Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022

dada bada dadabada oing oing oing

listen to music and move around singing so In the city, then you will find something too LOL

Finding buying collecting stones is logical thinking and intellect, but also one should understand logistics. how did people do it back then? that stones from 7 different districts result in a picture and visual language? the language is mathematics with billions of stones. and now imagine the technology

Mr. wehrmacht jew zionism my deer head over there and a howling mother, the end result? because of our history? viennese stones

Do you understand, fascism and NSDAP signs are in Iran, the speeches in Vienna without SS signs with Tehran, in chat rooms, Iranian and Viennese women: we have financed real estate for 20 years by destroying existence, please kill the family. viennese iranian and viennese women without SS party sign

national socialism is based on aryan and indo-germanic history, hey? the lower class, workers and civil servants are worse than the established middle class and upper class. 1200 to 3000 salary

خلاصه حاجی، این میخ و سیخ تو دست و پا هر کسی در اتریش رفته بهشتی بوده. حرف زیاد میزده، یا هنوز میزنه

آقا سازمان اطلاعات امنیت کشور موش لا درزش نمیره، چه برسه به کیر ما، حالا موساد داره تهران موش میدونه میگه ما خبرنداریم، خارکوسده روانی ریدم تو روحت

the symbol of national socialism is in tehran, but here in vienna, vienna works with tehran and iranian without party symbols.

in iran we have had national socialism with vienna as a school for 40 years, our lives were ruined with tehran, with vienna as a school. tribal law, aryan law is a current topic in iran, racial hatred and racial theory with old school vienna

In der Sekundärliteratur sehen einige Autoren den Nationalsozialismus im Allgemeinen und den nationalsozialistischen Rechtsstaatsbegriff im Besonderen als Kulminationspunkt einer tatsächlichen Tendenz der deutschen Geschichte

austria/vienna: vmat2 is not human being and not our citizens, as worker as employed, as businessman, as capitalist or academics, as shaman or healer, as scientists.....

Bought at a flea market, 2 euros from Heinrich. it is not a golden compass, but a reference to mother love and the child, in a world filled with hatred, everyone loves their child, but this mother loves other children as her children, and cries for her children when something happens. what is love!?

after 6 million jews in europe, 10 million in africa and millions of mass murders in iran like in 1918, no dictatorship can say we are all evolution, and after 100 million mass murders on the american continent. spain 1449

old genes race and ethnic group should become world citizens, protected like in canada, the native people, but no, it's UNO fascism and vienna that finds everyone in laboratory and hospital networks and wants to kill them

bud bud bud, bud bud bud baby, bud bud bud honey deep inside come and kill me, bud bud budbud darling, bud bud bud baby

my uncle davood was an antiques dealer at the age of 24, like me, he bought a two-storey house at the age of 25, only showing the books is no danger in iran, only in europe and america

tara was also in the antiques business alongside her studies, in washington, her collection iran

i need 500,000 euros for equipment, the money would be possible with an antiques business in order to develop me further, 0815 gets the money for dance theater. Over 20 years with the Stasi torture finance system. It's called state funding

her father started stalking me in 2001 because of important genes and origin. it's been 20 years. what happened to your daughter despite studying, even with the acquaintance and contact with geogre bush?

hey fucking CIA/NSA. 1978, i was 3 years old, i got a stone from tara, she asked are you: buri, bari, or babaiii? you get it if you say it right, i said bari and she laughed and said from now on your name is bari

i can do a hundred thousand things without crystal stone water and smoke, paintings. There's no point in copying me I'm valuable, you copy. daytrade!? can you copy me in daytrade?

Shananism is science. Besides being an elemental and human right, or practice it, alongside alchemy, magic and energy healing. But finding the gene and turning it off, killing and torturing it, finding the supernarural gene in labs with doctors is more than crimes against humanity

a close relative of picus from asia

Asian demonology is so complicated, I don't know much about it, but I can recognize some of them from their facial features whether they are evil or white

energy stones and old civilization

six stone set, photo just now, flea market stones, bought from 3 dealers. Shananism is science. Besides being an elemental and human right, or to practice it, alongside alchemy, magic and energy healing. But finding the gene and turning it off, killing and torturing it, finding the supernarural gene in labs with doctors is more than crimes against humanity

In der Sekundärliteratur sehen einige Autoren den Nationalsozialismus im Allgemeinen und den nationalsozialistischen Rechtsstaatsbegriff im Besonderen als Kulminationspunkt einer tatsächlichen Tendenz der deutschen Geschichte

UNO statement: since 2002 it has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with ethnicity, nothing to do with vmat2, nothing to do with political activism, between 2002 and 2006 only someone was in a room with garbage, and we have the right to exploit poor people because poor people are worth nothing

in UNO city building fascists have been infiltrated on every floor. people who make personal and political statements that have nothing to do with the basic idea of founding the UN

Where outside the law there is a right to earn money by selling races, the forbidden German Aryan law, there is also legal cutting off the head of the Aryan race. outside the law a right

In der Sekundärliteratur sehen einige Autoren den Nationalsozialismus im Allgemeinen und den nationalsozialistischen Rechtsstaatsbegriff im Besonderen als Kulminationspunkt einer tatsächlichen Tendenz der deutschen Geschichte

گائیدن کردن داه. ه. ه ریدن کردن داه. ه. ه. ه. ه صهیب

بدبختی مملکت اینه، این سیاهی دارد در جامعه طبقاتی ما میخزد، پائین میگه چی؟ طرف پول داره ها، خیلی پول داره، خیلی با شخصیته، ده تا برج ساخته، خیلی آدم شریف و با شخصیته. بله! در مملکت ما سرمایه به معنای چرخش سرمایه وایجاد کار نیست، بلکه سرمایه به این معناست خوار مادر مردم رو باید گائید، 8 ما حقوق نده، 12 ماه حقوق نده، خواهر بگا، فقط خونه بساز که خالی بمونه کنار. طرف با شخصیته، اینرو رحیم میگه، سرور میگه، آزاده میگه، علی و حسین میگه، حزب و سازمان توده و اکثریت میگه، "زن ایرانی" میگه

i live in a secular state where the judges and UNO say: we are human with our ancient roman black rituals: they cut my head off despite 16 jobs and 38 projects and several inventions

roman artefact, symbolic action in vienna