Sonntag, 26. Juni 2022

this incinerator of romano aryan gypsies, will soon get proper incinerator response in iran, ali gharib tribes from yugoslavia, and amiris from romania, and others from poland, georgia and europe

all racial murders are coordinated from vienna and UNO city, with the help of america, EU and israel

hizbullah and ayatollah ali and mojtaba khamenei have contracts with jews/israel, child murders and vmat2 murders in iran. rana and i are proof.for 40 years ali khamenei has not killed any jews and israeli in the fight against israel. only us

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

Nasser ferahani ist bedbekht bichareh jude, bedbekht bichareh jude, kapital geil mit seine kinder, kapital geil aber geld verdienen mit mir und rana. bedbekht bichareh ohne vmat2 fleisch und blut, puhhhi bedbekht bichare

Sonntag, 26. Juni 2022

میگم رعنا رو بچه بود با عباس و قاسم میفروختینش بدبخت بیچاره، بدبخت بیچاره، بچه بود میفروختینش مادر جنده ها

jude this is the part where someone talks about the open book: who makes money through me and my sister and persecutes us, vmat2

nice pieces

i just want to buy some stones from tyrol, nice pieces

jude du warst und bist moses killer, das ist keine theorie dr. freud oder andere, du bist moses killer

we are iranian here, born in teheran. our genes dna god genes is from iran, finance projects are with iranians. with the help of ayatullahs and hezbollah

that was next to old blue danube vienna

Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son.
Ask: How did God protect baby Moses? (God saved him from the dangers in the river, and caused Pharaoh’s daughter to have compassion on him and save his life.)
Say: This story seems almost impossible doesn’t it? Pharaoh had issued a decree that all the baby boys were to be killed yet Moses survived.
Ask: Was there anything that Moses could have done to save himself from all the danger around him? (No way, only God could have saved baby Moses!)

the explanation of 6 million dead and Mauthausen is this: the dirtiest evolution monkey lives in vienna, the fake jews and upper class, middle class and parts of the lower class, all with alien spirit, the jews almost all

جریان ما شده کیر غاز و اردک جنده، خوارتون رو گائیدم

tenth district stones, government system, deep state, vmat2 trade. black capital

Austria has to explain why they murdered 6 million people and why they haven't left me and my family in peace since 1998. the reason is prehistory vienna, 10 district, eylami district

subhuman austria, viennese police, secret services, civil servants and politicians, military ruined my life, business and existence from 2002, so that i can't work in vienna and europe/america. cobra and wega reads me and my systems. hundreds of millions of euros earned by repeating national socialism

here there is a children's playground with millions of sci-fi stones from prehistory, beautiful sunday jude

juuuuuuuuude geld ohne arbeit juuuuuuuude, vmat2 mauthausen system, mit dir juuuuuuuude, juuuuuuuuude, juuuuuuuude. ich habe eure geschichte juuuuuuuude, eure herkunft juuuuuuuuudeee

Austria cannot carry out a racial (vmat2) hygiene campaign without Jews like it did in 1932

gene mafia has activated the lowest layer of fascism with viennese jews and zionism, for forever, lowest layer fascism, for illegal capital without work: viennese jews and international zionism

das ist ein werk wiener juden, wie simone und stephan/stefan, ein leben mit kapital ohne arbeit, mauthausen system, andere juden sterben lassen, für simone und andere, für wohlstand

I am a victim of terror and the Stasi, in danger because of nazi terrorism and Iranian terrorism. and wega cobra, military secret service: we need shielding technology, radiation. for a blockade that terrorists (victims) do not read and hear us.

and somewhere the child has forgotten something, we were human first and always have been, but the ahrimanic science is poison for our brain. what is the root of blah blah blah. all limited, compressed and complicated

no comment

It is possible to buy 6 stones without external peculiarities. the composition as a set: old logic, intellect, calculation and planning

I write everything wrong in English and German, but I can earn 60,000 euros a month on an international level with work, you sub-human in neoliberalism and capitalism

aryan race in iran was always idiotic subhuman, IQ 50-75. i can prove it with gene archaeology

wien ist abschaum müll untermensch mit koloboration wehrmachtjude, abschaum abschaum untermensch, abschaum niedere wesen, abschaum gene herkunft...... wo ist das recht? wer gibt euch das recht? du hurenkind untermensch?

finding citizens, testing, researching their genes, for finance business and real estate projects is the bastard breed vienna speciality

this world doesn't need a UN, amnesty international or human rights watch, or SG1. that's billions spent for nothing. today the world needs an ancient gene from atlantis with a shuttle that sees the world as a toilet and sprays detergent from above onto this dirty toilet

Samstag, 25. Juni 2022

political activism

my paltalk discussions and rooms were idea, way out, anti dictatorship, theory, economics, geopolitics, and construction, battle strategy, tactics, organizing, something new, new voice. until now this terror has not been carried out with anyone, against any political activist

new voice is something that UNO CIA America and EU parliament don't want because of gene mafia and networks in iran, racial annihilation

and this water pitcher is the reason for global mass murder, especially in EU area

scum iranian helped vienna to collect a hundred million consumers because of my person and family. one side to glorify mass murder for 40 years, secondly to help austrian gene mafia with second vmat2 genocide

in 2002 children were born, today there are 20 and they say: our parents are cool action. garbage produktion in our world. inferrior bastards, dirty meat and blood

du scheißdreck herkunft du bad gene

i've been living in vienna since 1986 without a police record, criminal record or court record. i can remember 2004-2005 ebay forum was occupied by 1200-1800 euro employees and civil servants with iranian: don't buy anything the jew is a thief. that's what unnecessary useless animals say,
who are worth nothing and only produce rubbish as children, and these children should become house owners through the jew

do you want to steal rana's things because of genetic and ethnic origin you animal? or diminish it and smash the price like some primitive european crap!?