Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022

today in the morning, sobh morning mass murder mafia.

the mafia doctors in Vienna, hospitals should stop working with the CIA and the mass murder mafia, the synthetic stuff in my blood that is responsible for inflammation and high sugar levels has to come out, nazi doctors

یک کلفت اینور نشسته، یه نکبت اونور، یه نعمت اوور، یه رغبت ایور، مگه نه حاجی!؟

simone and hizbullah and neo nazi judges

this black psychopathy is also called jude, it is not a jew but a tribe, black magic tribe that protects itself with the name jude, like simone dinah hartmann, her family, parents children, a whole tribe in israel europe america and elsewhere. cause of mass murder, also from 1920 to 1945. It was called collaboration

I'm a psychopathy too, white vs black psychopathy. who can do that with stones? 980 models?, ancient logic

austrian state and civil servant society says publicly worldwide: first we kill rana, then the mother and then him, this is our future and economic boost. with iranian jews victims, with the help of israel and the islamic government.

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022


the nuclear negotiations are a show, and only for embargo, starvation, suffering and misery. america israel vienna ayatullahs proved it with 3 innocents in vienna. genes, dna, racial delusions and paranoia. vienna, washington, jerusalem is racial psychopathy as far as iran is concerned. deep psychopathy


austrian state and civil servant society says publicly worldwide: first we kill rana, then the mother and then him, this is our future and economic boost. with iranian jews victims, with the help of israel and the islamic government

freddie, great persia, my friend long live cyrus, he is awake, iran was asleep

One dream, one soul
One prize, one goal
One golden glance of what should be
It's a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
It's a kind of magic

the formation has potential for 980 photos, what hansi franzi nazis think: we have to steal the stones so that a european can take the photos, the photos are expensive. we ruin iranians and persians, they are worth nothing, only european american work is worth a lot. die austrofascism, die

These are correct stones, tablet photos, and honestly, the angle, light and shadow, position, is work and potential


heilsteine haben zeichen, nice set

in 1998 the viennese judges knew viennese society, what arabs and turks and iranians still do to amiris and gharibs today is that: we live, not you, you are dead. I say you monkey, you never live, you are only there. you don't have what i have

i bought this painting for my sister today, nobody buys it, i bought it for 8 euros, i immediately thought of doctor chivago. instantly! and said there was this one scene and dialogue

sicherheitspolizei, staatspolizei, geheimdienste, ich ficke eure mütter, bastard tiere

she just throws shit out with no potential and still says today: jew murders, mass murders, for my children, houses for my children, apartments for my children

the main problem: the austrian whore with whatever political color also wants to die for vmat2 stasi capital, for eternal national socialism, because of urerus defect, monkey vagina

the problem austria, america and europe is not only vmat2 and race, but the tiny small written in the book: why do you walk on our floor with charismatic steps? are we not human? why do you walk with heavy steps

I haven't injected insulin for 14 months, this insulin is for people who have already died, I have 38 projects, 18 inventions and 24 systems work for ape society, I'm alive, you dirtiest evolution cave bastard origin Vienna

what about my mother and sister

iran should understand, austria has been a supporter of the ayatullah regime for 40 years, next to israel, these austrian and israeli heads are murdering heads against us, also in iranian hospitals, right there are viennese doctors and anti vmat society

I have synthetic poison in my body, it causes inflammation, pancreas inflammation for high sugar levels, no doctor eliminates the poisoning. today: 440, yesterday 560

since 2002 the inferior genetic Viennese medical community, all hospitals have been my private rooms, in my shop, and everywhere else, as a genetic miracle and a person with connections to the other world, nazi doctors want to know: how can we genetically change ourselves and become like you. the secret camera, question: what are you doing all the time with your wonderful body brain and vmat2

خلاصه، ویگن ارمنی بود و ما مسلمون، عجب گیری با این چشمه ی آب حیات، بدبخت شدیم

my imagination: tablet photo, white magic spirit and the red lady, the red dragon. is that dragon blood!?

worthless bastards

the police and civil servants should imagine it like this: someone with supernatural powers has a wooden box, this wooden box houses things that the normal citizen has no imagination and culture, the man as potential is worth it, the man as potential, so the box too , the wooden box becomes valuable through the man. you worthless thief and charlatan, civil servant, worthless civil servant.

Montag, 13. Juni 2022

dirty social democrats and viennese mafia: like 1938 to 1945, vmat2 is only worth naked something: in labor camps

UNO city is austro faschismus

austro fascism 2017-2022: every woman who has sex with him must be filmed and spyed and stalked, vmat2 is only worth sex scenes

1200 euros salary viennese: the torture money is the most important thing, it's too much, we hadn't done anything........ austro fascism 2017-2022: every woman who has sex with him must be filmed and spyed and stalked, vmat2 is only worth sex scenes