Montag, 20. Juni 2022

emam zaman kommt, es ist keine aberglaube. ich warte

all judges in vienna are psychopathic offenders and are of unsound mind due to racial theory and racial fanaticism. after 20 years

Austria shows itwhat was done to rana, innocent because of genes, race and ethnicity means: we are not human, we are animals

nasser mahmoud mansour ghassem farahani verhaften, und 3 millionen stasi euro zurück, mordversuch geld

this dirt killed 1.5 million children, also the melchior race, because these wehrmacht jews had quieted vmat jews, nothing will happen to you. these idiots should have killed thousands of Aryan children back then. mauthausen drawing 1945 my race, 20 million in iran

1932 hätten die leute eure kinder abschlachten sollen diese scheiß rasse, diese kinder, wehrmachtsjuden haben 6 millionen menschen betrogen. samt 1.5 millionen kinder, alle wurden abgeschlachtet, 1.5 millionen kinder. man hätte eure bastardkinder abschlachten sollen 1932, minderwertige affe, minderwertige schweine

ich töte eure kinder in kindgärten bei illegalität und diebstahl

komm zu mir nach hause und sag die einkäufe für rana sind illegal und ich bring dich um, ich bin nicht ghassemloo du mörder

kiwara kannst du di net ohne main schwanz ernähren du arische bastard?

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UNO and AMNESTY INTERNATION, human rights watch, zara and other organisations are gene mafia, gene mafia, gene mafia. CIA/NSA agents

gene mafia global specializes in elami race and elami vmat2 torture, in vienna the mafia says: in vienna we don't accept the austrian constitution because of genes, ethnicity and race.

du scheiß drecksau arisch wien du huankind, diese arische zigeuner, die iraner sind primitivere killer, du scheiß bastard partei und politiker, du scheiß bastard polizei richter und geheimdienst, du scheiß bastard österreicher

since 1979 the ancient genetic behavior has been provoked, established and manifested in iran: aryan gypsy race feeds on native race with murder violence executions and manslaughter. what rahim and azadeh do and did in vienna

You can change genetic culture behavior after 30 or 40 years, today you can't compare Iran with 1979, Iran needs 50 years to be healthy again like in 1970. just like this aryan indo-germanic culture: i can't live without you, the same today: i can't buy a house without your penis. I can't do it without destroying your existence, that's Aryan genetically inferior behavior, firmly manifested in genes for 2000 years

i wrote that elamis in prehistory were in europe, in vienna austria and bosnia. the answer was the situation today: we don't work for these genes and race, amnesty international and UNO are worse than others. scheiß arische blonde affenrasse

elami genes are as race, ethnicity and semit confronted with these indo-aryan scum, immigrated to iran for murder, supported by aryan scum in america and EU and jews as finance ministers

there were never elamite gods in bosnian pyramids, therefore hundreds of thousands of corpses in iran are not ethnic murder

wos ist jude mit dir und michael häupl SPÖ? du heinrich gross jude 2.bezirk

this execution would almost be possible in vienna for ayatollahs according to the stasi financial project million euros: in vienna 300 mozzafars live next to 5000 ghazanfars. cyber terror and azadeh namaki and ali namaki

für 2 wörter wurde er hingerichtet weil der scheiß österreicher hemlich in labors für andere berichte schreibt: des ist a ana herr mozafar, der woar aa bei uns, des hot ka recht herr mozafar, sie sand in evin dafür zuständig, sie sand dort der chef, kennenan sie sich aus herr mozaffar?

jonah was in an ancient civilization submarine 3 days and got ancient technology for miracles. I prove it. fuck yourself

right now mojtaba khamenei is talking in chat rooms with international judges, public prosecutors, viennese police and judges, politicians and business partners, after this, the day-to-day business in iran.

I am constantly being pursued by satanism and ahrimanism by non-stop cameras, I am looking for places where this device should glow in the dark when I put it in the ground. should I poke that in your fucking eye? earth of 11th district

what has come out in the last 20 years that is special, new, sensational from arian race UNO and vienna, except 0815 normal

this shit has no education and potential for bossa nova, they hate supernova. do you know genius bossanova!?

it's all because of master race sperm, the child becomes a supernova, ape country has nothing, ape country only has shit in blood and flesh

i suffer corporal punishment like in evin prison, i haven't had sex for 5 years because of nonstop cameras and no money for sex, that's torture

scheiß amnesty international frauen sind in folter geschäft mit ayatullahs, scheiß tiere affen huren weiber amnesty und UNO

this scum country, scum existence, does nothing after 5 years, because of envy, financial stasi project with vmat2 and political activism means half a billion in damages

armut österreicherin, 3000 euro gehalt sagt: wir arbeiten für islamische republik iran. armut huanweiber und die töchter

cia nsa and mossad know my paltalk rooms from 2002 because of armed defence, regime change, organize and mobilize. what happened in vienna is a cooperation with SEPAH and CIA