Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022

چه عاشقانه ارتجاع سیاه

ارتجاع سیاه

آقا از دختر یارو سوال کردند:خانم احدی جریان سنگسار چیست، فرمودند:ما کمونیستهامیگوییم کوس دادن به هرکس آزاد است، حق مسلم زن است، بعد یارو ترکید ازخنده، سوال کرد: معنویت عن بودن به چه معناست؟ داد زد برو گمشو ارتجاعی ضد زن

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2022

vienna is this construction, which was actually set up in iran in the sasanite era and defeated by us and arabs

What azadeh amiri didn't know, vienna is old rome, viennese are not native austrians, but the country is occupied by the romans with 5 political parties. compulsory vaccination parties. they cut my head off despite 16 jobs and 38 projects and several inventions

حاجی، حاج آقا این میخ طویله فیروز کریمی نیست ها، خیلی تاریخی قدمت داره

Maria Magdalena made Jesus famous with her fucking, Jesus became a miracle and healer, Rome and the Jews of the Wehrmacht didn't know what to do with their fingers in their asses

defeat and losses in first world war turned austria and germany into wild animals, the concept of second world war was: until defeat SIEG HEILS. then defeat should happen. today is promised with leftists, neoliberals and green party networks the thousand year empire with EU AND AMERICA cooperation

Viennese, Austrians, have become more animals than in 1920. Approx. 500,000 in the inner circle. because of gene technology research and networks, american and european networks


a mother sits peacefully at home, the daughter sits peacefully at home, and the politically active son protests against torture, hunger, mass murder, and FPÖ, SPÖ, ÖVP, LEFTISTS, GREENS say we have to torture, destroy and kill. the phoenix sees evolution and development, and decides the end because of it. we are the higher race, inferior genes is another matter

it is about old hatred, an individual or a whole society

in 2004 i said: iranians will have no friends in the middle east and in neighboring countries like turkey.this is the stasi system against a whole country, carried out by ayatullahs hezbollah sepah, CIA mossad, mi6, europe and america. iran in world politics means: stasi system against millions, economically and personally

shamanism is firmly manifested in societies as an event, including in ancient greece, actually as a rare race in a tribe, society, and country. but as far as politics is concerned, it becomes delicate and critical, the shaman knows crime, networks, international databases, international data protection authorities, international judges and public prosecutors, amnesty international and the UN. an american european scheme for shaman mass murder vmat2 and forced sterilization

i searched in 40,000 photos, i actually found the parrot and demon.

islamic republic of iran has sent my death sentence to vienna, judges in vienna are discussing this in chatrooms with international judges, there is talk of 30 million euros for execution in a cell like in evin prison

der eigentliche terror ist CIA und austro faschismus, amerikanische rassenvernichtungsprogram

I led political rooms in paltalk from 2002 until 2014 against the iranian regime, these actions were led by regime sympathizers, toudeh party, aksariat party and ayatollahs and hezbollah. vienna turned terror into a personal attack, background ideology: we destroy vmat2 jews with iranians

these stones can be bought at the flea market, on heinrich's table, or in old goods and antique shops, go look for them

this sign in the smoke is my goal, it has a certain meaning when i get it. or others like me. the parrot and ahura mazdan demon is cool. medicinal parrot, shaman of the wind

CIA thanks ali gharib hussein gharib and sasan darvishzadeh for 20 years of VMAT2 stasi system, all are sepah members including shams family, reza nasri and ali nasri, arash and maziar amiri

the reason why austria wants to hit us with its judges and police, politicians and secret services is the gene, with sepah!? it wants to destroy us because of genes, with sepah!?

austria is something special that nobody is, with barbad farahani, everything is possible with these people

حال شما آقای رفیق دوست، انشاءالله که با کولی ایرانی های جهانی لو رفتید، سی هزاری که شدید تا به امروز، بله! خلاصه اینه دیگه ما سوسول بودیم همیشه، ولی کونده نبودیم، بکنیم، قبلش هم میخوریم یکم کوس رو، لیس هم میزنیم، بله. بکن بکن خلاصه، خوش تیپ هستیم دیگه، عن ننه که نبودیم

SPÖ michi sagte ich 2002 bis 2017 dass ich von dir etwas wissen will? oder haben will? sagte ich etwas? du affe, du neanderthaler herkunft?

barbads white psychopathy: we create billions of stones, what to hide? fucking aliens?

these stones have been lying around for millions of years and nobody has known about them since the 4th century. after the plan of destruction of all pyramids and buildings by the romans.

heas richter kollektive hoit's zam, gosch'n heas, des ist genetische tradition, woans hAs wird und moann uns tötean wü: heas du oaff bist du deppert oder wos, wos iiiist kennst net sowos, bist deshalb deppert!?

Fragen sie mich nicht was das ist, sondern sagen sie mir: was verkaufen die schwarz magier in wien zwischen eintausend bis 50.000 euros, und woher kommt das geld her? vmat2 mord? folter? mauthausen system?

her sowieso diese folge kill bill kennen sie nicht oder?

I say: ok I have this here, it's more modern than today's technology, you don't drive it on sidewalks or streets, you travel with it to other dimensions, the light opens doors LOL

mother and daughter are innocent, i was a political activist against murder, torture and hunger, where is your connection to jesus and god?