Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2022

American judges, Germany Turkey Europe, international judges, this Viennese colleague is a killer and not a judge, just a fascist that studied, Haag shame on you, these Viennese judges are animals that want to build up luxury with genocide

well, islam was never anti-magic but against the dragon formation, haram khar. are magicians and white magicians melchior, balthaser, casper haram khar?

In 1998 the judges started in small networks in 1932. today the judges give 1938 to vienna, finish it and let's celebrate

If judge whores and judge bastard dogs had already been burned in 1932, then 1938 would not have happened. 1938 is happening in europe today: we need luxury and a lot of money and property, people should be tortured and die for it

the children get their high school diploma, and then they go to university, and at 40 the parents look at the children: normal without capital, salary human. the same problem with amiris, the same psychopathy race: normal, nothing particularly despite studying

uterus problem, vagina problem, libido problem: wir sind keine schöpfung, unsere kinder können nichts. luristan artifact

wiener polizei und europa mit hilfe amerika, rana ist angeblich juden DNA

austria wants to kill us with the intention: we don't know what happened, we don't know any culprit. this is viennese journalism and peter pilz

even in the islamic dictatorship of iran, something like this that happens in democracy and the rule of law is not possible

in 2003 many viennese children were between 2 and 5 years old, today these children are between 16 and 20, these adults proudly say today: our parents have the right to plunder jews!!! does this world need these children!?

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

kiwara kumm wegen illegale diebstahl zu mir in stasi system nach 20 jahren, und ich tötet so viele österreichische tier kinder was ich kann

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2022

schon wieder bewiesen: österreicher sind keine menschen nur tiere

i was robbed in vienna, and the police, public prosecutor and judge: the perpetrators are aryan, the victims are jews. it doesn't matter

hide evidence is psychological struggle and war, an opinion: we want to see the jews in the concentration camp. there is only evidence of terror and fascism with violence

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

azadeh amiri 2017: we robbed you 2008 with iranians, where is the paranoia here, am i paranoid?

hide evidence ist frauenmord in wien nach stasi finanz aktion

ab jetzt bedeutet manipulative stasi techniken, lügen, hide evidence und menschenrechtsverletzung gegen rana, wegen rasse und dna und vmat2 dreihundert millionen euro schadenersatz

austria caused deep emotional and psychological problems for rana in stasi system by bribing and involving social networks with stasi money. three generations of scum have come out of these animal vaginas, genetic austrian scum animals

jetzt kommen sie zu rana wegen legale einkäufe herr richter, und zeige ihnen was alte rasse gegen massenmörder macht.

austrian state and civil servant society says publicly worldwide: first we kill rana, then the mother and then him, this is our future and economic boost. with iranian jews victims, with the help of israel and the islamic government

iranian secret service with azadeh amiri, hundreds of millions of euros stasi money. the new oil field:iranian vmat2, looting, theft, torture and murder apps. with American, Israeli, European secret service support

kebab ale high kültür neee, kebab abe is like us, high kültür ne türkie many high kültür ne,

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022

today in the morning, sobh morning mass murder mafia.

the mafia doctors in Vienna, hospitals should stop working with the CIA and the mass murder mafia, the synthetic stuff in my blood that is responsible for inflammation and high sugar levels has to come out, nazi doctors

یک کلفت اینور نشسته، یه نکبت اونور، یه نعمت اوور، یه رغبت ایور، مگه نه حاجی!؟

simone and hizbullah and neo nazi judges

this black psychopathy is also called jude, it is not a jew but a tribe, black magic tribe that protects itself with the name jude, like simone dinah hartmann, her family, parents children, a whole tribe in israel europe america and elsewhere. cause of mass murder, also from 1920 to 1945. It was called collaboration

I'm a psychopathy too, white vs black psychopathy. who can do that with stones? 980 models?, ancient logic

austrian state and civil servant society says publicly worldwide: first we kill rana, then the mother and then him, this is our future and economic boost. with iranian jews victims, with the help of israel and the islamic government.

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022

the nuclear negotiations are a show, and only for embargo, starvation, suffering and misery. america israel vienna ayatullahs proved it with 3 innocents in vienna. genes, dna, racial delusions and paranoia. vienna, washington, jerusalem is racial psychopathy as far as iran is concerned. deep psychopathy

austrian state and civil servant society says publicly worldwide: first we kill rana, then the mother and then him, this is our future and economic boost. with iranian jews victims, with the help of israel and the islamic government

freddie, great persia, my friend long live cyrus, he is awake, iran was asleep

One dream, one soul
One prize, one goal
One golden glance of what should be
It's a kind of magic
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
It's a kind of magic