Montag, 27. Juni 2022

the trumpet is: the UN should respect human rights, it has become a killer with vienna: how do we eliminate vmat2 stasi victims!? we as perpetrators are damaged, our reputation is ruined, we need a lot of compensation

that's the problem, what do we do? we expected the mouth to be a whore and a sucker, it has become a trombone

werner ist a mensch mit michi und gusi, franzi a no. lustig sand ma mit seine mutter und schwester, lustig sand ma

Find a Way to My Heart, Phil Collins. it's my job

Time may come, and time may go, I know
If you should call out for me, I'll go
But you know, there is a code to be broken
I wrap it around
Without a word being spoken
Without a sound

fake human fake standard, you fake bastard

i believe in jesus as a person and also emam ali, but bible and quran is not my weapon against darkforce but melchior's magic and that is not written in bible, his magic is science against aliens

The stones are better than painting, what you've been observing from me since 2019. me as a sensation, you poor inferior bastard that calls itself the master race. IQ 85 can also study, like amiris. 1200_2200 salary, like you.

آقا یکی یه آهنگ از سوزان روشن پخش کنه تو چت روم ها، برمیگردم خارکوسده ها

the austrians live according to this order: whoever is genetically superior to us is inferior, whoever is genetically equal or underdeveloped a human

I've been writing for 5 years that SPÖ michi and the gene mafia, jews, ayatullahs, judges and UN want to kill me with doctors, vienna sits and doesn't move, vienna is inferior!?

jeroboams idol schaf. tablet kamera, kein geld für ausrüstung, wegen minderwertige wiener

the austrians live according to this order: whoever is genetically superior to us is inferior, whoever is genetically equal or underdeveloped a human

our power is real, your power two: place for djinns and birds. for torture murder and cheap intrique

therfore: isch nur teppische und antike sache, isch nur kazak und ushak mit bruder in bazar, was du wollen!? photo azadeh amiri 2009

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

the austrians live according to this order: whoever is genetically superior to us is inferior, whoever is genetically equal or underdeveloped a human

LOL, 18. February 2022.

if i had died in hospital in 2006 because of a tumor in the lower leg of my left foot, 14 million would have died in iran to date. the healing was faith.
I was only given painkillers. with wrong AKH diagnosis: unknown exotic virus

i hear everyday UNO crazy demons:, unbelievable, unbelievable, we are nazis, unbelievable we earned money unbelievable, we are not, we were not unbelievable he is sick, he is ancient paranoia, he is dangerous, unbelievable

WOLF MESSING gene. stone and crystal

there is no telepathy against humans, there is a protective shield and listening system against djinns and anunnakis, demonic voices and their plans. vmat2 and schitzpherenia gene is an ancient engineered biological weapon against aliens. like wolf messing

after the ruin of 3 shops, 3 people live in 45 m2 apartments so that the unemployed and civil servants can buy houses and apartments, so no frankfurter and black bread like in 1932, but real estate. isn't that fascism?

we are victims of vmat2 fascism, what journalists write is about jews and crimes against jews. zionism news press. it was about vmat brain and body function to this day with nazi doctors. psychological war SPÖ and vmat2

this is a ceramic art for incense sticks, the idea: ahrimanic anunnaki intrigue recognition, i have never seen such writing and stamps. nice one

they've known my discussions since 2003, main topic: americans are naughty boys, europe the whores and son of the bitches. this is how the discussions about geopolitics, economy and world politics usually started

as a pilot, i would have liked to have had american pilots in front of me. but only under a shah, a king. the pahlavis were to be replaced by bakhtiari tribes in 1975. that would be a brilliant move

i live in illegality and corruption, actually america does what it wants with this situation and ayatullah society, like 9/11: we can touch international database because of 20 years of cyberterror with rahim

austrian science has to answer if we are all of the same origin why did they murder 1.5 million children and had tens of thousands of brains taken out

uzbekistan tajikistan were first too, and the jew says no, it's us alone, hee oah, huh, booh, huh, the sole of the shoe is broken, walk like a pendulum on the street

In 1945 it was important that before these whores and their children were killed, all the organs were taken out of their stomachs with a knife, so that national socialism was not right and would be right again, and would stop forever