Montag, 6. Juni 2022

austrian government has sent hours of fake material to iran so that nobody moves because of vmat2 murder

به به، حاجی تیر دقلو

کوه رو میذارم رو دوشم
رخت هر جنگ رو می‌پوشم
موج رو از دریا می‌گیرم
شیره سنگ رو می‌دوشم

ahuramazdan falcons, buzzards, eagles, owls and others return with gabriel, we have race war, vmat war. leave us alone or we will destroy this world. bunkers and underground cities will not help you. it is of no use to you

austria influences iran domestically with millions of euros black business and vmat stasi system, a country affected by severe poverty. this is the mass murder plan 1918

give out evidence of all illegal real estate transactions you bastard Austrians. 10 million euros. you bastard leftists and greens. the had only me and my sister vmat2 as matter

this summary: mass murder is a system, strategy and plan, (CONVICTION) like 1918 genocide. 10 million iranians. with iranian and european offenders

the state mostly bought the vmat siblings from nasser, abbas, farnaz, and mahmoud. these relatives were not a proper place for education and career. unfortunately sometimes scum because of poverty, scum because of poverty

gypsy iranian and vmat business

rahim amiri and soroor shams, ali gharib are psycbopaths from iranian villages, gypsy villages, with the urge to be humane, who came to austria from poverty to be rich. with attempted murder and looting and theft.

To say “crazy” to vmat in Austrian concentration camps was a tradition of Viennese red fascists, social democrats and communists, also to Austrian children, not only to Jews

Montag, 6. Juni 2022

Kinder, die sich gegen das System wehrten, oder aus einer der NS-Ideologie nicht entsprechenden Familien stammten, wurden als „schwer erziehbar“, „verwahrlost“, oder „arbeitsscheu“ bezeichnet und in Jugendkonzentrationslagern festgehalten. Diesen Jugend-KZs gab das NS-Regime den Namen „Jugendschutzlager“, um den wahren Zweck zu verheimlichen


we were shown internationally in red frames, red frames

Viennese leftists: scum underground organizations, worldwide vmat hunt and murder. red fascists. with torture tradition, student of red fascist heinrich gross. in this frame

7 million euros make me personally self-employed for white hole research, production, against the black hole in switzerland

All auction houses are committed to anti vmat society and UNO. plunder and theft

österreicher können nur durch vmat mensch geld verdienen, wie 1932 bis1945 freiheit, und heute in EU freiheit

österreich ist eine affe und Bananenrepublik und wirtwchaft dass ohne vmat massenmord nicht überleben kann, neben UNO und andere organisationen

international authorities are obliged to pursue and arrest illegal financial transactions by hezbollah and ayatollahs in vienna, trafficking: vmat2 genes, my family

how do you buy houses with destroying existences? in democracy and rule of law

Herr Richter how do you buy houses with destroying existences? are you worth more than 4000, and rahim more than 1800? fucking satans animals, in luciefer state

my answer to HEBDO, wehrmacht jews and israel and satanism globally is: the prophet was a creation and a human being, a cabaret artist who presented themselves as caricatures too

an entire society is silent because of the stasi vmat2 financial murder plan, because in this country there are only animal births, only animal births. flesh and blood without empathy

europe has trampled on all my rights as a citizen, disregarded all rights european human rights convention, we are constantly in mortal danger, and satanism writes why bullet hail!? write civilized. ok you scum animal origin and i creation. you evolutionary animal i human

was österreichische regierung vor hat ist das hier: todesursache unbekannt. tausende exil iraner

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2022

Austrian society and authorities do not know SANAM AMIRI. for 40 years, because of mass murder and financial projects

the amiri family and the sacrifice their daughter is just a cell, just a 5-person cell. see for yourself what has been going on in iranian society for 40 years: we are immune to cancer, immune to hiv, immune to hepatitis, and yet hundreds of thousands of deaths. because of wrong diagnosis and medication!?

the difference between kurt waldheim and ayatollah khomeini was: i had, you will

حاجی برو تو حال، وایییییییی


i was 5 years old and slept in tirdogholoo shahbaz jonoobi, in davood's house, my uncle, a large courtyard and two floors was a playground for my curiosity, the basement was a pleasure. one night i woke up and i slowly opened my eyes, there came a glowing man with two companions dressed in black, the only thing that happened: he came to my sleeping place, he knelt down next to me and kissed my forehead. apparently because of: the path of suffering until today.

in the 80s iran should have had an economic embargo with a fine of 500 billion. impunity to this day, cyberterror and selling my family online: impunity

without gypsy clans that wouldn't happen in vienna, only with, like 40 years of iran dictatorship with america israel and europe support