Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022

hey israel, elam spirit, apple? snake!? houm?

I have 60,000 photos on memory cards, I wanted to show a new photo, but I'm tired of searching, does anyone buy the photos for 10 euros each!?

آقای بهروز وثوقی حال واحوال؟

if i were in america, and the ayatollahs were there too, and the situation was the same there, i would have been plundered long ago, 0815 is sometimes luck in misfortune

austrians are an inferior 0815 race and worth nothing for this world. 0815, even the scientists

police animals have orders from spö and other animals to kill rana, military commandos stand behind murder plans with judges

police animals have orders from spö and other animals to kill rana, military commandos stand behind murder plans with judges

police animals have orders from spö and other animals to kill rana, military commandos stand behind murder plans with judges

the only thing I have with a 35,000 euro manager is: inferior people call us both psychopathy

I have not yet shown 1 project out of 38, only my tablet works and the animal Austro fascism is murderer, not yet 1 project and invention, inferior nazi animal

there is a difference between active and passive behavior, vienna is active with ayatullahs because of vmat2 murders

active fascism (michael häupl and SPÖ) must be eliminated and wiped out, even if there are 15,000 with their children. Bomb attacks on active fascism is a privilege, gassing is a duty

das unterschreibe ich mit: barbad farahani anti massenmord und anti vmat2 faschismus, du neonazi polizei hure

when the police sits in front of me and says we are fascism and have the right to make people with three businesses stasi slaves, then i only kill police whores, i can manage up to 500. i am not a charlie hebdo terror, i am partizane and anti-fascist and vmat2 genocide and slavery

when the police sits in front of me and says we are fascism and have the right to make people with three businesses stasi slaves, then i only kill police whores, i can manage up to 500. i am not a charlie hebdo terror, i am partizane and anti-fascist and vmat2 genocide and slavery

sesam öffne dich ist unsers, du drecksau rassenwahn, du scheißdreck rassenwahn, du haunkind wiener rassenwahn, du abschaum rassenwahn, du psychopathie du dreck du rassenwahn, du hure du huansau drecksau

racial madness saw this sign a long time ago in persia

die grenzen sind offen scheiß österreicher, krieg bedeutet krieg, rassenwahn soll endlich ersticken und sterben. stirb rassenwahn, stirb du bastard

if your children are not useless why do you need my race for success and luxury?

chemical attacks vienna, austrofascism

what this stasi action with ayatollahs, hezbullah, israelis, americans and vienna society is, is that vienna says: the viennese police cannot kill you in front of our eyes, but we can kill you in front of the police because of the stasi capital and because of illegal real estate . vienna must be gassed, gassing in vienna, chemical attacks are a privilege if international authorities do not act immediately

if your children are not useless why do you need my race for success and luxury?

the answer to aryan and indoaryan fascism in the 21st century should be this: gas and fire. no one misses inferior race, the children are also useless

we have a silent holocaust in iran with the aryan gypsy race mafia, also abroad as you can see in vienna, burns everyone or puts them in gas chambers if international authorities don't move and the states support this mafia

we are not only austrian citizens, but as the geneva convention describes it, we have former refugee status and must be protected from dictatorship in a second country

رحیم امیری قدیمی ایران آدم کشته اومده اینجا، 8 ماه زندان با محسن درزی

why were thirteen year old girls murdered in 1981? what about rana in austria?

The girl below was 14, a political activist or genes and race and origin like 1981 to 1988? with kurt waldheim UNO and vienna? was my sister politically active? why were thirteen year old girls murdered in 1981

das war österreich, mit alle schichten der gesellschaft, ein ali gharib als helfer, ein rahim und azadeh als helfer. UNO der generaldirktor und kanibalismus

this austrofascism has been present in iran for 40 years, for example rana farahani

kill this mother fucker animals

after a hundred years of mass murder, these shitty austrians know rana genetically and are waging psychological warfare with manipulative stasi techniques, kill these bastards, kill. these fascists are attempted murder against innocent people everywhere

after a hundred years of mass murder, these shitty austrians know rana genetically and are waging psychological warfare with manipulative stasi techniques, kill these bastards, kill. these fascists are attempted murder against innocent people everywhere

understand i am not an adolf hitler show: we are very old people, we are old, we are master race!, i show iran, we have the potential and are not a show, we are the master race