Samstag, 18. Juni 2022

bastard austrians, monkey, aryan nothing, aryan scum, active fascism, in this stone there are two task areas, melchior area: magic, and balthaser and casper: science. you fucking race killer with UNO and amnesty international, fucking inferrior monkey master race

this is a simple homework. what are the two doing? you darwin you evolution, kill us all, kill us with communists and socialists. mother fucker ghahbe, ghabe, ghahbe mayman

marx never said that the industrial revolution was this: haman gushabudi, shahubashtana gubi ta ju gashana. ancient luri elami kurdi

Marx knew Plato

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity.

what shit marx and engels did is: both made animals into humans. the intrigue is: communism, socialism, capitalism are human. bohemian inferior animals

this is israel america europe turkey and this is supposed to be the future iran: find bloodline, genes and ethnicity in laboratories and open chatrooms: we don't have why he and she

wega und cobra diese aussage verursacht terroranschläge in wien: für a jud geht ka arische rasse ins zelle ane

affe will mensch töten, international. mit hauptzentrale wien, arische herrenaffe mit arische zigeuner herrenaffe

ich hole die beweise, und töte täter aus notwehr wegen: mordversuch und stasi folter system. das ist lynchmordversuch ohne menschenrechtsverletzung anmeldung

Die regierung österreich will töten, wieder rasse, ethnie, gene, dna, das volk sagt: 150 millionen euro sind wichtig, start punkt 1998

با سند میکشمت نری زندان، با سند

بگو نبودم با سند میکشمت

this is israel america europe turkey and this is supposed to be the future iran: find bloodline, genes and ethnicity in laboratories and open chatrooms: we don't have why he and she

Anyone who opens such chat rooms for the masses is a killer and attempted murder

Anyone who opens such chat rooms for the masses is a killer and attempted murder

police want to kill with iranians like in 1938, these are mostly 25 year old police animals with ayatullahs

the police cannot kill us with ayatollahs only if "they" report human rights violations

we made monkeys into mayors and generals, but it wasn't settled that after 5000 years you'd say: i'm human you're not human, you animal

so, in terms of mithraism and visual language, military strategy and cities, government building

the magicians pointed it at their finger rings and the monkeys ran away in panic, it's healthy

that cost rana 50 euros today, bought in a flea market. she asked why!? i said this ritual tool is good for health.

Freitag, 17. Juni 2022

Nasser farahani und azadeh amiri sind beide mordversuch, mordversuch wegen umgerechnet 10 millionen euro, stasi euros

das ist ein betrug du scharlatan, scharlatan, scharlatan, abschaum scharlatan, antisemitismus betrifft nur vmat mensch, du scharlatan du business

Nasser farahani is worth shit, veronika and the children, azdeh amiri is worth shit, shams and gharibs are worth shit, my relatives, and the viennese iranians, vienna turn shit into gold, I also turn shit into gold. household silver, crystal and a few stones

Nasser farahani und azadeh amiri sind beide mordversuch, mordversuch wegen umgerechnet 10 millionen euro, stasi euros

wir hab in wien und iran rassenmörder, massenmörder und wiener scheiß rasse abschaum rasse tierrasse drecksau huansau wesen wiener sagt: wir schließen uns an, wo sand vmat lait? wiefü hobt's no

UNO city terrorist, jail or death? not a terror cent stays in your pocket, after 40 years of mass murder in iran, evolutionary animals in the UN

wir hab in wien und iran rassenmörder, massenmörder und wiener scheiß rasse abschaum rasse tierrasse drecksau huansau wesen wiener sagt: wir schließen uns an, wo sand vmat lait? wiefü hobt's no

viennese police and judges, politicians: we kill vmat2 in prison like in iran, from now on and in the future, international authorities say we are the right against vmat man

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