Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022

9/11 is a thought, where is the root and idea? against what?

whoever claims illegally in the 21st century: vmat2 is the property of the state and the people, and a financial project, must be burned, the whole shitty race. like 9/11

austrofaschismus ist hurenkind bastard, und diese hunde sagen: du herr und meister, zu huankind bastard österreich, anti vmat2 nazis und killer

you understand, this type of iranian is austrian and european national honor and pride, started with alexander war

ناصر کون بافوری، گاو توی ها، اون گاو پائین با مخ گوزیده، بی ناموس

the viennese iranians have had networks in iran for 20 years, all ambitious in solidarity and deep intrigue: we leave nothing for you, also in europa and america. this is justice. why you and not me!?

this is also the reason why i never traveled to iran for 36 years, there is nothing for me there, nothing left

and then this amnesty says, zara and shit UNO says: this man is nobody, worth nothing

the entire program and concept was bought in cara, it came to me through a normal mechanism and logistic, otherwise this picture would not be possible, that is satanism in all authorities that wants to prevent the metaphysics of my life

i write about tehran and vienna, about attempted murder and dictatorship and torture, carla discuss with employees where we can secretly build a hectare warehouse so that barbad farahani doesn't buy anything for his sister. today there were 4 secret baskets

amnesty international, zara, UNO are all in vmat2 torture and murder intrigue. i am vmat2 race here in vienna and not in tehran

I haven't had sex a single day in the last 5 years because of non-stop cameras UNO, VIENNA AMERICA ISRAEL IRAN

heidi heidi sind deine berge sind die größten, heidiiiii heidii meine baghlava ist der feinste, heidi heidi meine pisserei auf dich ist wie wasser und seife, heidi heidi lai lala lailalalali lai

there are counter-reactions to ahrimanic actions and attacks: you are inferior monkeys. so jesus and emam ali tribe was murdered because of youthfulness. you ahrimanic blood and flesh in the church

I haven't had sex a single day in the last 5 years because of non-stop cameras UNO, VIENNA AMERICA ISRAEL IRAN

حاجی کون بچه پاکیزگی دارد، یا کف دستی؟

I haven't had sex a single day in the last 5 years because of non-stop cameras UNO, VIENNA AMERICA ISRAEL IRAN

nationalsozialismus ist heidis titte, hitler hatte eine million muslim soldaten, alle waren geio auf heidis titte, huansau. wie heute

heas, ahrimani ötzi wiener, in der mitte ist ka titte, am eck ist heidis titte

elami left hand, gate. animal attack

an austrian is born as an animal, lives like an animal and dies like an animal. my testimony prove: we are willing to die for jews money and jews gold

the history of creation lies under vienna's soil, a vienna that caused 2 world wars among 8 billion people. one notices from viennese journalists that vienna is an animal in the animal kingdom even worse today than yesterday. in a democracy and rule of law like animals against mother and daughter

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2022

Viennese court executor was in this apartment 6 times between 2017 and October 2021, it wasn't anything valuable. Since October Rana has returned to her apartment with her valuables. state theft looting and lootin with ayatullahs is met with civil resistance. up armed private property defense

whisper as long as you want, monkey, that's the truth

Vienna has stasi whisperers, on the streets and public squares, for one goal: psychosis, retaliation and terror. for a carefree prosperous life through vmat

Vienna has stasi whisperers, on the streets and public squares, for one goal: psychosis, retaliation and terror. for a carefree prosperous life through vmat

shity aryan race vienna and vmat race. KONARK SUN TEMPLE

shitty austrofascism viennese judges politicians police and secret service elite are vmat murderers, and shitty indo-aryan race helps with sexuality politics and mind control system. to this day people walk by and whisper: why don't you die!? shit wiener aryan race

fehler Wilhelm Reich

Die Macht des Alltags

Reichs Buch ist nicht einfach zu lesen. Terminologie und Argumentarium entstammen dem zeitgenössischen Handgemenge, gegen die ökonomistischen Ansätze der orthodoxen kommunistischen Bewegung. Dagegen wird Reich im Überschwang der Polemik und des eigenen Prophetentums gelegentlich fortgerissen. Denn er hat eine entschiedene Meinung, wie der autoritäre Charakter entsteht: aus gestörter Sexualität. In der gesellschaftlich vorherrschenden bürgerlichen Kleinfamilie werde die sexuelle Energie gehemmt und dann abgeleitet, in die Religion, in allerlei Mystizismen, in den Nationalismus und den Führerkult.

Zuweilen vergisst er darob den Vorsatz, nicht eindimensional zu argumentieren, und macht die gestörte Sexualität zum alleinigen Grund autoritären Verhaltens. Entsprechend beschränkt fällt der Vorschlag zur Abhilfe aus: «Sexuelle Bewusstheit ist das Ende jedes mystischen Empfindens und jeder Religion.» In der Konzentration auf die Sexualität bleibt er Sigmund Freud verhaftet, von dem er sich doch abgegrenzt hatte. Sichtbar wird zudem ein klassenmässig zugespitzter «Rousseauismus»: Die proletarische Sexualität – zumindest die genitale, heterosexuelle – ist angeblich frei, ungezwungen und wird erst durch die «Verkleinbürgerlichung» und die staatlichen Institutionen verbogen. Unter dieser Prämisse hatte Reich seit 1927 in der psychoanalytischen Praxis und durch den Aufbau eines Verbands für proletarische Sexualreform eine andere Sexualpolitik ausprobiert.

1988-2022: what the worries of an aryan woman is: if you climb up i will kill you. she stays 20 years and kills after 24 years. 24 years are 24 truck wheels, there are prizes for that, in our world and in another world. she herself is a nobody, just someone with an emergency brake

آقا الان داشتم ترانه پرسش از گوگوش گوش میکردم، یادم اومد گوگوش تنها نیست، خیلی از زنهای ایرانی دوست دارند در ظلم زندگی کنند، ظلم آخوندی رو چشیدن، اما دوست دارند در ظلمی زندگی کنند که خودشون هم خوششون بیاد، نه ظلمی که آخوند خوشش میاد، یعنی مثل مسیح علی نژاد، جایزه هم بهشون بدن

یا امام زمان با اجازه: بیگییییییی منو، ده بیگییییییی منو