Freitag, 10. Juni 2022

second world war: whoever helps jews will be punished. 21st century, new world order: whoever helps vmat2 targets: gets no credit, career opportunity, business opportunity and medical care

the austrian police apparatus alone earns black 150 million euros, through secret camera projects, a purchase for my sister is what? capitalism? cannibalism? human rights violation? fascism? anti-Semitism?

the austrian state and the UN don't show the people in iran who is a single person with 5 billion euros capital that comes to vienna, but: we have antique and carpet dealers who are capitalists

مردم ایران از ناچارگی تیر کمان ساز شده اند، وین قاچاق انسان و مرگ او را ناچارگی میدانند. ماهی970 یورو کم است

یعنی عن

ایرانی وین یعنی کرکس، کرکس سم بدست، با دولت اتریش و ایران. کرکس برای ایران، سم برای ایران

shitty and filthy rubbish tribes immigrated to austria, and says today: in iran we were uneducated, intellect and intelligence showed us the austrian master race. we are equal today, we understand everything now

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022

nasser farahani is married to a 12 million euro capitalist, veronika Weiss, what austrian state is doing:with two vmat2 children you are equal, 10% of 150 million euros

Is it true that the Shia sect was founded by a Jew? yes 1449 savawid time

ایرانی وین یعنی کرکس، کرکس سم بدست، با دولت اتریش و ایران. کرکس برای ایران، سم برای ایران

حاجی تورو به حضرت عباس این 40 سال از واجبات نبود!؟ مادر قحبه قبله کیری


we are in the 21st century, "in democracy, secularism and the rule of law" embroiled in old satanic rituals, with the presence of european american israelis and iranian politicians and secret services, because of history and holy grail. elam art. 5.000 B. C.

i am confronted with a lucifer state that has known our bloodline for 30 years, has put us in the stasi system, and wants to hide with all power the history of the holy grail, christianity islam zorathoism in vienna, and the water source of the holy grail, together with austrian churches

I take photos with a tablet, without any equipment. but that's enough that nobody sees anything until today

abschaum sieht nichts, seit 3 jahren, abschaum drecksau tier, abschaum killerrasse, abschaum evolution mit illegale immobilien

آی ناصر من شاشیدم تو روحت، با این مادر قحبه های اسرائیلی، کوسکش

european scum kill our leaders and races in the name of terror, and make money through my family and i in the name of real estate buying necessity. dirty thieves charlatans scum, inferior monkey origin

آقا شاپور بختیار رو زمانی که کشتن کت شلوار تنش بود، ما که با شورتک و تی شرت خونه نشستیم، بینیم جریان دزدی چیه، چی میشه، اونم پول داشت ها، ولی خوب... بماند

My family and I were genetically evaluated in Austria from 1992, with secret laboratory tests. looting! our race in iran and abroad

The looting of the banks in Iran is Austrian and CIA orders, like the looting of my person and family in Vienna to this day. the victims in iran are still being shot today

kranke bastarde in wien, kranke bastarde

some judges are killers, the police want to storm, secret services want to cover it up, americans in vienna are dirtier than everyone, and israelis only collect blood money

Frau pele, hey Mama, das sind böse leute Mama

my schitzpherenia and paranoia, golden age spirits

heas kiwara ärger die net wie 2001, in tirol gabs nicht nur teppiche zum kaufean. koannst die erinnern? du host alle kunden oagruf'n und sabotiert. verkaufts net, kaufts net

Aletheia ist die Göttin der Wahrheit. Sie ist eine Tochter des Göttervaters Zeus

i have shown 30 photos of this stone, more than 1500 are available, mr. rabi, the book of truth is number 31, i will find the book soon. metallic, rust-free, like a knife

Viennese judges are inferior officials, that through impunity the perpetrators want to torture us, because of genes and race, it's a shame that international judges support inferior european race vienna. a village in europe with 6 million dead on its shoulder

odiiiiiiin odiiiiiiin schick mir loki, herrenrasse hat problem mit wiener oberschicht, die wollen uns töten. untermensch mit heanross'n woahn

what? alpha? omega? my way? what? houm!?