Sonntag, 5. Juni 2022

of course monkeys are also educated. monkeys have been made capable of learning, by anunnakis

diese arische bastarde abschaum tiere, affen und paviane sagen: wir können mit gehälter nicht leben, wir haben das recht zu ruinieren um gut zu leben

according to court records nasser farahani was a thief, he went in 2002 after theft and looting. I started the business with 0 euros capital. my knowledge and know-how was worth a million euros in the business at that point in time. Commission goods made the business possible

EU citizenship is being destroyed in this city because of vmat2 delusion vienna and UNO City

this family is responsible for stasi manipulation techniques, from 1998 with azadeh amiri, state whore

This system, in addition to virus development, leads to ingenious 9/11, Paris, Brussels, Berlin.. the system achieves terror thoughts and psychosis, mass deaths. whether me and my family are here or not

du arische pavian und affe

my business was ruined, my business. international to afghanistan, dubai, newyork, paris. this leads to hate and contempt and scorn

This system, in addition to virus development, leads to ingenious 9/11, Paris, Brussels, Berlin.. the system achieves terror thoughts and psychosis, mass deaths. whether me and my family are here or not

the state builds terraced houses and apartments for salary people, the new fascist movement salary people says: i am not a human without property, we kill people for it, we kill vmat and we need vmat for torture

this is torture and leads to suicide, psychosis and terror

wiener richter wollen vmat folter etablieren, bringt sie um, tötet die bastard nazis

Immobilien geschäfte durch vmat2 folter!? no a virus und du bist hi, du unnötiges, du unbrauchbare material und abschaum

What these animals did with Hizbullah in Iran and are still doing, the European/American and UNO animals want to do with our race in Europe and America, with the UN World Trade Center. humantrader

what europe israel america doesn't want to pull out from the internet is not only vmat2 rana farahani, but also the UN and hezbollah in iran, animal crime UN, vienna in tehran. for money

UNO vmat2 fascism in tehran with hizbullah

what europe israel america doesn't want to pull out from the internet is not only vmat2 rana farahani, but also the UN and hezbollah in iran, animal crime UN, vienna in tehran. for money

Austria has a mother that shouldn't be called a whore, just an animal with two garbage bags and a rat hole

SPÖ AFFE, AJAL VOGEL du vogel, du drecksau heinrich gross faschist. ajal vogel ist 20 bänder erklärung, du vogel

viennese black money mafia: if there is evidence of how we make money with a woman, citizen rana farahani, then we kill the victims and everyone else.

andrea kuntzl SPÖ is the former wife of a constitutional judge, which is what she has to say: if the people do something naughty, the victims have to be quiet like 1932 to 1938

the revolutionary fascism in the 21st century

iranian nationalism was a statement: leave our race alone! the european one to this day: we are the higher race and don't leave others alone. we invite 100 million consumers and take away all rights. we establish it internationally, our "nationalism". international solidarity because of vmat annihilation. the revolutionary fascism in the 21st century

viennese black money mafia: if there is evidence of how we make money with a woman, citizen rana farahani, then we kill the victims and everyone else.

in kefalonia cia agents were active with nazis, 2000 italian soldiers were killed because of excavations. today cia touches international database for edelweiss

Samstag, 4. Juni 2022

Viennese judges have given illegal gun rights to all black money mafia, with the help of American fascism and anti-Semitism, illegal carrying of weapons

in vienna, edelweiss mountain command was structured differently: laboratories for hidden jews, just vmat race

yes baby

the iranian network society, ahrimanic scum says: we are muslims and pray to god that barbad dies, our property and capital is gods gift. this god is ahriman and kuran in dirty hands. kuran is abused by satanism and ahrimanism, actually for 40 years


کیرم تو دهن مرغ اجل، مادرجنده، خارکوسده های اجنبی ایرانی


اجل در قرآن به سرآمد يا پایان زماني گفته می‌شود، مثل سرآمد عمر افراد يا جوامع، سرآمد دنيا، سرآمد عمرِ ماه و خورشيد و... اما اینکه می توان اجل را به تعویق انداخت جواب بلی است یعنی امکان‌اش است.

read the website we are greek and persian history we are universal right fucking aryan race

crescent moon and black stone, technology under viennese earth. it works with vmat genes and creation DNA and energy, electromagnetic,the purity

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...