Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022

Viennese judges want to kill me and Rana innocently because of the illegal stasi mauthausen show money, iranians in vienna are just watching. scum rubbish iranian

rubbish iranian vienna 40 showcase for rana's company. know-how and 20 years of work, 350 books, 900 catalogues

dirty viennese

Do you understand why I put everything on my site? 2 months ago I published an old snuffbox, not everyone reads my site, two weeks ago someone came up to me, someone I have known for 20 years and said:
may i take this snuffbox and show a woman in the first district of vienna, i said yes, go take a picture of it with the whore and report it as stolen! fucking bastard viennese

americans killed my aunt, that's why they still don't leave us alone, with austrians. Americans in the UN and elsewhere

it is not a question of human rights violations in vienna, VMAT2 mauthausen should be reported, a crime with the help and assistance of amnesty international and the UN.

in 1990, american secret services killed my aunt, and since 1992, americans have been stalkers, if my sister and i had studied,with double degrees as a result, american evolutionary monkeys would have killed us too. i show you double degree soon. mother fucker assholes

if you take these photos of a grall at the age of 47, you will have healthy and good sperm for up to 60. made in luristan testicles

with which squash stroke technique defeat the opponent? police and secret service beat my testicles against the wall, internationally. because of children. who wins police or secret service? because of the great child

jaja, man nennt es mythologie, das sagt einer in frühpension mit alte WKO karte

aquarium visits, 40 times for tzabe, wallaheeee, tzabe, Buddha tzabe

i wanted to work since 2002, independently, as vmat2 potential with my own inventions, ideas and projects. monkey wanted to steal and become an employer. so I was destroyed internationally

my mother worked for 18 years in the iranian ministry of culture and 15 years here, how is it that gypsy women have a higher position here without years of work

we don't have these problems in iran.why were the amiris referred to as perpetrators higher than us, despite 3 shops and a music career

كولي بودن به ذات خود هيچ عيبي ندارد، كولي ها نيز انسان و داراي حقوق برابر با تمام ابنا بشر هستند و متفاوت بودن سبك زندگيشان به احدي مجوز پست شمردن آنان را نم يدهد اما وقتي لفظ كولي براي تحقير يك گروه ديگر آورده مي شود و يا عمل قياس صورت مي گيرد بار اهانت آميز دارد.

delphine spirit from kefalonia, traveled with me in tzabe, haji tzabe, chokh gözal romani azeri haji. tzabe haaaaaa tzabe

I like and i love war artifacts with Viennese blood on them. mother fucker vmat killer

viennese mother fucker, police, wega and cobra: we want kefalonia mountain battle scenes, how do the old magicians fight? with magic wands?

the amiris had never had 3 businesses, no know-how for business and capital, where did the money come from?

we are human and viennese monkey origin, viennese judges, monkey origin, politicians military and police, monkey origin, won't leave us alone, austrian monkey origin

austria ruined 3 shops and a music career and is still waiting for tribal conflict, perpetrators and victims corpses

seit fünf jahren warten die wiener richter auf leichen, täter oder opfer ist es egal. seit 5 jahren warten die richter auf leichen. du affe ich mensch du bastard affen herkunft wiener

vor einem jahr, unwichtig du scheiß vmat2 killer und nazi. 4. juni 2021

so ungefähr, nach dem feiern

odin loki thor waren mit elam und luristan in wien!? habe ich beweise!?

lese du nazi du hurenkind wiener, anti vmat2 affe und psychopath. drecksau fritz moser, schmied, könig, drecksau polizist und geheimdienstler, du schande du abschaum blut

some viennese officers in the wehrmacht were slaughtered like inferior animals, like animals, i know the places, like inferior animals, what they are in police stations and the military to this day

hi baradar, brother, bruder

this is an old swedish knife, aryan culture not a race, i love it, it killed a lot of scum, the one from scandinavia. i feel the nice soul, and your blood you scum

ich bin das wasser, und du bist scheiße, ok? du affen herkunft wien. du scheiß arisches gesetz, du bastard killer, massenmörder, scheiß fleisch und blut, du dieb scharlatan du plünderer, du scheiß arisches gesetzt

this is the description of picture below, against old vmat2. this revolution is alien old, or shall we say avesta old. hooshder and saushyant old, mazdak old

Antonym is revolution, in which the regime change (Austrian constitution) does not only come from a small group, but from relevant parts of the people and which results in a more profound change

we three have been citizens since 1992, and heinrich gross party SPÖ and BSA say: it's none of our business what happens to these three iranians, we don't interfere in iranian domestic politics