Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2022

there were no abominations in our lives, only fake material with doppelganger that was illegally confirmed by relatives with 3 million euros stasi money capital. bribe

i know every single giggling example in this city from where and from which cave it comes from, especially BSA and SPÖ and the leftists. study gene archaeology

manfred DEIX: GIGGLING has a meaning: scum origin

these Viennese judges and international authorities have absolutely no empathy when it comes to zahra and daughter RANA, this person without empathy is a 1932 model, genetically chosen for all offices, including UNO amnesty, zara, human rights watch. Murdering children is this manipulated host, despite Plato's ideas

biology. i never talk without evidence

forced sterilization was our idea in prehistory, which stopped 60% monsters and freeks, mutants. read reports in gene research and gene archeology, many genes have become extinct. all ahrimanic caves could not be found by ahuramazda's archangel. so 1920-1945. forced sterilization at vmat worldwide to this day in israel and internationally

Dragon's blood in a wooden box, residual energy attraction, gene manipulation for Aryan freedom, hosts for Djinss and Anunnakis. 1.5 million killed children

at 25 i was the youngest art connoisseur and dealer in vienna due to vmat and potential with 400 books knowledge about art history, and a million euros buying and selling potential annually. economic miracle. from 2003 even doctors in the hospital secret camera stasi promoted and confirmed action because of genes and race. nazi envy

I've been saying for 3 years: vmat torture! and green party, leftists the government and upper class laugh and scold, only because: american UNO cia, nsa, fbi, and internet police support crime. That's why these men thought: this is healthy human common sense against satanism and ahrimanism

this business, my shop was vmat retail and is a victim of austrofascism and police data erasure work, the data are evidence of european american 1932 fascism and vmat2 torture/genocide

i predict it, 5000 viennese judges and prosecutors will become targets, 5 million vmat2 soldiers will take care of perpetrators who want to establish vmat2 lychmord

Viennese artist has been buying goods for company registration and tax cards since november. Viennese judges are on robbery and plundering mode with the Viennese state police and secret services, ayatullah and hezbollah

aryan freedom means destroying other races (melchior) in order to live in prosperity, which has been the case in iran for 40 years. this time europe israel america austria is busy with melchior, balthaser and casper race, the new jews with laboratory blood test confirmation in hospitals

Aryan freedom and Indo-Aryan freedom has been proudly displayed in Europe's Vienna for 20 years

i said that in 2002 and i say it today armed freedom fight is the only chance for native iranian, the indo-aryan race destroy you in solidarity with european race, with the statement "jew" and aryan freedom. you see aryan freedom in vienna with america israelUN Europe support. lynching for real estate and wealth

find the address of this 4th class family from 1990 to 2002: prager strasse 21st district, state council housing in workers quarter. 1200 and 1800 euros salary. then from 2002 real estate purchases once 150,000 and once 350,000, black money. and today 10 million in iran and internationally

for 20 years vienna used all inhumane methods and today they want to kill me first then mother and daughter. with the hope no money for international prosecutors. if so then illegal theft and looting

you understand, they make rahim human, they make ali human, both killers and ahrimanic nature, they make human out of assholes and women in stasi business, this is human nature, darwinism says: fascism is human nature

vmat children: austria hides with the vatican israel qum and jerusalem the truth and history, so that the mass murders in history have only one meaning: mass killing is human nature. vmat children

Mr. and Mrs. judges and secret services and UNO listen to the enchanted forest, she grew up in ottoprobststraße the old home and street

corrupt officials and national socialism repetition out of the job, animals out of the job, scum out of the job

we live in european democracy and UNO is the demon that says: everything should live in prosperity through vmt2 existence destruction. capital is forbidden for vmat. this is history and ahrimanic demonic culture and ritual

international courts and public prosecutors also want to kill us with hide evidence and judge dictatorship, with the statement: we have been ali khamenei for 40 years, in europe and america there is no life for creation either

genetic minorities, no religion. dirty austria and iranian government

as a former refugee i have been politically active in networks and online platforms since 2001. Viennese judges have been torturing me with the stasi financial system since 2004. I am a citizen with a refugee background, from a country where ethnic genetic minorities are persecuted and humiliated and executed on the pretext of religion: Bahai, Zartoshti, Christian, or Jew. vienna is silent because of genes and race, vienna is satanic, ahrimanic anti-Semitic

you have never seen voodoo smoke with my holy pubic hair, melchior always said: stop with that myrrh and incense is enough, they kill us worse

aufjedenfall herr richter war kirke mit herrenrasse hier in wien, hou? akumba shumba hakünda du künda mit schitzpherenie, hou? wo sind die stimmen her? hagabumba shaga rabumba, die stimmen haaaaaaaaa

we are former refugees from iran, and what austria is doing with ali khamenei and the viennese regime people is hostile to the geneva convention, we are still refugees with an EU passport