Freitag, 10. Juni 2022

I just don't believe it, I don't have 152 euros for a sacred tribal stone. fuck your mother austria

this is a public execution by the viennese judges, focused on vmat2 children barbad and rana, since 1992 after the killing of our aunt in washington

ahrimanism is a system, without judge breed breeding no chance, breeding can be found in sociobiology and microbiology. the whole package is called gene manipulation,

heas richterschaft, aicher stain gibt's aaaaa, gengans des koauf'n, wie sads richter gewurd'n? des geschicht kenn nur iiii

آره خلاصه، بیکاری هم دردیه

maryam namazi khani was a phantom like my aunt, and you killed both of them. come to me baby, CIA mother fucker aliali gypsy ali kebab ali bastard organization CIA

I have special projects, works and inventions, normal people, civil servant sits on a 2000 to 4000 thousand chair and allows them self to install cameras against special people, to install against special vmat2 cameras. you are normal scum, politicians, judges, police and secret services, parties, you are normal scum

احمد، احمد، ده آخه احمدیییییی، مگه نگفتم بهت نگو امام زمان، آخه احمد، تعریف کن بینم احمدی، امام زمان کی بوده احمد، نبینم بگی فلانی از کنار ما رد شد دیدیمش فهمیدیم کیه. روحت شاد بهمن مفید

this country is sick 99% are under 0 and says: we are aryan race, under zero says we are aryan race and valuable, under zero

we have 99% normal people, normal academics normal people, and everyone claims vmat2 is unnecessary in this world, normal animal origin. normal

in 2001 i said rana is a world star as far as her elami voice is concerned, an austrian fascist, a professor said at the time: if the vocal cords are operated surgically, then she could do it. know why? because 99% are below zero, the aryan race including shams and amiri families

there were secret cameras in this shop. behind the cameras was international court and amnesty international because of persian multi race and semit, because of political activism. with hundreds of millions of euros from consumers

why do you call in iran: death to russia, austria is your enemy, call death to austria and alexander van derbellen, SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, LEFTISTS AND GREEN PARTY

multirace result

understand, this smoke is science, the idea, technology and progress. 20 million iranians still have this talent. it also means you evolution i human

Ruining this shop and business and keeping the Stasi system alive to this day was possible with the Romanian Iranians, Azadeh Amiri, Majid, Arash and Maziar.

abi sifir sifir iki besh, sekiz ve altı wollah mathematik lazem, maryam mirzakhani lazem

this floor in vienna is the history of mankind, the history of creation, and not the property of apes

take care of austrians, all layers of society. our history and the corpses of our prophets lie here, and they want revenge and vmat mass murder worldwide, with an international database authority

second world war: whoever helps jews will be punished. 21st century, new world order: whoever helps vmat2 targets: gets no credit, career opportunity, business opportunity and medical care

the austrian police apparatus alone earns black 150 million euros, through secret camera projects, a purchase for my sister is what? capitalism? cannibalism? human rights violation? fascism? anti-Semitism?

the austrian state and the UN don't show the people in iran who is a single person with 5 billion euros capital that comes to vienna, but: we have antique and carpet dealers who are capitalists

مردم ایران از ناچارگی تیر کمان ساز شده اند، وین قاچاق انسان و مرگ او را ناچارگی میدانند. ماهی970 یورو کم است

یعنی عن

ایرانی وین یعنی کرکس، کرکس سم بدست، با دولت اتریش و ایران. کرکس برای ایران، سم برای ایران

shitty and filthy rubbish tribes immigrated to austria, and says today: in iran we were uneducated, intellect and intelligence showed us the austrian master race. we are equal today, we understand everything now