Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2022

I'm a victim of terror and the Stasi, and I'm still under psychological torture to this day, what people say is: terrorism and the Stasi system in our cell phones has nothing to do with your life and job, career, starting a family, choosing your living space. also the nonstop cameras

angle and light

fucking european assholes, evolution crazy bastards

خلاصه فرهاد، حوز نقاشی

brain database, sociobiology and happiness. Stasi contract fun.

you know: the greatest shame in austria/germany was not hundreds of thousands of corpses, but the labor camps and prisons of stalin. today europe says, also european international judges: these aryan and indo-aryan families are to be killed, corpses are not a disgrace, but imprisonment

this family has earned money through the most serious human rights violations, today they are considering how they and viennese judges can kill the victims after 20 years of stasi cameras, and the people are protesting because of the source language and literature

cosmos and cosmokh

takes a grail, two silver balls and a crystal ball, rotates it 26 times in the name of moses, with the left hand photographs it while rotating, through the cosmic power, cosmos, the nerve tracts become free over time

heinrich and iran

active fascism kills in iran for israel america europe science brains, even as children iranians are confronted with neurotoxins and food pollution. Look at the drug scene, 20 million people are addicted to drugs because they want to unlock their brains in some absurd way. you know who you are, but the brain is artificially calcified, the nerve tracts are damaged and information cells are placed at a greater distance

a österreicher soil sich das so vurstell'n: a niemand woarst 1920 bis 1945, und hait mit arische gelaber bist no weniger, wo sind die nobelpreiträger seit 80 jahren!? die juden haben 180

monkey evolution brain, we have a hidden energy. magic and phenomenon.the conversion to propulsion system for warp factor doesn't even know holywood SG1

i was legal, my job and career was ruined internationally with the help of amnesty and UN staff. Jew boycott even at Sotheby's and Christie's. if that's the case, then i have 16 jobs and 38 projects, boycott it

i don't buy this calcite, i know about propulsion system, buy it for research and editing. LOL

Dienstag, 28. Juni 2022

animal brain: we earn money illegally and kill race. we need houses and condominiums because we don't have any potential


this is the human brain, from 1938 to 1945 the nazis examined 10,000 brains and have stored them in the basement to this day: what is a human brain? why don't we have that

he is shopping for his sister we are not allowed to distribute donations correctly

this active fascism has also reached basement fascism in the church, all church organizations like carla and caritas are in the stasi murder system. there is no evidence, judges in vienna can unofficially sentence the family to death, these are iranian elami jews

fuck your mother viennese judges

hey austro nazi: gabuuuuuuun

this nuclear reactor in gabon also dated 2 billion years ago, is the reason for traumatized aliens: why did iran have reactors, you already destroyed us then, and we are spirits in the air

i can prove it better: cyrus the great was jew, with roots in europe, i can prove his roots from before the ice age period. this page is just a guide. were there jews before the ice age!?

we have active fascism in iran, and basement fascism in austria, what austria cannot do for 80 years makes it iran for final solution, racial cleansing and VMAT2 annihilation worldwide, with iranian romano race army, balkan gypsies iran

the judges mafia europe want to kill me because of this one gene, because they can't cope with the production of children: messiah delusion with ayatullahs and international satanism

I'm just talking to this stone, my sister grew up innocently here, what's with these animals!? why is everything maintained vertically dirty?

Charlie Chaplin as dictator

in vorarlberg there is a rock-shaped stone, i touched it once to feel what signals it sends to multiversum, i saw that: shamanism was more pronounced here than in vienna. the stone circles and stone constellations science. I saw my second self:
a dictator and tyrant to love

fragen sie die katholische kirche: wo sind die artefakte aus österreich versteckt!? die kirche sagt: tiroler und voralberger sind schlimmer als wiener hoit di gosch'n

Credit...Julien Mignot for The New York Times

london fascism is dirtier than austro fascism as far as great persia is concerned, bastards have had a tradition since the 16th century: builds up gypsy clans and diminishes native race. 600 years of war in iran, tribal wars because of london vienna berlin paris brussels, rome. to this day: builds up shams, amiris, gharibs and other gypsies with black capital, with race and vmat2 trade, and kills native race in vienna. email 2010

austrofascism wants to condemn me as a victim, terror and stasi victim, fascism victim because of race and vmat2. instead of being unemployed and arrested. the viennese judges collective

illegally showing the sex life of antiques dealers, politicians and political activists is fascism. 5 minutes is terrorism, 18 years constancy and non-stop austrofascism