others. CIA employees and vienna's killers in iran

austrofascism is vmat murder fascism and americans block all paths because of punishment. how do you make enemies, dirty enemies?

publishes everything that armenians murderer and vmat2 killer turkey did together with erdogan, with my family

austrofascism is vmat murder fascism and americans block all paths because of punishment. how do you make enemies, dirty enemies?

hey vatican, ya emam zaman ya messiah, long live our tribes international

hey america that was just an artist not a pilot his eagle was an alcoholic not a kamikaze

this painting is a prophecy: 1998 contracts for vmat2 murder robbery and looting. the bloodsuckers. started with the founding of the EU, in solidarity with amrica israel and ayatulhas.

I bought a painting for my sister from the same table at the flea market 4 weeks ago, for 100 euros, for Viennese judges, the state and the secret services, the piece is a theft

UN employees are evolution nazis and we humans, the employee is not UN principles but fascism which has nothing to do with UN principles

my words and behavior is because of 24 years of secret camera action rome, intentional illegal ritual: fate change and 280 thousand euros theft in 2008, from 1998 ruin of the standard and existential bases