Freitag, 24. Juni 2022

Nasser wants to kill me and thinks along with his wife: judges don't see us, police and secret services don't see us either, vienna sees us. we want to live in peace for the next 15 years. until we are 85, what is your life worth? who is it good for and how was prosperity financed!? portal to their apartment. holy grail

what the ayatollahs are in vienna is the new world order with jerusalem and the vatican: old indigo genes must disappear, ahrimanic genes or god genes. this is evolution against all, black magic and white magic. these tribes are more murderous than ahrimanic indigo genes

خلاصه، شیطانپرستی شاخ و دم نداره، رفته با یه زنیکه فاشیست ازدواج کرده، 5 ساله ملت دنبال مرگ ما هستن، عکس میذاره میگه بیا، لا کوس، نه اون یکی، این یکی. ما به این کوس 2002 گفتیم تو پدر ما نیستی، برو گمشو

since 2007 I never wanted that the political struggle and revolution relates to evolution killer race and human. that was a mistake. iranian austrians, europe and america: many parts of your society are killer apes in civil service and international agencies

I have prophets I'm a human you don't have any you're a monkey, do you fuck off? or not in the 21st century with animal behavior!? shit parties austria and UNO

michael häupl und HEINRICH GROSS SPÖ, du huankind, bastard affe und evolution, du bastard scheißdreck gene, neanderthaler herkunft und stamm

2009 "hardliner" barbad farahani wien. politische aktivismus

barefoot is no longer looking for che but for rich children, for god genes stasi system. photo 2009

UNO, amnesty, human rights watch: as far as god genes are concerned, we have personal opinions, we do not report anything and see nothing because of a mother and daughter

میگم حمید تقوایی، داریوش بزرگ خیلی جنایتکار بود، جون تو، پابرهنه بکشی یا نکشی مادر خواهر مادر آدم رو میدن دست اسکندر، بهتر بود کار دیگه میکرد.

حاجی بیا، یه تکون

genes hostile individuals sit in state service austria and say old vmat2 genes is a forbidden genes in europe. This is also confirmed by UNO members, Amnesty and Zara members, international authorities officials

youtube ist amerikanisch ehrlich, barack obama ehrlich

na immerhin "84" leute heute

there are indigo genes, whoever has it will not be able to live normally under dictatorship, like me and rana in isolation and secret camera dictatorship, whoever does not have it lives normally, the corona vaccination was symbolic, first series of experiments with dictatorship

should I revise script golden compass 2 for vatican!? we are god's children, that should have a deep divine meaning in the script

genes hostile individuals sit in state service austria and say old vmat2 genes is a forbidden genes in europe. This is also confirmed by UNO members, Amnesty and Zara members, international authorities officials

رعنا سیاسی نبود رژیم، ولی کیری تو کوس ننه نظام میکنم که بفهمی حساب کتاب شده 40 سال سر چی کشتی

خلاصه اکنون میان دو هیچ

حاجی واسه کافره، خوردنش ثواب داره

Freitag, 24. Juni 2022

energy stone system constellation, feng shui is bossanova deepness. understood!? or misunderstood

I'm 47 and trying to be 22, because of my projects, without punishment of ahmadinejad monkeys, and reporting terror fascism, stasi system and human rights violations, nothing will work

international national socialism has its headquarters in tehran, 2006 was the proof: holocaust denial conference. with 30,000 families, an army in the west

fascism and NSDAP signs are in Iran, the speeches in Vienna without SS signs with Tehran, in chat rooms, Iranian and Viennese women: we have financed real estate for 20 years by destroying existence, please kill the family. viennese iranian and viennese women without SS party sign

an antique dealer and art connoisseur can earn his living and money up to the age of 90. vienna says we didn't have a human in vienna since 2002. even if it's little things, a minimum of 300 euros a day.

tax office in vienna: in the last 12 years, rahim amiri has renovated the house 6 times with a pension of 800 euros for around 170,000 euros. the jews torture money doesn't interest us, secret jews from iran are welcome in austria

michael häupl SPÖ viennese judges want to kill me with iranian viennese national socialism, in a cell: heart attack, suspected suicide, escalation with others, or slow poisoning murder. this is vienna 21st century, the animal, viennese scum race judges, aryan race, shitty race with final solution vmat annihilation iran

international national socialism has its headquarters in tehran, 2006 was the proof: holocaust denial conference. with 30,000 families, an army in the west

without a big bang, austria, one of the richest countries in the world, doesn't want to give up vmat2 and race trade, it's not about the money, it's about the final solution: vmat human annihilation

In der Sekundärliteratur sehen einige Autoren den Nationalsozialismus im Allgemeinen und den nationalsozialistischen Rechtsstaatsbegriff im Besonderen als Kulminationspunkt einer tatsächlichen Tendenz der deutschen Geschichte

خلاصه جریان این است، با فامیل جاکش

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022

wiener "linke" eigentlich fast alle wiener geheimdienst angestellte schließen sich arische bewegung iran an, und zeigen solidarität was vmat2 handel und mord betrifft, inklusive grüne

international national socialism has its headquarters in tehran, 2006 was the proof: holocaust denial conference. with 30,000 families, an army in the west

i am EU citizen. not 1932 citizen

یا اهورا

بر پر و بال تو قسم  من همان جزم  که سر پالتالک شد چنین جور وضعیتم
گفتم مزدک و مانی ای رفیق، تا مهمانی 13 با ما میمانی!؟
  بله حالا برید پالتالک اتاق امسال، ببینید ما 5 سال نرفتیم پال جریان چی شده

diamond unpolished, can do 16 jobs, has 38 projects and several inventions. You scum origin, you breed dealers, you with illegal real estate business