Samstag, 11. Juni 2022
plato and austria today
Since the 19th century, spying on the private life and work of alchemists, magicians and sorcerers has been strictly forbidden in Austrian law. today secret laboratory tests are made to spy with spy cameras and publish everything worldwide, spy and torture, from normal people and monkeys, with financial business stasi torture
made in austria, unknown painter
Magic has always tried to locate the secret forces in nature (physis), their sympathies and antipathies. In a sense, the magi were scientists (physikoi), the magi were interested in manipulating the powers (dynameis) of nature. At the same time, they explored the human soul, its conscious and unconscious states and expressions
wiener richter kollktive, reiche familien und kinder, staatsstreich und österreichische vefassung. STASI FOLTER KAPITAL
Antonym ist Revolution, bei der der Regimewechsel nicht nur von einer kleinen Gruppe, sondern von relevanten Teilen des Volkes ausgeht und die einen tiefgreifenderen Wandel zur Folge hat
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...