Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022

nazi judges in vienna support iranian fascists in iran and in austria with hide evidence and military support. with military for maintenance of vmat2 murders. with Austrian military. 500 judges, austrian millitary

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

this "email" is proof: secret society iran austria against vmat1 vmat2 and other models and combinations. missing potential of evolution for work, job, life and real estate purchase

this email is proof: secret society iran austria against vmat1 vmat2 and other models and combinations. missing potential of evolution for work, job, life and real estate purchase

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

آقا این کارزار زنان 8 مارس برای ما یک معما بود، البته مادر وخواهر ما برایشان هیچ اهمیتی نداشت، برای من اهمیت داشت، آخه علی دشتی رو بچه بودم خونده بودم، چرا پیغمبر اسلام بعد ازاین همه سن و سال حرف از سنگسار و گردن بریدن میزد. بعد میدیدم علی دشتی هنوز هم هماهنگ بند نافش وصل است به در کون فاطی، سر دشمنی با زهرا و رعنا

iranian whore kollktive and whores stasi system iran. evidence:

Samstag, 28. Mai 2022

in these mass crimes against old vmat and race, honor should not play a role.finds only genetic creation, survival and construction is important, not death

Biggest mistake of Othello was killing the whore in a monkey society.

اُتِلو مغربی خایه دار بود هاااااا

you see the behavior of the vatican and viennese churches towards the innocent mother and daughter. were there christians in jerusalem? or ahrimanic dragon movement? vmat mass murder

آبادان شاپرک بید یا سنجاقک‌سانان بید

muhammad rasulullah said: leave god's children alone or we will cut everything away from you. europe got worse: it migrated to australia america and asia. like 9/11 history until today. what do you want in vienna america? what do you want from innocent mother and daughter? next to the ayatullahs

wer will schwarze steine fliegen sehen? gabriel besucht mich bald, als soldat emam zaman, der prophet kommt später für säuberung

ali ist ein huankind, europa und wien ein tier, das wurde 1920 bis 1945 bewiesen

in austria and europe, full human rights violations must be reported so that the secret services and police and anti vmat secret society is registered, because of vmat2 trade and mass murder plan globally. otherwise this is the future for iran and the near east in the EU and america

theft 2008 in nazi state, vmat hostility, blockade of livelihoods, attempted murder and torture. 280,000 euros with amiris and UNO city

this bastard race is piece of shit, viennese bastards, piece of shit. kill this bastard origin, kill this bastard shit origin

the viennese have been walking the streets like a piece of shit for 5 years, like a piece of shit, that's also the racial origin: we saw nothing, we didn't do anything, shitty racial origin bastard scum race. like back then

sehen sie wien und österreich heute? europa ist dieb und scharlatan, dreckige europa seit 20 jahren, dreckige bastard europa mit indoarische abschaum, indoarische abschaum

Europe had no Nicolaus Copernicus but bastard generals of alexander, bastards that plundered persian libraries. europe had and has stolen works from creation hypathia from alexandria too. how many books in vatican's basement?

bist du blind du huankind wiener? bist du blind du abschaum herrenaffe und irgendetwas........... this traditional great persian empire ritual accomplishes something nobody has seen until now: it protects against aging with the falcon

this mass murder program with god genes in europe and america (like in iran), is to prove: that 500 international public prosecutors and 300 international judges are also in this circle, in solidarity with amnesty international and UN employees

Karl Nehammer ich habe 38 projekte, 18 erfindungen und ideen, wer bist du tuschusch herkunft? a tschusch mir Kurz, diebe und scharlatane mit wiener richter, die stasi tschuschekapelle die wiener nazi richter

Austrian state works together with a regime that murders daily, this state abuses state recourse for lynching and terror as in the Ghassemloo case, for hundreds of millions of euros "Jewish murder program in Europe and America"

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

حاج آقا ما سوسول ها با سنگ پیغمبری قرتی بازی هم درمیاریم، میری یا آقا امام زمان به پارتی ما تشریف بیارن؟!

آقا واسه امیر کی شعر مینویسه؟

Ortega Gasset: the masses are replaceable, like politicians and judges, what they are worth is: eat, drink, shit and fuck, for that they get a salary. for more, for the capital, you have to have potential. you tschusch

topic: when will you stop persecuting, torturing and murdering christians, muslims, zartoshtis with UNO!? we are all showbie, vmat and ancient race and tribes

Ortega Gasset: the masses are replaceable, like politicians and judges, what they are worth is: eat, drink, shit and fuck, for that they get a salary. for more, for the capital, you have to have potential. you tschusch