Samstag, 2. Juli 2022

understand, shahin najafi also says no to the islamic government of iran, i also say no, the difference is: i always said from 2003: the train of armed struggle and overthrow of the regime should leave kurdistan, with stops at ahwaz, khuzestan lursitan, gilan , Beluchistan and Azerbaijan, against Ajnbais and Ahrimanic forces and immigrants in Tehran

Viennese are murderers, unanimous and solidary when it comes to genes and race, god genes. it's a tradition, today with ayatullahs hezbollah and new iranians

there was no magic and spells or hocus-pocus in this business, but serious career planning. anyone who carries out secret gene tests is planning mass murder and national socialism with stasi financial system

plato knew the gherkins from iran, after ahrimanic intrigues

Theurgy, from the Greek theourgia means literally something like "actuating the divine" and refers to actions that induce or bring about the presence of a divine or supernatural being, whether in an artifact or a person. It was a practice closely related to magic - not least in its ritual use of material things, sacrifices, and verbal formulas to effect the believer's fellowship with the god, demon or departed spirit. It is distinguished from ordinary magical practices less by its techniques than by its aim, which was religious (union with the divine) rather than secular. use of the term theourgia as well as of the related theourgos, referring to a practioner of the art - arose in the second century CE in Hellenistic circles closely associated with the birth of Neoplatonism. The practice was commended and followed, in the third and later centuries, by certain Neolatonist philosophers and their disciples.[27]

it is iranian nationalism and primordial native race that know how to call emam zaman: the phone

the fight for freedom needs political leaders, officers and soldiers. cia mossad mi6 support only carrots and strawberries, radishes and watermelons, militant nationalism is made into pickles and condemned

the iranian regime is killing innocent people right now at this minute and second, and it's iranians like huschang and double citizens and austrian who call regime opponents crazy, for CIA AND NSA MOSSAD

houchang allahyari is an iranian psychologist and filmmaker, and has been living in vienna for 40 years, stasi psychologist against opponents of the regime with linkswende organisation. stasi psychologist austria iran, hussein und ali gharib terrorist partner

we are in solidarity with iran and iranian embassy is a shitty austrian statement, writes in media we torture vmat2 and iranian native race together with ayatullahs and iran fucks you

my race and my smoke with eagle to compare to this stone

it was not necessary for me to buy this stone from etsy since there is no programming inside, only external charging

this severe austrian anti vmat2 psychopathy is: with the islamic government of iran, with ali and hussein gharib, amiri and shams tribes we have good chances for final victory. final victory is vmat2 annihilation and no israel annihilation. no israel helps, for final victory

Freitag, 1. Juli 2022

in vienna alone there are hundreds of millions of stones with the vmat2 sign lying around, and vienna still says we killed because of the jewish religion

1.5 million children were warm vmat2 jews, harmful to the state of israel and zionism, capital cannibalism.for simone dinah hartmann

today's viennese and german women are focused on vmat children and families iran, the only difference: jew "vmat2" selection happens in laboratories and hospitals, children and women and girls.

80% of iranians in vienna don't have the ass to read books for a day, to learn something, something that allows them to earn money, my achievement was 300 books on art history and 400 catalogues. we are poor people and need money in the welfare state is just an excuse, it's fascism and genocide. 0815 people

the new world order, bilderberg, freemasonry, zionism.....

do you understand?: cold jews introduced scarcity, "economic crisis" so that warm jews all die, because of chocolate, meat and coffee. today you can't get a decent apartment in vienna for less than 400,000 euros, with an average salary of 1800 euros. LOL

there were situations during the second world war, some looked like animals at sausage, chocolate and coffee and today at real estate houses and apartments. vmat2 called jude was destroyed in millions for it

all three organizations UNO, amnesty international and zara are watching: the viennese have been earning money with us for decades through this god gene family, how does vienna want to kill three innocent people for us, for our sacred real estate

that's plastic too and the police, and judges want to steal it with finesse

austria is dangerous psychopathy with lots of money, it has deep hate against luri elami god genes. a gene that is present on all continents. it proves his hatred towards mother and daughter for 20 years

since 2008 this piece has been a souvenir from mexico, confirmed by 3 museums and sotheby's

go fuck that is native persian inventions and systems not aryan. tesla was a croat with persian roots

understand i will never work for animals and mass murderers. what these politicians and animals imagined: based on the mauthausen model and area 51: kill some people so that we can oblige you to forced labor for 40 years

the austrian government, the state officials, human rights organizations, journalists, the military say unanimously: because of these genes we do not accept any regional citizenship laws, no international laws and no recognition of this race as full citizens and human beings

persian uterus has a line of defense for all scum and blocks everything, melchior balthaser and casper just couldn't do one thing: the bald head gene blockade. fuck ahrimanism

photo today, i'm eating cherries, i spit the seeds on nazis, that's the soft fight

the million-dollar business: azadeh should stay until he's 50 years old, until he doesn't find a wife and doesn't have any children. secret insulin should do everything else with the liver, kidneys, heart and veins, he will get diabetes and die.

elami/luri vmat2 is older than azeri and all others. related to american native tribes