Sonntag, 3. Juli 2022

والا بخدا، همینه حاجی

در بهرام یشت همچنین اهورامزدا در روش باطل کردن افسون و جادو به زرتشت بهره جستن از پر مرغ وارغن را پیشنهاد کرده است : «اهورا مزدا به پاسخ گفت : پری از وارغن بزرگ شهپر بجوی و بر تن خود بمال و بدان [جادوی] دشمن را ناچیز گردان.» (اوستا ، بهرام یشت ، بند 35 ، کرده چهاردهم)

حاجی استخوان سیمرغ داری؟ یا سنگ پا قزوین؟ یعنی همون علی قزوینی

«آنکس که استخوان یا پری از این مرغ دلیر با خود داشته باشد ، هیچ مرد توانایی او را از جای بدر نتواند برد.چه آن پر مرغ مرغان بزرگواری و فر بسیار بدان کس خواهد بخشید و او را پناه خواهد داد.» (اوستا ، بهرام یشت ، بند 36 ، کرده چهاردهم )

transmitter and receiver potential. bariwood action and movie

yesterday i bought this stone at the naschmarkt flea market for 3 euros, the dealer actually asked for 5 euros. in any case, the thousand and one night stories bookbands, the stone information data upload is nobody's business. 14 tapes

Azadeh Amiri was always an extraterrestrial spirit called Jezebel, who as a cleaning lady "concubine" manipulated society with a lot of work, against God gene, today as an accomplice to murder with Viennese judges and police, politicians, SPÖ

that was never human and will never be human

this society is anti-human, it kills human beings and presents itself as human beings in church institutes, human rights organizations and hospitals, and as social workers, judges, public prosecutors

Austria has 400,000 multi-millionaires and a vmat2 with antiques business and evolution says: that's unfair how much money he earns. a national socialism that does not appeal to any religion, but to the genes

that was my business in 2003, then as now, not a single iranian was on the same level as me, independent, self-reliant, and productive. what the state, austrian society with israel and america, ayatullahs established: ruin and kill vmat2 for equality, prosperity, brotherhood and justice

vmat man has no chance without nationalism and socialism, networks society. insofar as that apart from rich children, the families, capital, fascism, the political elite and zionism, there are 500 to 1000 doctors in every hospitals in europe, america, iran, with the basic idea: evolution is equality, brotherhood, freedom, vmat should die out

isn't that an old enmity!?

dark force power

the iranians today, like mohammad reza pahlavi, are confronted with forces that actually still say today: we support neoliberal and conservative movements and condemn iranian nationalism, communism and socialism. these forces are on all continents in all capitals, and the states say: we don't interfere in internal iranian politics

my flesh and blood is salvation was an insult like today, that's why some asshole said: 20% his truth and 80 percent our truth is salvation

Samstag, 2. Juli 2022

well, apparently there is a reason for all incidents:it evolved and is ready for crossing

today i saw a broken wooden branch in the room, i found it 2 years ago near american embassy. catch Me If You Can. tablet photo raw

er birangt uns oaffe net woahr, er briangt uns oaffe der michi, damit wir zag'n wer wir sand, wir zag'n des wir zag'n des, des hot a recht wos wir sand, wir zag'n es sho, zag'n es sho.......... die schoamhoaar voin mai eier keönnst erwischen du affe, du pavian, blond a no dazu

that hasn't changed to this day: go to fuck, i choose you so that i become somebody. the police and the politicians today

melden sie sich bei mir und schauen sie zu wie es endet, sie arschloch

دولت خارکوسده هم با سباستیان هر چی دم دستش بوده کرده تو کون ما واسه این یه چشم

والا، 20 سال کیر میخوره بعد میگه خوب بیا جدات کردم، حالا بیا خونت رو بخورم. مردم دختر دارن، کله پدر جاکش هرچی اهریمنی@

politics starts in small frames: rana is jew my mother elami is jew, i am a trader and zionist, Nasser farahani genetic wehrmacht jew with his brothers and sister, the relatives with afsar and afsaneh half gypsy, we have a good chance for separatism and finance project

we were already in austria switzerland germany, bosnia together in prehistory. today is darkforce's agenda: address federalism first, then inject separatism and pull it up, and then break up all the tribes

understand, shahin najafi also says no to the islamic government of iran, i also say no, the difference is: i always said from 2003: the train of armed struggle and overthrow of the regime should leave kurdistan, with stops at ahwaz, khuzestan lursitan, gilan , Beluchistan and Azerbaijan, against Ajnbais and Ahrimanic forces and immigrants in Tehran

Viennese are murderers, unanimous and solidary when it comes to genes and race, god genes. it's a tradition, today with ayatullahs hezbollah and new iranians

there was no magic and spells or hocus-pocus in this business, but serious career planning. anyone who carries out secret gene tests is planning mass murder and national socialism with stasi financial system

plato knew the gherkins from iran, after ahrimanic intrigues

Theurgy, from the Greek theourgia means literally something like "actuating the divine" and refers to actions that induce or bring about the presence of a divine or supernatural being, whether in an artifact or a person. It was a practice closely related to magic - not least in its ritual use of material things, sacrifices, and verbal formulas to effect the believer's fellowship with the god, demon or departed spirit. It is distinguished from ordinary magical practices less by its techniques than by its aim, which was religious (union with the divine) rather than secular. use of the term theourgia as well as of the related theourgos, referring to a practioner of the art - arose in the second century CE in Hellenistic circles closely associated with the birth of Neoplatonism. The practice was commended and followed, in the third and later centuries, by certain Neolatonist philosophers and their disciples.[27]

it is iranian nationalism and primordial native race that know how to call emam zaman: the phone

the fight for freedom needs political leaders, officers and soldiers. cia mossad mi6 support only carrots and strawberries, radishes and watermelons, militant nationalism is made into pickles and condemned

the iranian regime is killing innocent people right now at this minute and second, and it's iranians like huschang and double citizens and austrian who call regime opponents crazy, for CIA AND NSA MOSSAD

houchang allahyari is an iranian psychologist and filmmaker, and has been living in vienna for 40 years, stasi psychologist against opponents of the regime with linkswende organisation. stasi psychologist austria iran, hussein und ali gharib terrorist partner