Sonntag, 26. Juni 2022

this is gipsy ali gharib and hussein gharib tribe with an american, born in austria but american. This hospital is CIA American and Austrian

azerbaijan should understand, we live since 1986 until today without police and criminal files, killing innocent people in europe means your dead, vmat2 racial cleansing. is there no austrian hospital in oroumie?

Iranian regime kills masses with UN and Vienna support. see this case in a democracy and rule of law because of gene dna vmat of my mother and sister

judge vmat2 doesn't see himself and his family only as victims, but a whole country, for 40 years, so it's better that your whole race disappears from this world, ya emam zaman and his power

I'm a very rare vmat type, active as a dealer at the age of 23. At 23, I was responsible for buying antique carpets for my mother. as an expert

deer goat sheep horse camel cow and bull are cyrus the great tribal characters. Deer vmat2 is a very rare type vmat

baal is a historic event with rahim and azadeh, hence the hundreds of millions of business murder show globally, with vmat families

i was a political activist against genocide in iran, from 2002. because i am purely human

earning money through the private life of human means murder and death, UNO is dictatorship, world-wide dictatorship

adolf killed 6 million vmat2 and millions of others, because of evolutionary fury, and pure human. vmat is pure human, already at birth and later with physical structure

performance means: driving force, driving force is connected with spirituality strong in body or weak. heinrich students want to erase everything, switch off genes and close brain pathways.

this vaccination is performance limitation, the stasi system against my family and my person too, stasi psychological warfare, international performance limitation

nationalismus hat die hure mit corona impfung gezeigt, das ist für euch alle gesund sagte die ärztin, das ist österreichische nationalismus: geimpft ist mensch, ungeimpft kein mensch. ab heute und in die zukunft

seit wann ist a perser a tschusch du huankind!? du scheißdreck ötzi du bastard drecksau. seit laborberichte sagen perser sind juden oder was? du scheiß huanweib ärztin, du drecksau, abschaum tier österreicherin, du scheiß abfall gene du huAnnazi

kranke wiener ärzte, kranke wiener nazi ärzte seit 2002, kranke heinrich gross schüler bastarde, kranke abschaum ärzte in spitäler, bastard drecksau rasse du arzt und ärztin drecksau mörder rasse, huankind abschaum pisse, du scheiß blut und fleisch österreicher, bastard hekunft, du scheiß wiener arzt und ärztin

Viennese doctors and academics, gene researchers are a sack full of trouble for the world, again. vmat2 mass murder plan supported by international gene mafia. Germany EU America Turkey Iran. austria doctor 1945

i am iran and my prosperity was taken away like iran 1979, these inferior bastard austrians, inferior responsible for two mass murders, inferior scum monkeys, stalker killer monkeys genes

seit wann ist a perser a tschusch du huankind!? du scheißdreck ötzi du bastard drecksau. seit laborberichte sagen perser sind juden oder was? du hurrrrrrnkind drecksau affe, du evolution bastardkind

this is sick austria: your blood test says that you are a jew, trading is forbidden for jews. that's what our hospitals say too. You dirty rubbish flesh and blood Austrians

I am iranian jews DNA. hidde jews before laboratory test in austria.. death to america, death to israel, fuck dirty austria

i was prosperous, iran was prosperous too, i swear to you the slogan death to america, death to israel and austria europe will not end in iran after the regime, i will prove what you did with ayatullah's 40 years, strategically, politically, genetically and economically , and the environment. you washed up to a trillion white, 40 years

in any case, i bought it today, it's the language: golestan, saadi, beh beh beh chokh gözal, yashasin who said: anyone who wants, he can. obama also said yes we can, really?

Do you understand? these amiris are charlatans, thieves, looters and murderers, without intellectual vision on any subject or branch. with fake titles. backed by more scum than 1932: UNO. with gene laboratories

the disease of 10,000 austrian society is a dirty genes, scum genes. killer genes. the children are worse than the mothers

بابا ایول

به جانِ خواجه و حقِ قدیم و عهدِ درست

که مونسِ دمِ صبحم، دعای دولت توست

سرشک من که ز طوفان نوح دست بَرَد

ز لوح سینه نیارَست نقشِ مهرِ تو شُست

بکن معامله‌ای، وین دل شکسته بخر

که با شکستگی ارزد به صد هزار درست

زبان مور به آصف دراز گشت و رواست

که خواجه خاتَمِ جم، یاوه کرد و باز نَجُست

دلا طمع مَبر از لطف بی‌نهایت دوست

چو لاف عشق زدی سر بباز، چابک و چُست

به صدق کوش، که خورشید زایَد از نَفَسَت

که از دروغ سیه روی گشت صبحِ نخست

شدم ز دست تو شیدای کوه و دشت و هنوز

نمی‌کنی به ترحم، نِطاق سلسله سست

مرنج حافظ و از دلبران حِفاظ مجوی

گناه باغ چه باشد چو این گیاه نَرُست

حاجی بیام تهران؟ این چی میگه آخه

اسماعیل آذر معتقد است که بسیاری از ابیات حافظ ترجمه قرآن کریم است. به گفته او، بزرگترین ویژگی دیوان حافظ این است که در محضر خداست و مبتنی بر فطرت

i have no money but i bought two stones.

a promise as a child.

here was 2002, one hundred and sixty m2, with 50,000 euros of furniture and a grand piano for rana for 12,000 euros. that was not shown. this action with break-ins and stasi system started in 1998

rana came here when she was 4 years old and the viennese say we are not racial madness, only refugees who came to austria in 2015 have more rights

wiener scheißdreck ärzte, krankenschwester, polizei, millitär, geheimdienste, beamte, richter, politiker sind in rassenwahn, DNA test werden heimlich durchgefüht wegen rassenwahn, affe gegen mensch, affe gegen mensch

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

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