Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022

are you aryan? I don't give a fuck where you are from who you are what you are. whore, son of the bitch, what do you want from my life and business? are you aryan? who cares? what do you want from my business and life

2008 wurde ich von euch richtern und rahim ausgeraubt, geld asse richter du dieb scharlatan terrorist und nazi

1932 repetition is subhuman, subhuman is a perpetrator for 2000 years that behaves like a bloodsucker, subhuman. i can genetically prove subhuman, subhuman in europe america iran

du huankind du drecksau du arschloch, du hurenkind. wie tief hast du in wien gegraben? wie tief? genearchäologie du huankind, du huankind genearchäologie in wien, du untermensch, du untermensch du evolution du untermensch, du huankind du drecksau untermensch

I wanted to go to the hospital 12th district psychiatric ward last week.because of stress, mental crash, and paranoia (fear of death). Then I thought what should I teach the psychiatrist with my theses and doctoral thesis, no Austrian understands the quantum physics of psychology. not mine, of course because of elami grammar, hence the fear of death

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

die werden euch österreicher verbrennnen die wiener huren werden verbrannt, gibt die beweise asse, gibt die beweise wegen ranna asse sonst werdet ihr verbrannt, massenweise, die kennen euch

österreicher alle beweise wegen rana asse, gibt alles asse. alles asse. gibt die beweise und verbrechen gegen die menschlichkeit asse

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

in vienna there is hatred of the jews and vmat2 torture, and animals, animals sit in international courts of justice, just like in the UNO and amnesty. animal origin race

international public prosecutor, a scumbag, neanderthal and satanist pig got 5 million euros to arrest me. because of hide evidence vmat2 mass murder there is no evidence

i never talk without evidence, vmat victim Doctor SEYYED husseini in iran, rahim amiri tribe, ali gharib tribe, shams and dozens of other hunters for europe and CIA and mojtaba khamenei, vmat torture and murder program

wiener polizisten sind terroristen, terroristen, judenmord programm terroristen, vmat killer und terroristen. diese wiener scheiß affen werden unterstützt von anti vmat2 bewegungsmafia, linke und grüne, linke und grüne antifa. linke grüne und antifa

you fucking european you bastard race you dirty animal:..... inferior academics rahim amiri had a salary of 1800 euros here, in iran his cousin has nothing left in his life, nothing and his tribe too. poverty and hunger

inferior academics rahim amiri had a salary of 1800 euros here, in iran his cousin has nothing left in his life, nothing and his tribe too. poverty and hunger

austrians and israelis want to kill more vmat in iran by establishing vmat torture system, poverty kills as a matter of course, prosperity has no justification

european public prosecutor, you europeans, you international public prosecutor, animal, bastard race evolution scum, blue eyes, blond animal, police collected 100 million euros with 1932 system, scum, dirty monkey origin in europe. model 1932

austrians and israelis want to kill more vmat in iran by establishing vmat torture system, poverty kills as a matter of course, prosperity has no justification

this was my property, you 1200 to 4000 scum nazi

Austrians have found 15000 families and vmat2 murderers in iran, even if 500 hostages die there is no evidence, final solution mass murder in iran is a higher goal

i have been writing for 5 years to prevent murder, austria only answers by taking hostages from abroad austrians, women and children

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

nazi judges in vienna support iranian fascists in iran and in austria with hide evidence and military support. with military for maintenance of vmat2 murders. with Austrian military. 500 judges, austrian millitary

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

this "email" is proof: secret society iran austria against vmat1 vmat2 and other models and combinations. missing potential of evolution for work, job, life and real estate purchase

this email is proof: secret society iran austria against vmat1 vmat2 and other models and combinations. missing potential of evolution for work, job, life and real estate purchase

anti-Semitism and vmat hate in carla and caritas is worse than in the right flank of fpö, worse than an identitarian movement, power tool: free donations and distribution of donations. stasi tool

آقا این کارزار زنان 8 مارس برای ما یک معما بود، البته مادر وخواهر ما برایشان هیچ اهمیتی نداشت، برای من اهمیت داشت، آخه علی دشتی رو بچه بودم خونده بودم، چرا پیغمبر اسلام بعد ازاین همه سن و سال حرف از سنگسار و گردن بریدن میزد. بعد میدیدم علی دشتی هنوز هم هماهنگ بند نافش وصل است به در کون فاطی، سر دشمنی با زهرا و رعنا

iranian whore kollktive and whores stasi system iran. evidence:

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...