Montag, 6. Juni 2022
gypsy iranian and vmat business
rahim amiri and soroor shams, ali gharib are psycbopaths from iranian villages, gypsy villages, with the urge to be humane, who came to austria from poverty to be rich. with attempted murder and looting and theft.
To say “crazy” to vmat in Austrian concentration camps was a tradition of Viennese red fascists, social democrats and communists, also to Austrian children, not only to Jews
Montag, 6. Juni 2022
Kinder, die sich gegen das System wehrten, oder aus einer der NS-Ideologie nicht entsprechenden Familien stammten, wurden als „schwer erziehbar“, „verwahrlost“, oder „arbeitsscheu“ bezeichnet und in Jugendkonzentrationslagern festgehalten. Diesen Jugend-KZs gab das NS-Regime den Namen „Jugendschutzlager“, um den wahren Zweck zu verheimlichen
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2022
the amiri family and the sacrifice their daughter is just a cell, just a 5-person cell. see for yourself what has been going on in iranian society for 40 years: we are immune to cancer, immune to hiv, immune to hepatitis, and yet hundreds of thousands of deaths. because of wrong diagnosis and medication!?
i was 5 years old and slept in tirdogholoo shahbaz jonoobi, in davood's house, my uncle, a large courtyard and two floors was a playground for my curiosity, the basement was a pleasure. one night i woke up and i slowly opened my eyes, there came a glowing man with two companions dressed in black, the only thing that happened: he came to my sleeping place, he knelt down next to me and kissed my forehead. apparently because of: the path of suffering until today.
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