Freitag, 1. Juli 2022

my tablet editing, 2019, hieronymus bosch painting, special rare vmat characters, jesus tribe

anyone who secretly finds genes in laboratories and spreads secret data in network society has only mass murder in mind

the austrian government, the state officials, human rights organizations, journalists, the military say unanimously: because of these genes we do not accept any regional citizenship laws, no international laws and no recognition of this race as full citizens and human beings

آقا یکی از شاعر سوال کرد، برای چی مینویسی!؟ گفت دختر همسایه خبر میفرسته مرحمت عشق بکن، بیا از نقطه جی مارو دمر کن، گفت یعنی چی!؟ گفت سواد یعنی این بچه مزلف

به خدا قسم

روی همگان چونکه به محراب ریا بود

من پشت برین روی و ریا کردم و رفتم

پای دلم از هر هوسی سلسله ای داشت

از پای دل آن سلسله وا کردم و رفتم

yesterday's problem is today's problem: this race makes us bedbekht bichareh, bedbekht bichareh haaa, dey dadam way, we also study but they make us bedbekht bichareh

before 1500 with roman intrigue and aryan gypsy society, iran became a whore and pimp state, with aryan race society. islam was a fist in the muzzle of ahrimanism

خلاصه امام علی و امام حسین و فاطمه زهرا و زینب و بقیه اومدن و سرمایه شرم آور سیاه رو دیدند

ربنا و اتنا ما وعدتنا على رسلک و لا تخزنا یوم القیامة انک لا تخلف المیعاد

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2022

خلاصه خاتون، عکس: خانه ای ما، نقش، : چوب ازجنگل و سنگ از دریاچه،

بله سینمای ایران هم از ما سریال خاتون درست کرده، من که ندیدم، اسمش کافی بود، خاتون، از کون تا ابد واسه ما بتکون، مارو ببر سر جنون، تیکه پاره کن مارو تا نصف جون، خوار مادر مارو بکن تو کون. مادر قحبه ها، سریالی که از اسمش معلوم الحال است برای چی درست میکنی

iranian leftists, revolutionary socialist workers, 42 left parties know jazz_man_ (armed defense philosophy and strategy) since 2002. since 2003 iranian leftists are in american, israeli european stasi black finance system. vmat2 trade. babak, kaveh, mazdak, ardeshir, cyrus, daraeus trade, and despise nationalism

gene terror anti vmat campaign has one difference to political activist terror: it affects the world and all continents. these are the police, secret service and military networks.

many iranian perpetrators are HIV positive police and the networks have portrayed me as HIV positive all over the world and so to make me inferior. after 36 negative tests

Isn't it? vmat2 in the quarry, the country doesn't need these stones, mine. secret camera action stasi system against vmar brings hundreds of millions, who needs stones

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

gene terror anti vmat campaign has one difference to political activist terror: it affects the world and all continents. these are the police intelligence and military networks.

this country installed secret cameras in my shop, with the argument and glorification: we are human! I ask you today: since when are you human? are you human today? are you human? with this action you superhuman

آزاده این یعنی منم!؟

آقا سال 2020 دیدیم داریم بدجور پیر میشیم، به ما نمیاد

this country installed secret cameras in my shop, with the argument and glorification: we are human! I ask you today: since when are you human? are you human today? are you human? with this action you superhuman

abstract composition for edit is is transmitter and receiver. Apart from 70,000 cameras, I need around 200,000 euros to assemble measuring devices for a set. die with envy

the whole manipulative system turns the whole country into an envy society: why do you oriental people have these genes and dna and we don't, since 1998 journalists politicians, judges police, secret services, leftists and greens have been working on this society, they are connected and we are not, we torture the race as in iran

Viennese judges can be sure that abdullah will take care of everything for me. what do you want to prove? this abdullah is a terrorist!?

NS repeat is a tango of death, alien spirits vs prophet tribes and race, vmat human

organizationally, the leftists have a contract and task with the SPÖ: vmat2 is to be robbed and looted. the only function: NS repeat with vmat2

ayatollahs killed tens of thousands in 40 years and millions with the destruction of resources, and vienna joins in: kill vmat2 families in europe and america with us

who makes secret blood tests has secret murderers society, the only thing: austria has not been able to persuade all iranians to silently murder the innocent, not even with millions

the viennese want to execute me and my family so that they say: we are not criminals, the russians are criminals, read the newspaper

I ask the Viennese newspaper Standard what is my execution in Vienna!? elite children, judges, police, secret services with Hezbollah and ayatullahs!? next to israeli and jews. stasi system until death in hospital by nazi doctors!?

donkey head dragon

the iranians, or let's say the new iranians are all organized, political and the tribes have built 42 left parties, apart from national front and pan iranists and MEK. the intrigue of the 1968 intelligenzia was: these deceptive maneuvers instead of a pahlavi monarchy, we are building a facade for god gene iran. actually it is the form of government posted below, but this form of government is faked. 40 years was a "touchstone"
right at the beginning was the plan: with martyrs families, families of a million dead iran iraq war we build a dragon. donkey head dragon

it is precisely the reason why we are excluded from politics: a theorist who recognizes politics as antiques patina is undesirable., why do you recognize the century through partina? you asshole, why do you see layer by layer!? dirty asshole