Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022

who are you? that you analyze and speculate the relationship between salary and happiness with racial annihilation

Viennese tax office: we cannot answer anything. Who are you anyway, you shitty Austrians, you inferior pig under 8 billion

illegal recording, pornography as a business is like pedophilia and no privacy you police monkey. it is terrorism, antisemitism and attempted murder

Vienna gives you no illusions, without black magicians jews/wehrmacht jews you can never show yourself, you are nothing. just like today for 20 years, you evolution, with your Herrli, the black magician jew, black zionism

this crazy adolf is even in viennese gays too: we are something special, we are someone. under 8 billion people. this evolutionary cave was pitiful, deeply hidden, and we soldiers emam zanan did not find it,

hey ayatollahs and austrofaschismus shows 20 new works and systems, ideas, before i show it. copying and lying is monkey matter

Intellect and movement, invention and renewal are not dependent on school or university education, even if one writes in the native Indian language. how were the pyramids built?

you understand, vienna is a cheek, nothing says i am, under 8 billion. so "i" is to explain, what is "i" for 20 years

heas wiener, des scheißdreck von eich woillt des moachean wos wir kennan, bist immer no a scheißdreck, woeil nichts koannst, du scheiß dreck herrenrotz'n bub. sesam öffne dich ist unsers, main geschäft. scheißdreck häupl

since 1986 we have not had any police files, criminal records or court files, we are threatened in vienna by iranian and austrian animals, state police secret services and parties. animals, we are in mortal danger because of turkish kurdish green party animals. SPÖ animals. Viennese animals, politicians animals, judges animals, even the Federal President, the neoliberal Alexander animal and races torturer and murderer

100 years after mass murders, deep shit Viennese psychopathy pays millions to a father and relatives for murdering two VMAT people. this shit blood and meat

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2022

i have a key it belongs to this warrior, he has his things in monkey country, somewhere. he fucks you because of mass murder for 100 years

you are inferior evolutionary monkey race and secret recordings over 5 minutes of a family with three successful businesses is fascism

michael häupl: heinrich gross BSA und ich sind vorbreitet und in alarmbereitschaft, wir sind das recht gegen VMAT mensch, wien ist solidarisch

whoever invests millions of euros in vienna for terror, he invests even more in iran

all iranian whores get state support and money and career in collective behavior, cyberterror freedom against my sister, michael häupl financed since 2005. also SPÖ felx. i have Schizophrenia and paranoia, nonstop voices because of attempted murder

بینم این خارکوسده نبید؟

تجزفز پناهی، کی بید؟ من بید، تو بید؟ اون بید؟ که بید؟ سینمای ایران بید؟ مافیا بید؟ آریایی بید؟ یا ما بید؟

this is also an expedition team too, how animals have developed and what they plan to do with the great empire of persia, i hear it then, i am "schitzpherenia"

nazis, austrians were phenomenon hunters with several expedition teams, in tibet, africa, asia latin america, just there where also in the post war period millions died in the last 80 years. the reason: nobody should be able to do what we can't do, we apes are the master race

آقا به خواهر مادر ما چیکار داشتی عسل

والا به خدا، 40 سال ریده به مملکت رفته، میگه: والا ما دست بزنیم به نقره طلا میشه، دست بزنیم به طلا الماس میشه، دست بزنیم به الماس یعنی همون کون حاج خانوم، عسل روان میشه.... بچه هارو ببین: صادر کردیم به خارج، صادرات کلان میشه


ژن خداپرستی در مملکت نیازمندی است، تاپاله سنده پهن ، ناصر، محمود، قاسم، عباس، پروانه پروین، محسن، مهدی، افسانه، افسر، گوه زیادی، فامیل بنده یعنی گوه زیادی، خوردنش هم کار اسرائیل، آمریکا اتریش است، فهمیدی کوسکش، آخوند رومانی یوگوسلاو، گرجی پهن، تواز همه بیشتر کلفت تری، عن

the austrians, the viennese, the government bought all relatives and social contacts, that means the death of god genes brings you prosperity

فامیلی که در قتل‌عام دست جمعی ژن خدا پرستی نقش خود را برای منافع شخصی ایفا میکند باید کشت، پدر کشی به این معنا یعنی حق

آقا بکشید، ناصر اکرم محمود قاسم، عباس بچه های اکرم فامیل، بکشید، بکشید، طیبه، بکشید، افسانه افسر فرناز فرهاد بکشید

in 2009 i said: the ayatullah families are 15,000 people, they all want to own over 10 million euros, where do you think the business is? with austria, vienna berlin jerusalm and washington, UNO., Nasser is a crappy example

nasser farahani (since 2002 no contact) has been working as a stasi agent since 2010 for ayatullahs and austro fascism, one million euros were promised, 4 million were given. today he is 73 and says: 4 million is not 10% i need his corpse.

بانک ملی شعبه شهيد چمران، به گوشم، بفرمائید

austrian nationalism: others will die for my house

there were 20 years of stasi vmat2 finance business with rahim and azadeh amiri, like 2nd world war they are all ready to die for the gold and money. this is austrian nationalism: others will die for my house

i told to you, 980 fotos, and 120 journeys with cam, and 700 possibilities to go in

zaaaaaaauuuuuuberrrrrrr, aber keine kamera, zaaaaaubeeeerr du richter, du abschaum dieb und plünderer, du scharlatan nazi