Samstag, 11. Juni 2022

this is the description of picture below, against old vmat2. this revolution is alien old, or shall we say avesta old. hooshder and saushyant old, mazdak old

wiener richter kollktive, reiche familien und kinder, staatsstreich und österreichische vefassung. STASI FOLTER KAPITAL

Antonym ist Revolution, bei der der Regimewechsel nicht nur von einer kleinen Gruppe, sondern von relevanten Teilen des Volkes ausgeht und die einen tiefgreifenderen Wandel zur Folge hat

das ist respekt, es zeigt sich

I was particularly happy about this old white chicken, from the smoke tube, an old badge of honor and respect. respect, what you don't have

vienna is pandora's box, first world war, second world war, and now this shit: billions can be earned through vmat

white channel against the gate

خارکوسده، کوس کش دار رو رو سرخودت میکشم مادر جنده، کوس هرمی های مادرقحبه

this is pandora's box vienna, first world war, second world war, and now this shit: billions can be earned through vmat

maya calender, international dragon networks, ancient ritual. 100 million consumers and state secret cameras

austrofascism has killed masses where no human is capable of doing it, except in iran for the last 40 years

this antisemitism is because of vmat2, last antisemitism was also because of. this time with UNO amnesty international zara and international authorities, judges and prosecutors in hague and strasbourg

maziar amiri is active on the internet as a heinous attempted murder, arash amiri dirtier than azadeh. this is genocide and establishing innocent murder

khidr aleyhe salam sagte:......... dings, eeehmmmm ehmmmmm, er sagte dings....

police networks global, secret services and military networks global are the mayan calendar, the end of human

hashimoto by rana was bacteria fictitious, and my diabetes was simulated with inflammation, poisons and caused by insulin, so that i can't eat my own recipes with beluga caviar and argentinian beef. mother fucker crazy monkey

austrians only burned vmat2 and vmat human so that in retrospect one cannot pretend how close the dna is to ancient civilization, the rest has been buried

vienna doesn't want to see that, from position under my testicles, the "master race madness"

austrians only burned vmat2 and vmat human so that in retrospect one cannot pretend how close the dna is to ancient civilization, the rest has been buried

we are ruled by balkan ajnabis, balkan ajnabia. austrofascism has killed masses where no human is capable of doing it, except in iran for the last 40 years

austrian are vmat2 killer with shitty iranian vienna, shitty viennese iranian aksariat and toudeh party

من کیرم تو کوس ننه سازمان اکثریت و حزب توده

was geht mich meyman schwänze an, 15 ist genug, für normal frau

suck my vmat2 cook and earn money, suck mother fucker

Prove your bloodline and then claim treasures are yours. in Iran and elsewhere. the people are starving and bastards are making vmat2 treasures, financial projects

حاجی بگو به به

es ist legal für rana gekauft, wegen die rückseite bist in oarsch dahoam

heas hoans wonn host du erfoahren dass i ka dedektor brauch!? wail des adler zaigt ma des, du geheim kamera satanischer hoans

who finds it is the worthy, who steals it from the worthy says: god created vmat2 to find it for us

bought today, fleamarket vienna, naschmarkt. What does hafiz say about "treasure and wealth for worthy ones" in any case not this: fuck your mother Austria because of illegal non-stop persecution