Samstag, 4. Juni 2022


کیرم تو دهن مرغ اجل، مادرجنده، خارکوسده های اجنبی ایرانی


اجل در قرآن به سرآمد يا پایان زماني گفته می‌شود، مثل سرآمد عمر افراد يا جوامع، سرآمد دنيا، سرآمد عمرِ ماه و خورشيد و... اما اینکه می توان اجل را به تعویق انداخت جواب بلی است یعنی امکان‌اش است.

read the website we are greek and persian history we are universal right fucking aryan race

crescent moon and black stone, technology under viennese earth. it works with vmat genes and creation DNA and energy, electromagnetic,the purity

read the website we are greek and persian history we are universal right fucking aryan race

bloody austrians were looking for us everywhere, jude, it was just an intrigue and a cover-up of the truth. old breed from austria was sought

scheiß österreicher und vmat rasse: frauen und kinder, familien mütter und töchter tradition

Ihre Massenerschießungen auf Kefalonia und Korfu verstießen gegen das Kriegsrecht. Unter den unzähligen Opfern der Division waren Frauen und Kinder. Schließlich beteiligte die Division sich aktiv an der Räumung des jüdischen Ghettos in Ioannina, um dessen Bewohner in die Vernichtungslager zu transportieren.

Bei Kriegsende zog sich die Division nach Österreich zurück. Kerntruppen der Division waren die Gebirgsjägerregimenter 98, 99 und 100 und das Gebirgsartillerieregiment 79.

do you know this paranormal psychopathy: we are the master race and have to plunder! i say you are subhuman and useless for europe and the world

scheiß österreicher du untermensch wer warst du vor 7000 jahren!? wo? die adresse du paranormale antisemit, du dreckig du abaschaum, du paranormale antisemit du dreck

bastard austrian rahim amiri only had 1800 euros salary and a secret camera from cia and wiener secret services and ayatullahs. your fucking aryan friend rahim amiri, you fucking aryan bastard child, you dirtiest bastard evolution brunch

I'm retired and I'm giving my 20 years of art history studies to rana for free, and I'm buying from ranas' savings for rana. since October. Theft illegally by the state or privately will be punished with the murder of Austrian children. nazi monkey mother fuucker, scum bastards

7000 years of culture and civilization is confronted with the fact that apes creatures claim to be sex researchers, apes women vienna. because of 40 years of ayatullah regime

آقا احمق تر از اتریش خودشه، اومده از زولبیا بامیه فیلمبرداری کرده، میگه نگاه کن، میگه: همشیره، تو واسه اون رو بخور اونم واسه تورو، اون یکی هم هر جفتتون رو، منم که بامیه چاکر هر سه شکر، همتون رو باهم میخورم. خاک بر سرتون، به جائی اینکه چائی قهوه با آقا ماشالا بیارن، فیلم برداری میکنن. مادر قحبه ها

خلاصه حاجی، خیلی خارکوسدست این دنیا، حال واحوال!؟

holly water and grail race and metaphysics. du evolution affe, du scheiß wiener pavian, du anschaum. du nazi

in ranas wohnung ist legales eigentum, ich töte euch bei diebstahl versuch mit eure kinder

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors 

not a single vmat has the heart to fuck children, no one

Viennese churches are occupied by animals, they have been proving that for 24 years

by illegal storming and exploitation looting of Rana's apartment by fascists and nazis these monkey children will be killed immediately in the church, church and the world does not need scum origin. killer breed. elias and khidr moses killed this breed too

austrians are historically vmat murderers, historically. but always with help. from 1932 to 1945 they had special rights in the world. time for global cleansing. with the help of america and zion nazis. zion nazis in israel today. the iranian regime has had these rights for 40 years

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors 

cia is black maic mafia, next too iranian regime and austria, next to viennese mafia iranian sects vienna

arabella.. CIA has a meaning, it's us

heas, ötzi koannst sowos:

i have 8 memory cards, it's hard to find a photo of a stone: a russian and an eylami are sitting there and both are drinking, the russian indicates: if you don't fall then i'll go. how do you fall!? I hate you. so we always kept our distance from russians. "how can i pull you down"

du hast dich nicht bewehrt, du kannst lailailailailai lai, lailai nicht aushalten und krieagst immer a stain am kopf

Nehhammer die woaren aaaa in österreich, a oaff woarst damals aaa, leg di mit di lait net oan, du stalingrad tragödie und trauma

these are criminals that gradually and during the stasi murder system have children and start families as mind control, the whole thing is done systematically like BILD newspaper in Germany, prominent criminals

bastard race arash amiri iranian secret service, bastard race arabella fenyves CIA agent, bastard aryan race child carla vida, amiri, were in carla 5th district today, reason: we made rana your sister a victim of torture in darknet and internationally, will you kill us now!? bastard race iranian government

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...