Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022
das unterschreibe ich mit: barbad farahani anti massenmord und anti vmat2 faschismus, du neonazi polizei hure
when the police sits in front of me and says we are fascism and have the right to make people with three businesses stasi slaves, then i only kill police whores, i can manage up to 500. i am not a charlie hebdo terror, i am partizane and anti-fascist and vmat2 genocide and slavery
chemical attacks vienna, austrofascism
what this stasi action with ayatollahs, hezbullah, israelis, americans and vienna society is, is that vienna says: the viennese police cannot kill you in front of our eyes, but we can kill you in front of the police because of the stasi capital and because of illegal real estate . vienna must be gassed, gassing in vienna, chemical attacks are a privilege if international authorities do not act immediately
if your children are not useless why do you need my race for success and luxury?
the answer to aryan and indoaryan fascism in the 21st century should be this: gas and fire. no one misses inferior race, the children are also useless
The girl below was 14, a political activist or genes and race and origin like 1981 to 1988? with kurt waldheim UNO and vienna? was my sister politically active? why were thirteen year old girls murdered in 1981
das war österreich, mit alle schichten der gesellschaft, ein ali gharib als helfer, ein rahim und azadeh als helfer. UNO der generaldirktor und kanibalismus
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...