Samstag, 11. Juni 2022


what plato actually meant: there is no difference between big and small, make yourself small or make yourself big, both are razor sharp

Viennese cia wants to kill me with these stones, cia is a hunter from the old original race, so dirtier than americans/cia there is nowhere in this world, the iranians got it wrong: mass murder in iran is cia and gypsy tribes

حاجی صبح مورگن، لامپ جنابعالی روشن شد!؟ باکره

second world war vienna and greece: plato and his friends were bastard race, until today this policy with greece in EU, with nazi merkel

right now they are looking live into our apartment with viennese judges, in the 21st century this bastard is forcing viennese judges to fake islamic laws

Samstag, 11. Juni 2022

viennese whores are lackeys of ayatollahs globally, only because of the promise to adolf: final solution

scheiß austro nazi ist primitiver als das was es ist. linke und grüne sind auch platon leser!? scheiß nazis in rot/grün kostüm, drecksau fpö övp

plato and austria today

Since the 19th century, spying on the private life and work of alchemists, magicians and sorcerers has been strictly forbidden in Austrian law. today secret laboratory tests are made to spy with spy cameras and publish everything worldwide, spy and torture, from normal people and monkeys, with financial business stasi torture

made in austria, unknown painter

Magic has always tried to locate the secret forces in nature (physis), their sympathies and antipathies. In a sense, the magi were scientists (physikoi), the magi were interested in manipulating the powers (dynameis) of nature. At the same time, they explored the human soul, its conscious and unconscious states and expressions

this revolution against vmat2 in the 21st century was also in 1932, israel should be ashamed of putting religion in the foreground, mass murders in africa asia, american continent was because of vmat and shamanism

والا به خدا، حالا ما شدیم مکامبیز، باربد نبودیم!؟

cambyses ll: what is under your skin you bastard flesh and blood, where do you come from viennese judges

this is the description of picture below, against old vmat2. this revolution is alien old, or shall we say avesta old. hooshder and saushyant old, mazdak old

wiener richter kollktive, reiche familien und kinder, staatsstreich und österreichische vefassung. STASI FOLTER KAPITAL

Antonym ist Revolution, bei der der Regimewechsel nicht nur von einer kleinen Gruppe, sondern von relevanten Teilen des Volkes ausgeht und die einen tiefgreifenderen Wandel zur Folge hat

das ist respekt, es zeigt sich

I was particularly happy about this old white chicken, from the smoke tube, an old badge of honor and respect. respect, what you don't have

vienna is pandora's box, first world war, second world war, and now this shit: billions can be earned through vmat

white channel against the gate

خارکوسده، کوس کش دار رو رو سرخودت میکشم مادر جنده، کوس هرمی های مادرقحبه

this is pandora's box vienna, first world war, second world war, and now this shit: billions can be earned through vmat

maya calender, international dragon networks, ancient ritual. 100 million consumers and state secret cameras

austrofascism has killed masses where no human is capable of doing it, except in iran for the last 40 years

this antisemitism is because of vmat2, last antisemitism was also because of. this time with UNO amnesty international zara and international authorities, judges and prosecutors in hague and strasbourg

maziar amiri is active on the internet as a heinous attempted murder, arash amiri dirtier than azadeh. this is genocide and establishing innocent murder

khidr aleyhe salam sagte:......... dings, eeehmmmm ehmmmmm, er sagte dings....

police networks global, secret services and military networks global are the mayan calendar, the end of human

hashimoto by rana was bacteria fictitious, and my diabetes was simulated with inflammation, poisons and caused by insulin, so that i can't eat my own recipes with beluga caviar and argentinian beef. mother fucker crazy monkey